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The Security Dynamics of Balochistan


May 3, 2009
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By | Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, The Home Minister of Balochistan.

Unlike the other provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan, which is roughly equivalent to the size of France, has faced two different types of insurgencies. The first is a decade long low-level insurgency by separatist outfits like Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA), Balochistan Liberation Front, etc. The other insurgency is led by fringe religious groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al-Almi (LJ-A), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Jamaat ul Ahrar (JuA), etc that are influenced by a distorted version of Islam.

Since the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Balochistan has faced five separatists-led insurgencies. Since 2008, in addition to the separatists-led insurgency, the province has also witnessed the rise of terror activities carried out by the terror outfits that falsely accuse Muslims of committing apostasy, and use it as a pretext for their convoluted aims. Since 2006, both type of insurgencies have caused more than 5000 fatalities and wounded nearly 10,000 people in Balochistan. Apart from 15,000 casualties, they have also carried out attacks on gas pipelines, oil tankers, power pylons, power transmission lines and railway tracks.

My own constituency, Dera Bugti, was once considered as the primary base for the separatists-led insurgency. Akbar Bugti, the former chieftain of Bugti tribe, was responsible for killing innocent Baloch people and security personnel. Because of his heinous acts, he was denounced by various sub-clans of Bugti tribe. It is also important to mention that the military operation against Akbar Bugti and his proxies was launched at the requisition of then Balochistan Provincial Government. Even now, Brahamdagh Bugti, son of Akbar Bugti, is responsible for killing thousands of innocent Baloch people through his terror outfit, the Baloch Republican Army.

Fast forward to present day, the security situation of Balochistan is changing with each passing day. Dera Bugti, which was once considered as a no-go area, is now accessible to any Pakistani. From Quetta to Gwadar, and Chaman to Hub, the people of Balochistan have fought back against the menace of terrorism by giving their blood and flesh for the country. Some hundreds of individuals were misguided by propaganda and fell in the trap of foreign hostile intelligence agencies, who exploited the existing grievances of the local population. However, the overwhelming majority of people residing in the province remained loyal to Pakistan, and disavowed any group who resorted to violent means against the state.

Since 2011, over 1000 separatists were killed in various counter-separatist and intelligence-based operations. Balochistan Peace Programme, launched in July 2015, has also been a successful effort in bringing separatists back to the national mainstream. More than 2300 separatists, including senior commanders, have laid down their weapons under this initiative. The success of this program can be gauged from the fact that until now only eight separatists (0.35 percent) have re-joined separatist outfits.

Apart from counter-terrorism measures, development initiatives have been launched throughout the province. The CPEC has increased the importance of Balochistan in the regional geopolitical scenario. With CPEC, whose prime beneficiary is Balochistan, the socio-economic conditions of the local population will improve considerably. Out of the 40 early-harvest projects to be completed under CPEC, 16 projects are related to Balochistan. Kachhi Canal Project, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi last month, is just one of the many developmental programs launched in the past few years. It should also be remembered that the main reason why the Balochistan could not witness development was that terror outfits like BLA and BRA proved as a detrimental force for all the plans that could uplift the infrastructure of the province. With the increasing development in different sectors, the capabilities of civil law-enforcing agencies shall increase that will further help in decreasing the intensity of terrorism in the province.

Despite successful joint civil-military efforts in Balochistan to counter terrorism, there are issues which are being addressed to consolidate our gains. The porous border with Afghanistan is a major concern for the overall security situation of the province. 40% of Afghan territory is not under the writ of government resulting in the free movement of terror outfits in those areas, which happens to border Pakistan. In this regard, fencing of Pak-Afghan border has been done to block cross-border movement of terrorists.

