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12 TTP Terrorists Killed in Lakki Marwat, KPK

As if the external support for these elements had nothing to do with the military and police being inducted for operations in the first place...
Sure hence why extra judicial killing through hitman's should be encouraged

As long as they are in KP
No amount of killing will fix this issue, for as long as Afghans are in Pakistan, we need to create re-educational camps and put Pashtoons in them, they need to be re-educated and taught how to live in a civilized world, we have to start from KPK, than follow it in Balochistan/Interior Sindh and South Punjab, Terrorism is getting hold in these areas due to the violent nature of the people and their culture, killing 12 or 1200 TTP will not bring victory.
Sure hence why extra judicial killing through hitman's should be encouraged

As long as they are in KP
No, EJK have been used against MQM, dacoits in Sind/Punjab so give this ethnic card a break. Don't recall any of you crying over that.
Sure hence why extra judicial killing through hitman's should be encouraged

As long as they are in KP
You really think they care where extrajudicial killings take place?

I promise you if anyone threatened their power it doesn't matter what province or ethnicity, they would get killed.

Where was Arshad Sharif from? They went all the way to Kenya for him
You really think they care where extrajudicial killings take place?

I promise you if anyone threatened their power it doesn't matter what province or ethnicity, they would get killed.

Where was Arshad Sharif from? They went all the way to Kenya for him

EJKs have happened under every single "democratically elected" government including PTI's.

So let's not try to make it look like it's the "establishment". Local police actions result in EJKs all the time. The entire operation Clean-up in Karachi by Police, Rangers in BB's time and afterwards in NS' tenure had massive EJKs. Anti-dacoit operations by Sind Police, Punjab police have had hundreds of EJKs. Local anti-terrorism actions by KP government in the past 10 years have resulted in significant EJKs.

In ZAB's tenure, in Balochistan there were EJKs by the state's apparatus. The same applies for PTI's tenure.

Next door to us, in India, EJKs were used in the Indian Punjab and on an ongoing basis in IoK.

So why claim its done because it is a "threat to Est. power"? It is the unstated state policy. This is the case in Pakistan and in India and many other places including Mexico as an example.

For one simple reason, the courts and the judicial system does not work or does not work fast enough.

This is not to condone AS's death. That needs to be investigated and people brought to the book. However in general, let's not be simpletons and try to park this issue under establishment head.
EJKs have happened under every single "democratically elected" government including PTI's.

So let's not try to make it look like it's the "establishment". Local police actions result in EJKs all the time. The entire operation Clean-up in Karachi by Police, Rangers in BB's time and afterwards in NS' tenure had massive EJKs. Anti-dacoit operations by Sind Police, Punjab police have had hundreds of EJKs. Local anti-terrorism actions by KP government in the past 10 years have resulted in significant EJKs.

In ZAB's tenure, in Balochistan there were EJKs by the state's apparatus. The same applies for PTI's tenure.

Next door to us, in India, EJKs were used in the Indian Punjab and on an ongoing basis in IoK.

So why claim its done because it is a "threat to Est. power"? It is the unstated state policy. This is the case in Pakistan and in India and many other places including Mexico as an example.

For one simple reason, the courts and the judicial system does not work or does not work fast enough.

This is not to condone AS's death. That needs to be investigated and people brought to the book. However in general, let's not be simpletons and try to park this issue under establishment head.
There has been no democratic govt in Pakistan ever be it Ik Bhutto or benezair

