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  1. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Gulf leaders oppose Iran's calls to arm Palestinians, cut ties with Israel: report

    Gulf state leaders are opposed to Iran’s calls to arm Palestinians against Israel and sever diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv, The Guardian reported on Monday as Gaza’s war entered its 38th day. An "emergency summit" on Saturday saw 51 monarchs, presidents, and prime ministers from member states of...
  2. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iran says new fronts may open if Gaza bombing continues

    Arriving in Beirut, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says the war may open on “other fronts” if the bombing of Gaza continues.
  3. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Yemen's Houthis warn they will fire missiles, drones if US intervenes in Gaza conflict

  4. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Turkey's Erdogan strikes moderate stance as Israel-Hamas war rages

    Turkey's Erdogan is striking a neutral stance in the Gaza conflict, avoiding incendiary rhetoric that would derail his charm offensive with the West and offering to mediate between Israel and Hamas. As the conflict in the Gaza Strip enters its third day, Turkey’s offer to mediate between Israel...
  5. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Support of our Azerbaijani brothers, sisters impresses us - Israeli ambassador (VIDEO)

    BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 9. October 7 will be remembered as the darkest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust, Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan, George Deek said, Trend reports. “A war was launched by a surprise when Hamas terrorists launched rockets and invaded our towns in the south of...
  6. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    UAE, Bahrain condemn abduction of Israeli civilians by Hamas

    The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have condemned the abduction of Israeli civilians by Hamas during its assault on Israel, calling for diplomatic efforts to stop the fighting. The Arab Muslim countries both established relations with Israel in 2020 as part of the US-brokered Abraham Accords...
  7. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Explainer: What is Iran's position regarding transport routes in Caucasus?

    News / Viewpoint / Viewpoints Explainer: What is Iran's position regarding transport routes in Caucasus? Tuesday, 19 September 2023 11:35 AM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 19 September 2023 11:39 AM ] By Ivan Kesic As tensions escalate again between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed...
  8. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    How will Iran populate the Strait of Hormuz islands the UAE also claims?

    Tehran, Iran – Iran is putting plans in motion to increase the population of islands in the strategic Strait of Hormuz that are claimed by the United Arab Emirates as well. Iranian officials have for months discussed plans to increase the number of Iranian residents on the Abu Musa, Greater Tunb...
  9. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iran and Iraq cleaning northern Iraq from separatist terrorists (deadline september 19th)

    Another victory in foreign policy. Iraq moves Iranian-Kurdish fighters from border area Iraq has started to move Iranian-Kurdish militant groups away from the country’s border with Iran, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said on Tuesday. “Iraq is taking the necessary measures to remove these groups...
  10. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Nationalism takes centre stage as Iran’s Revolutionary Guards make theatrical debut

    Elite force finances lavish production of Iranian classic as Islamic republic looks to arts to achieve political goals. On recent summer evening, Tehran witnessed a rare sight: a crowd of conservative chador-clad women and bearded men joined the more usual avant-garde audience to enjoy a show at...
  11. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Exclusive: Iran racing to expand enrichment at underground plant, IAEA report shows

    Iran is rapidly expanding its ability to enrich uranium with advanced centrifuges at its underground plant at Natanz and now intends to go further than previously planned, a confidential UN nuclear watchdog report has said. While indirect talks between Iran and the US on reviving the 2015 Iran...
  12. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Turkish defense industry hits a snag on engines, transmissions to power domestically produced aircraft and tanks

    Turkish defense industry hits a snag on engines, transmissions to power domestically produced aircraft and tanks Sanctions and export restrictions imposed on Turkey’s ambitious defense industry have taken a toll on the development of sophisticated military hardware, which suffers from the lack...
  13. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Russia Inflicted 'serious Damage' To Ukrainian Army By Deploying Iranian Drones: Report

    Russia’s Use of Iranian Kamikaze Drones Creates New Dangers for Ukrainian Troops Russia inflicted 'serious damage' to Ukrainian army by deploying Iranian drones: Report Last Updated: 18th September, 2022 13:39 IST Russia Inflicted 'serious Damage' To Ukrainian Army By Deploying Iranian Drones...
  14. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Saudi Arabia failed to defeat Yemeni resistance: Ansarallah chief

    Ansarallah officials says they are preparing attacks on 'strategic, military, and intelligence' targets inside the countries of the Saudi-led coalition if they continue to violate the UN truce The leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah resistance group, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, says that the Saudi-led...
  15. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Erdogan want(ed) to meet Syria's Assad - Turkish media

    ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan had expressed a wish to meet President Bashar al-Assad if the Syrian leader had attended a summit being held in Uzbekistan, a report in Turkey's pro-government Hurriyet newspaper said on Friday. But, he noted Assad was not attending the...
  16. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Trump feared assassination by Iran as revenge for Suleimani death, book says

    Trump feared assassination by Iran as revenge for Suleimani death, book says Revelation about former president’s concern reported in new book The Divider by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser. In December 2020, Donald Trump told friends he was afraid Iran would try to assassinate him in revenge for...
  17. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iran condemns Arab League’s ‘worthless, repetitious’ accusations

    Iran has condemned the Arab League for repeating a set of “worthless” accusations against the Islamic Republic, calling the Cairo-based organization to shift focus onto the Israeli regime’s atrocities against Palestinians instead. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani was reacting to...
  18. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Top General Warns of Iran’s Action against US-Israeli Collaboration in Region

    Top General Warns of Iran’s Action against US-Israeli Collaboration in Region September, 07, 2022 - 11:32 TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s highest-ranking commander gave a stark warning to the US, the Zionist regime and their regional allies, saying the Islamic Republic will enhance its military and...
  19. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Saudi Arabia donates $3.5 mln to UN nuclear watchdog IAEA

    Saudi Arabia has donated $3.5 million to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday. For the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app. The majority ($2.5 million) will go towards the IAEA initiative to help modernize...
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