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Featured 5 Rounds of Failed Talks & Indian Army Prepares for Long Haul: The Implications

Trust me, don't
But this is the best choice for the United States, causing war in South Asia and causing long-term chaos.

Fighting in East Asia and the South China Sea is quite detrimental to the Americans.Americans face serious supply problems, but China has no problems at all.
If the battlefield moves to South Asia, China's supplies will also be a problem. Moreover, once a large population of South Asia enters chaos, it will be more difficult to restore peace than the Middle East.
Chaos can hit Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Central Asia at the same time. At that time, both the EU and Russia must join this chaos.
This is more conducive for Americans to profit from chaos. When the environment around China deteriorates, the possibility of impacting American power will be greatly reduced.
2) Pakistan side deploy artillery and rockets (GPS guided) and start random border shots, and target their posts.

Note: Do not hold back as we aren't at the risk of losing Muslim life in this particular region once we strike.

Since we already exchange artillery fire on a regular basis, this may be an option.

Slight correction, there will be no loss of civilian life; not just muslim, the closest villages to the ladak border are 10 of miles away. The only issue will be to get a good angle for artillery since the mountains are tall and close togehter.
Assuming no 'hot war scenario', If PLA decides to stay forever, it will make sure that IA also ante-up on the required infrastructure for LAC. Consequently, it would mean that IA will also stay there forever, digging deep and securing the LAC till Siachen! How would it affect Pakistan in-terms of Siachen dispute?

It will not affect Pakistan; full control of Siachen is in Indian hands, and strengthening the Indian Army and Air Force presence makes any attempt at disturbing the balance all the more unlikely.
Considering the current situation, for IA, LAC turns into another LOC-oriented dispute which will require India to move troops & equipment from LOC to LAC, how can PA take leverage from this situation at LOC?

With regret, nothing will change on the LOC. Reinforcing Indian forces on the LAC means at most one division - that's 3% of the Indian Army divisions.

You may, or may not, be aware that the LOC is handled by the XV Corps, the LAC is handled by the XIV Corps; both are independent, both are full-fledged Army Corps. There MAY be a diversion of one division from XVI Corps, that has nothing to do with either the LOC or the LAC, but is positioned immediately to the south of XV Corps.

It is not clear which dimwit started the fairy-tale of tension on the LAC affecting troop deployment on the LOC, unless it is some dimwit dependent on Indian media to do the thinking for him.
India hardly has the money or the construction capability to up the ante on LAC infrastructure ... I believe one of their roads in Ladakh took well over a decade to complete.

As an exercise to while away your idle hours, you might like to trace the road on the maps. It wasn't exactly a week-long job, and the concerned organisation was restrained by policy from building roads next to the border until 2014. So this is from 2014 onwards, and a large number of roads have been finished, and an even larger number initiated.

So sorry to disappoint you and dispel the rosy future of your day-dreams.
India hardly has the money or the construction capability to up the ante on LAC infrastructure ... I believe one of their roads in Ladakh took well over a decade to complete. Besides, doing so would only give the Chinese another reason to increase their own infrastructure build up and we all know how adept Chinese infrastructure capabilities are. A build up on the LAC is something India can ill afford. It would be like a Model T trying to compete with a modern race car lol given the sad state of India's construction/logistics department.
It will mean another decade of openly defecating in the fields for a large section of the Indian population.
Besides, doing so would only give the Chinese another reason to increase their own infrastructure build up and we all know how adept Chinese infrastructure capabilities are.


How many roads in the waste-land will the PLA build? And why?

Just think about it.
we all know how adept Chinese infrastructure capabilities are. A build up on the LAC is something India can ill afford. It would be like a Model T trying to compete with a modern race car lol given the sad state of India's construction/logistics department

I hope there are more like you in the leadership echelons of the PLA. It is most reassuring to read your posts.
They are under the impression Pakistan is contained with what they have at the moment, and realistically their's not much reinforcement they can do in the region they already have a 1M+ military station their.

Since when did one Army Corps constitute one million people? It is a matter of deep regret that the Pakistani military leadership no longer has people thinking like this in their senior ranks.
India however could put armor at the border

Armour at the border?

Which border? the LOC? at Haji Pir Pass? at Kargil? Turtuk perhaps?

What would the armour do? Balance uneasily on a rock each? Have you seen the width of the roads in these two stretches?
if they face a Chinese 1M+ Army,

Of course, the PLA has nothing else to do but take part in these fantasy war games. They will walk away from the Taiwan-facing coast, they will leave Xinjiang and re-position themselves in Xijang, and breathe heavily down the IA's neck in east Ladakh and in the Chumbi Valley.


This has to be one of the threads with the richest content yet.
They'll tie kashmiri kids to their vehicles as shields like they already are.

What has that got to do with my questions?

If you don't know the answers, don't post. Try not to demonstrate the sterility of your thinking with these snide ones. No wonder you picked the id you did; at least two-thirds of it fits your posts. :D

Seriously, please don't comment unless you have something sensible to say. This is not a silly game where you get points for every post you make, no matter how jejune the content.
Indian army is under extreme pressure around Kashmir, they could buckle anytime and Kashmir could become free. The Kashmiri resistance is strong, the Chinese have taken large swathes of land and closer to Srinagar, Pakistan hasn't moved an inch and PA has consolidated the LOC and Indian army roars have become kitten Meows. If Bangladesh plays it's rightful role then India will be a dead horse.

China's play was quite masterful and strategic and a pleasant surprise. In one smooth move they gave the Indians a bloody nose and caused them to whimper into submission. China despises Nazis and no doubt will crush them if the need arises. BJP has been quite an asset in creating mayhem they can't control. But then that has always been the history of the Hindus, happy with a woman and a bottle and a master above.

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