All have been hopeless civilians servants

It's just an illusion to keep people in line
Well lets see, US use educational camps on Japanese, China is using them and to some extent certain EU countries are also doing to integrate the refugee's in to their culture, and look where these countries are and where Pakistan is, it sounds cruel or bad but you can not have peace until you put the entire population of Pastoons/Baloch/Sindhi/and parts of Punjabi into reductional camps where they should be taught to drop their culture/ethnic and tribal/Jirga system, violent behavior and prep them to be part of a civilized society, I see nothing wrong with that for as long as they are educated by one of their own, i am not saying let a Urdu speaker or Punjabi re-educate the Pathans.
I don’t think you even know what a reeducation camp is, take your time, look it up and then develop your opinions. Also, from your posts I assume you are from Urban Punjab’s upper middle/ upper class (might be wrong) and are low key hostile to every other ethnicity. Although I agree ALL OF US have alot of work to do but claiming that all have to conform to a certain sub-cultures ideas and ideals in wrong and is arguably borderline fascist.
No offence, since I mean it in the most respectful manner possible, you are a Pakistani Muslim living in the US, the literal bottom of the racial/ ethnic pecking order, now what will you do if some skinhead white suprematist tries to “re-educate”, you in his own image and how you’d respond. Now tell me why you think any minority in Pakistan would respond different to forced reeducation to someone else’s social/ political/ personal values. There’s are better and more effective ways to achieve what both of us agree needs to be done.
Its called mowing the grass...

When the weeds get long, you need to cull them. Same applies to counter-insurgency.

At one point, you have to tire out the insurgency with attrition afflicted upon it. Then only can they get back to talks. That is all the military is for. You cannot completely destroy insurgency, yet you can put military pressure to induce the other side to talks.
Why are you trying to mow the grass when you should be pulling out the roots???

There has been no democratic govt in Pakistan ever be it Ik Bhutto or benezair

All have been hopeless civilians servants

It's just an illusion to keep people in line
Where do we get a dictator from?

I don’t think you even know what a reeducation camp is, take your time, look it up and then develop your opinions. Also, from your posts I assume you are from Urban Punjab’s upper middle/ upper class (might be wrong) and are low key hostile to every other ethnicity. Although I agree ALL OF US have alot of work to do but claiming that all have to conform to a certain sub-cultures ideas and ideals in wrong and is arguably borderline fascist.
No offence, since I mean it in the most respectful manner possible, you are a Pakistani Muslim living in the US, the literal bottom of the racial/ ethnic pecking order, now what will you do if some skinhead white suprematist tries to “re-educate”, you in his own image and how you’d respond. Now tell me why you think any minority in Pakistan would respond different to forced reeducation to someone else’s social/ political/ personal values. There’s are better and more effective ways to achieve what both of us agree needs to be done.
You're wrong he is from Karachi and a Muhajir, and he is racist to all ethnicities in Pakistan because he says they are all uncivillised and backwards hence Pakistan being failed (some truth to it)

Pakistani are not on the bottom in America that is African Americans I would say
Why are you trying to mow the grass when you should be pulling out the roots???
Because we are trying to manage a situation which is supported by external players. If you want roots to be pulled then you either need to remove the external support or make peace with the external entities and make the ones with the guns happy. All easier said than done.
Equal opportunity will not fix anything, its a myth that was created to distract from the actual problem which the culture of the people, you can bring top companies, jobs , schools everything to these people they will still resort to violence, smuggling, and easily join Terrorist organizations like TTP/Taliban, There are Millions of poor Urdu speaking people, Biharis, and others how many blow themselves up ? most of terrorists comes from Pashtoons race, rest are comes from Baloch, Punjabi and some from Sindhi. When will Pakistan and its people realize that you need to put these people in educational centers, bring Educated Pashtoons from overseas who have completely stopped practicing their culture (Pashtoon/Tribal) than let them educate them by will or force, But only that can bring lasting peace in Pakistan. Killing TTP will not fix the issues, they have unlimited supply of foot soldiers and crazies who are willing to blow themselves up in markets/hospitals or etc.
you say say this borderline racist crap. but the bihari are in MQM are they not?
you say say this borderline racist crap. but the bihari are in MQM are they not?
Yes MQM has all races in them, have you ever seen a MQM worker blow themselves up in a market ? Just look at statistics of every suicide or mass shooting in Pakistan, Pashtoon/Baloch will be in the lead followed by Sindhis and Punjabis. You can call me Racists all you want but truth is for as long as these races are not put in educational camps, forced to drop their cultural practices and behavior, Jirga , panchaiyat , hathyar hamara zeewar BS, we won't have lasting peace.

