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12 TTP Terrorists Killed in Lakki Marwat, KPK

It was a drone probably a Wing Loong 2.
I think so... as bodies and weapons are blown to pieces.
Impact explosion? or less quantity or energy absorbed by 12 decease that the vehicle is still ok.
What use is this when:

- More of our men are dying

- these guys keep coming back regardless
12 TTP terrorists in Lakki Marwat area killed during an IBO.

First we need to figure out if this was a IBO or fake encounter to be honest

Whoops, was never my intention. I meant I was dumb af as a teen, todays teens are smart 😁
Who knows they may be right

What use is this when:

- More of our men are dying

- these guys keep coming back regardless
Lack of rule of law.
Proxy war.
Too many collateral killings due to zero accountability so a lot more recruiting.
You don't even know if an encounter was real or not.
Pakistan needs to put some brutal policies in order to bring peace in the country, I can bet everything right now that KPK will never see the peace for as long as you put its people in re-education camps to completely transform their culture and life style, Afghans needs to be kicked out no question about that but you know who would bring them back ? Pashtoon, they will bring them in, hide them and facilitate them and despite knowing that Afghans hate Pakistani's to their bones. Pakistan needs re-educational camps similar to Chinese ones for Xinjian, this is a simple choice for Pakistani's keep your backward culture or Pakistan.

It will work and bring peace to Pakistan, a long lasting peace.

Lolz do u even know what the f are u talking about?? Pashtuns bringing them? Shows u r brainwashed, not much different than those brainwashed suicide bombers.
Do u know pashtuns are the ones protesting against extremists? This excuse of pashtuns helping their kin worked n fooled ppl last time but not anymore. Ppl in swat n other areas came out to protest against army for unleashing these baboons.
Are u so dumb that u never read history? Who created more than 70,000 madressas that were breeding ground for these baboons??? Who funded them? Why they look the other way while these madrassas keep producing these baboons? Why the chief pattern of these madrassas, mullah fazlu not apprehended? Instead he is in power n these breeding grounds keep flourishing. You talk like a jellyfish, with no brain. Educate urself before uttering such nonsense.
What use is this when:

- More of our men are dying

- these guys keep coming back regardless
Its called mowing the grass...

When the weeds get long, you need to cull them. Same applies to counter-insurgency.

At one point, you have to tire out the insurgency with attrition afflicted upon it. Then only can they get back to talks. That is all the military is for. You cannot completely destroy insurgency, yet you can put military pressure to induce the other side to talks.
No amount of killing will fix this issue, for as long as Afghans are in Pakistan, we need to create re-educational camps and put Pashtoons in them, they need to be re-educated and taught how to live in a civilized world, we have to start from KPK, than follow it in Balochistan/Interior Sindh and South Punjab, Terrorism is getting hold in these areas due to the violent nature of the people and their culture, killing 12 or 1200 TTP will not bring victory.
Why don't you recommend a better opportunities to these areas by development of infrastructure and building businesses. These areas are affected by opportunities that people have at their disposal.

When the avenues are limited you are bound to endup in criminal fraternities no matter how much education and etiquettes are taught.
Why don't you recommend a better opportunities to these areas by development of infrastructure and building businesses. These areas are affected by opportunities that people have at their disposal.

When the avenues are limited you are bound to endup in criminal fraternities no matter how much education and etiquettes are taught.
I am pretty sure extra judicial kidnapping and killing by army and police like Rao Anwar has nothing to do with this recruiting
I am pretty sure extra judicial kidnapping and killing by army and police like Rao Anwar has nothing to do with this recruiting
Yes that is a factor. For that to stop the military e-stab-lashmant will need to brought under control. all the dung and manure raised by the mill e-stab will have to be washed away and sanitised.
Yes that is a factor. For that to stop the military e-stab-lashmant will need to brought under control. all the dung and manure raised by the mill e-stab will have to be washed away and sanitised.
There's no "military establishment" - it's literally just a gang of boomer uncles freestyling what they think works with botched operations. Even Soviet operation we won in the end but it was horribly handled. America didn't care about lasting impacts in Pakistan but it's something we should have focused on, but we didn't.

Go onto Google you will find supposedly 10 - 30 intelligence agencies running in Pakistan whose purpose is to supposedly "collect internal intelligence" and find adequate solutions. They are opened intervally by opportunistic parties like PPP and PML-N.

It's all on paper but no institution functions with a well-thought out coherent plan by skilled folk.