America did it, China did it, EU to some extent are doing it so why can't we do it ?
I don’t think you even know what a reeducation camp is, take your time, look it up and then develop your opinions. Also, from your posts I assume you are from Urban Punjab’s upper middle/ upper class (might be wrong) and are low key hostile to every other ethnicity. Although I agree ALL OF US have alot of work to do but claiming that all have to conform to a certain sub-cultures ideas and ideals in wrong and is arguably borderline fascist.
No offence, since I mean it in the most respectful manner possible, you are a Pakistani Muslim living in the US, the literal bottom of the racial/ ethnic pecking order, now what will you do if some skinhead white suprematist tries to “re-educate”, you in his own image and how you’d respond. Now tell me why you think any minority in Pakistan would respond different to forced reeducation to someone else’s social/ political/ personal values. There’s are better and more effective ways to achieve what both of us agree needs to be done.
I am not a Punjabi, I am Urdu speaking, Pakistani's often call us Muhajir, Ghaddar , Indians etc :)
Now, I know what I wrote, and what Re-educational camps are, And trust me this is the only way to bring peace in Pakistan. No offense but the so called Sons of soil has destroyed Pakistan, every ethnic group in Pakistan is nothing but a mob, Tribal/Barbaric customs and life style, I am not asking to put people in jail but camps where they should be educated about civilized world, how to live like humans, bring educated Pashtoons from overseas who have no traces of Jahaliate in them and let them educate their fellow Pushtoons.

Now to your second point, I moved to US roughly 2 years ago, I lived 30 years of my life in Karachi/Pakistan, if Americans wants to put me in re-educational camps than I will leave the country and go back, but we can't kick Pushtoons or Baloch or Punjabi or Sindhi out because unfortunately they all make what Pakistan is, as bad as they are and their culture/custom is of course can't just ask them to go somewhere, so what is the other option ? should we just let the pushtoon/Baloch radicalized and kill rest of Pakistanis? sometimes in the name of religion and some times in the name of independence movements ? why is that its so easy for Taliban/AQ/ISIS to recruit from these ethnic group ? 99% suicide bombings are done by Pushtoons/Baloch/Punjab/Sindhi ? Poverty is the cause ? Education ? nope, There are millions of poor/uneducated Urdu speaking/Bihari/Bengali living in Pakistan, have you seen them blow themselves up ? Now before you bring MQM, MQM was violent no doubt, but that was only a small part of it, MQM was a Gang and Gangs are no threat to a country, we saw how easily Rangers just abduct and killed MQM shooters and many innocent boys were killed, reference 92 operation. But even after that, do you see MQM workers becoming suicide bombers ? did you see MQM workers going to mosques blowing people who are praying ? you can talk about Baldia Factory incident which was done by MQM, and yes that was horrible but now there is no MQM, urdu speaking people which makes the large portion of MQM are now living normal lives, thousands of ex-MQM workers are now doing normal jobs, but FATA/KPK ? they are still blowing Pakistan, beheading , and killing everyone why? why is that every Terrorist in this world find shelter and welcome in KPK/Balochistan/South Punjab ? there has to be a reason right ?

The reason is the people and the culture, Pushtoon culture is no offense barbaric and backward, their life style and violent behavior is no secret to anyone, any area which as Pushtoon or Baloch majority is nothing but trash pile or crime infested, I saw how the influx of Pushtoon in Karachi has destroyed the city in couple of years, How TTP enters the city with the full support from Pakistani pushtoons, we are fighting this war for over 2 decades now how many more lives we have waste before we realize that we need to put the people in school/camps to make them humans? Today you can call American racists or Chinese evil for their camps but look at their countries, you can walk free, you can go to mosque without fear, while our own people won't let you go in your own country, for decades Pushtoons have no let anyone else settle in KPK/FATA, they did not even let Govt of Pakistan enters their Areas, and Mashallah just look what they created ? Do I need to tell you that every Terrorist/criminal/rapist/murder find refugee in FATA because no one will to arrest them, very rich culture and custom they have that they shelter every scum of the earth, not just that but Chechans,Uzbek,Tajik every Terrorist find home in FATA, these rich custom people not only give them shelter but their daughters to marry and settle in Pakistan, How long you guys will bury your head in sand and watch Pakistan die a slow death ? There is no hope nor solution for Pushtoons or Baloch or Sindhi's or a good Portion of Punjabi's besides they must be put in camps/schools willingly or by force, put entire Families there. Educate them about Civilized society, make them drop their customs and culture, no more Hathyar humara zeewar BS, and maybe in a Generation we might bring these people out of darkness, because whether I like it or not or want it not, unfortunately Pushtoons/Baloch/Sindhi and Punjabi are majority in Pakistan and they make what Pakistan is, so if they become Humans so Pakistan will prosper but if they remain like they are right now than the country continue to bleed slowly, you destroy TTP these people make a new Organization, you kill BLA the Baloch will find some other reason to kill Pakistani's, there is no way these people are ready for a modern civilized world.

You can call me racists, or my argument are trash, or unrealistic but if you want to save Pakistan or put Pakistan into the path of prosperity, than we have to build those camps and start Putting every Pushtoon/Baloch/Sindhi in it, to solve a problem one has to acknowledge the problem and right now no one in Pakistan even wants to talk about this problem, that we are neck deep in this sh!t and all thanks to our own people, their behavior, their life style, their culture and customs that costs us thousands of lives and country in ruins.
I am not a Punjabi, I am Urdu speaking, Pakistani's often call us Muhajir, Ghaddar , Indians etc :)
Now, I know what I wrote, and what Re-educational camps are, And trust me this is the only way to bring peace in Pakistan. No offense but the so called Sons of soil has destroyed Pakistan, every ethnic group in Pakistan is nothing but a mob, Tribal/Barbaric customs and life style, I am not asking to put people in jail but camps where they should be educated about civilized world, how to live like humans, bring educated Pashtoons from overseas who have no traces of Jahaliate in them and let them educate their fellow Pushtoons.

Now to your second point, I moved to US roughly 2 years ago, I lived 30 years of my life in Karachi/Pakistan, if Americans wants to put me in re-educational camps than I will leave the country and go back, but we can't kick Pushtoons or Baloch or Punjabi or Sindhi out because unfortunately they all make what Pakistan is, as bad as they are and their culture/custom is of course can't just ask them to go somewhere, so what is the other option ? should we just let the pushtoon/Baloch radicalized and kill rest of Pakistanis? sometimes in the name of religion and some times in the name of independence movements ? why is that its so easy for Taliban/AQ/ISIS to recruit from these ethnic group ? 99% suicide bombings are done by Pushtoons/Baloch/Punjab/Sindhi ? Poverty is the cause ? Education ? nope, There are millions of poor/uneducated Urdu speaking/Bihari/Bengali living in Pakistan, have you seen them blow themselves up ? Now before you bring MQM, MQM was violent no doubt, but that was only a small part of it, MQM was a Gang and Gangs are no threat to a country, we saw how easily Rangers just abduct and killed MQM shooters and many innocent boys were killed, reference 92 operation. But even after that, do you see MQM workers becoming suicide bombers ? did you see MQM workers going to mosques blowing people who are praying ? you can talk about Baldia Factory incident which was done by MQM, and yes that was horrible but now there is no MQM, urdu speaking people which makes the large portion of MQM are now living normal lives, thousands of ex-MQM workers are now doing normal jobs, but FATA/KPK ? they are still blowing Pakistan, beheading , and killing everyone why? why is that every Terrorist in this world find shelter and welcome in KPK/Balochistan/South Punjab ? there has to be a reason right ?