These uncles are just high on power blocking everyone else out...
There's no "military establishment" - it's literally just a gang of boomer uncles freestyling what they think works with botched operations. Even Soviet operation we won in the end but it was horribly handled. America didn't care about lasting impacts in Pakistan but it's something we should have focused on, but we didn't.

Go onto Google you will find supposedly 10 - 30 intelligence agencies running in Pakistan whose purpose is to supposedly "collect internal intelligence" and find adequate solutions. They are opened intervally by opportunistic parties like PPP and PML-N.

It's all on paper but no institution functions with a well-thought out coherent plan by skilled folk.

These uncles are just high on power blocking everyone else out...
From my observation, the culture in Pakistan 'کوئی گل نی ' its the attitude of not just boomers but as a society in general. Most things are taken for granted and coupled with a non-serious attitude to life and management of the country.

Then on top of it there is serious incompetence thrown into the mixture.

When s#it hits the fan the first response is again non-serious regardless of the magnitude of the calamity. it takes effort to get things rolling and untill someone gives a shat up the rear do things begin to shift.

Rest of the world operates more effectively because they develop guidelines and practices to help prevent further accidents. or have their damage limited as possible.

In Pakistan its ego that rules the day. you massage the ego and everything is fine.
Why don't you recommend a better opportunities to these areas by development of infrastructure and building businesses. These areas are affected by opportunities that people have at their disposal.

When the avenues are limited you are bound to endup in criminal fraternities no matter how much education and etiquettes are taught.
Equal opportunity will not fix anything, its a myth that was created to distract from the actual problem which the culture of the people, you can bring top companies, jobs , schools everything to these people they will still resort to violence, smuggling, and easily join Terrorist organizations like TTP/Taliban, There are Millions of poor Urdu speaking people, Biharis, and others how many blow themselves up ? most of terrorists comes from Pashtoons race, rest are comes from Baloch, Punjabi and some from Sindhi. When will Pakistan and its people realize that you need to put these people in educational centers, bring Educated Pashtoons from overseas who have completely stopped practicing their culture (Pashtoon/Tribal) than let them educate them by will or force, But only that can bring lasting peace in Pakistan. Killing TTP will not fix the issues, they have unlimited supply of foot soldiers and crazies who are willing to blow themselves up in markets/hospitals or etc.

Educate people yes, resort to fascism against ethnic minorities, no. It is decisions and opinions like this that stoke the fire of ethnic/ class/ religious intolerance and the entire country suffers as a result. Although I am assuming you have the benefit of the country at heart but any policy like this is bound to back fire and is exactly what breeds sub-nationalism among the ethic minorities.
PS: I am pretty old too so I doubt you could be any older, your opinions somewhat remind of mine when I was a teen.
Well lets see, US use educational camps on Japanese, China is using them and to some extent certain EU countries are also doing to integrate the refugee's in to their culture, and look where these countries are and where Pakistan is, it sounds cruel or bad but you can not have peace until you put the entire population of Pastoons/Baloch/Sindhi/and parts of Punjabi into reductional camps where they should be taught to drop their culture/ethnic and tribal/Jirga system, violent behavior and prep them to be part of a civilized society, I see nothing wrong with that for as long as they are educated by one of their own, i am not saying let a Urdu speaker or Punjabi re-educate the Pathans.

Educate people yes, resort to fascism against ethnic minorities, no. It is decisions and opinions like this that stoke the fire of ethnic/ class/ religious intolerance and the entire country suffers as a result. Although I am assuming you have the benefit of the country at heart but any policy like this is bound to back fire and is exactly what breeds sub-nationalism among the ethic minorities.
PS: I am pretty old too so I doubt you could be any older, your opinions somewhat remind of mine when I was a teen.
Well lets see, US use educational camps on Japanese, China is using them and to some extent certain EU countries are also doing to integrate the refugee's in to their culture, and look where these countries are and where Pakistan is, it sounds cruel or bad but you can not have peace until you put the entire population of Pastoons/Baloch/Sindhi/and parts of Punjabi into reductional camps where they should be taught to drop their culture/ethnic and tribal/Jirga system, violent behavior and prep them to be part of a civilized society, I see nothing wrong with that for as long as they are educated by one of their own, i am not saying let a Urdu speaker or Punjabi re-educate the Pathans.
I am pretty sure extra judicial kidnapping and killing by army and police like Rao Anwar has nothing to do with this recruiting
As if the external support for these elements had nothing to do with the military and police being inducted for operations in the first place...

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