The reason is the people and the culture, Pushtoon culture is no offense barbaric and backward, their life style and violent behavior is no secret to anyone, any area which as Pushtoon or Baloch majority is nothing but trash pile or crime infested, I saw how the influx of Pushtoon in Karachi has destroyed the city in couple of years, How TTP enters the city with the full support from Pakistani pushtoons, we are fighting this war for over 2 decades now how many more lives we have waste before we realize that we need to put the people in school/camps to make them humans? Today you can call American racists or Chinese evil for their camps but look at their countries, you can walk free, you can go to mosque without fear, while our own people won't let you go in your own country, for decades Pushtoons have no let anyone else settle in KPK/FATA, they did not even let Govt of Pakistan enters their Areas, and Mashallah just look what they created ? Do I need to tell you that every Terrorist/criminal/rapist/murder find refugee in FATA because no one will to arrest them, very rich culture and custom they have that they shelter every scum of the earth, not just that but Chechans,Uzbek,Tajik every Terrorist find home in FATA, these rich custom people not only give them shelter but their daughters to marry and settle in Pakistan, How long you guys will bury your head in sand and watch Pakistan die a slow death ? There is no hope nor solution for Pushtoons or Baloch or Sindhi's or a good Portion of Punjabi's besides they must be put in camps/schools willingly or by force, put entire Families there. Educate them about Civilized society, make them drop their customs and culture, no more Hathyar humara zeewar BS, and maybe in a Generation we might bring these people out of darkness, because whether I like it or not or want it not, unfortunately Pushtoons/Baloch/Sindhi and Punjabi are majority in Pakistan and they make what Pakistan is, so if they become Humans so Pakistan will prosper but if they remain like they are right now than the country continue to bleed slowly, you destroy TTP these people make a new Organization, you kill BLA the Baloch will find some other reason to kill Pakistani's, there is no way these people are ready for a modern civilized world.

You can call me racists, or my argument are trash, or unrealistic but if you want to save Pakistan or put Pakistan into the path of prosperity, than we have to build those camps and start Putting every Pushtoon/Baloch/Sindhi in it, to solve a problem one has to acknowledge the problem and right now no one in Pakistan even wants to talk about this problem, that we are neck deep in this sh!t and all thanks to our own people, their behavior, their life style, their culture and customs that costs us thousands of lives and country in ruins.
You are absolutely right bro, all of Pakistan is utter trash minus you and your kin, let’s forget about and brush over any and everything bad about them and force everyone to be in your image and if they resist why stop at concentration camps, let’s straight up take them to the gas chambers and be rid of them all.
On a more serious note, I do not condone racism in any shape or form and I agree with the essence of what you are saying but this holier than thou attitude is not going to get us anywhere. After reading your post and I have realised there is literally nothing I or anyone can say or do to carry out an intellectual discussion, you have severe racial biases (based on your social, ethnic and political class) given your background. Good day, I have nothing more to add to this discussion, I wish you the best and hope you don’t fall prey to the same racist view at someone else’s hands because to the people in the states you are the same uncivilised/ jahil/ suicidal extremist you hate on so much.
You are absolutely right bro, all of Pakistan is utter trash minus you and your kin, let’s forget about and brush over any and everything bad about them and force everyone to be in your image and if they resist why stop at concentration camps, let’s straight up take them to the gas chambers and be rid of them all.
On a more serious note, I do not condone racism in any shape or form and I agree with the essence of what you are saying but this holier than thou attitude is not going to get us anywhere. After reading your post and I have realised there is literally nothing I or anyone can say or do to carry out an intellectual discussion, you have severe racial biases (based on your social, ethnic and political class) given your background. Good day, I have nothing more to add to this discussion, I wish you the best and hope you don’t fall prey to the same racist view at someone else’s hands because to the people in the states you are the same uncivilised/ jahil/ suicidal extremist you hate on so much.
Agree to disagree :tup:

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