Safe havens of BLA, BRA, TTP, JA, LJ-A in Afghanistan is also a cause of concern for the Balochistan. Unless and until these safe havens continue to operate from Afghan soil, with the support of NDS and R&AW, law and order situation in the province cannot be stabilized. As Interior Minister of Balochistan, whenever I say that R&AW or NDS is involved in sponsorship of terrorism in Balochistan, I say it because I have seen irrefutable evidence of the involvement of these two hostile intelligence agencies.

Lastly, terrorism cannot be eliminated in a day through a magic stick. France has seen an increase of terrorism in past two years. Despite deploying various resources at its disposal to counter terrorism, no high-ranking French official can today claim that the European country will not face any terror attack in future. The point I want to make is that defeating terrorism needs both time and patience. Joint efforts of civilian and military institutions, support from civil society, media and help of regional countries can help in defeating terrorism which is now regarded as a global phenomenon.


This piece has exclusively been published by Pakistan Defence, the opinions belong to the author and do not reflect the policy of Pakistan Defence - This piece is free to share and syndicate with credits to Pakistan Defence.
By | Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, The Home Minister of Balochistan.

Unlike the other provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan, which is roughly equivalent to the size of France, has faced two different types of insurgencies. The first is a decade long low-level insurgency by separatist outfits like Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA), Balochistan Liberation Front, etc. The other insurgency is led by fringe religious groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al-Almi (LJ-A), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Jamaat ul Ahrar (JuA), etc that are influenced by a distorted version of Islam.

Since the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Balochistan has faced five separatists-led insurgencies. Since 2008, in addition to the separatists-led insurgency, the province has also witnessed the rise of terror activities carried out by the terror outfits that falsely accuse Muslims of committing apostasy, and use it as a pretext for their convoluted aims. Since 2006, both type of insurgencies have caused more than 5000 fatalities and wounded nearly 10,000 people in Balochistan. Apart from 15,000 casualties, they have also carried out attacks on gas pipelines, oil tankers, power pylons, power transmission lines and railway tracks.

My own constituency, Dera Bugti, was once considered as the primary base for the separatists-led insurgency. Akbar Bugti, the former chieftain of Bugti tribe, was responsible for killing innocent Baloch people and security personnel. Because of his heinous acts, he was denounced by various sub-clans of Bugti tribe. It is also important to mention that the military operation against Akbar Bugti and his proxies was launched at the requisition of then Balochistan Provincial Government. Even now, Brahamdagh Bugti, son of Akbar Bugti, is responsible for killing thousands of innocent Baloch people through his terror outfit, the Baloch Republican Army.

Fast forward to present day, the security situation of Balochistan is changing with each passing day. Dera Bugti, which was once considered as a no-go area, is now accessible to any Pakistani. From Quetta to Gwadar, and Chaman to Hub, the people of Balochistan have fought back against the menace of terrorism by giving their blood and flesh for the country. Some hundreds of individuals were misguided by propaganda and fell in the trap of foreign hostile intelligence agencies, who exploited the existing grievances of the local population. However, the overwhelming majority of people residing in the province remained loyal to Pakistan, and disavowed any group who resorted to violent means against the state.

Since 2011, over 1000 separatists were killed in various counter-separatist and intelligence-based operations. Balochistan Peace Programme, launched in July 2015, has also been a successful effort in bringing separatists back to the national mainstream. More than 2300 separatists, including senior commanders, have laid down their weapons under this initiative. The success of this program can be gauged from the fact that until now only eight separatists (0.35 percent) have re-joined separatist outfits.

Apart from counter-terrorism measures, development initiatives have been launched throughout the province. The CPEC has increased the importance of Balochistan in the regional geopolitical scenario. With CPEC, whose prime beneficiary is Balochistan, the socio-economic conditions of the local population will improve considerably. Out of the 40 early-harvest projects to be completed under CPEC, 16 projects are related to Balochistan. Kachhi Canal Project, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi last month, is just one of the many developmental programs launched in the past few years. It should also be remembered that the main reason why the Balochistan could not witness development was that terror outfits like BLA and BRA proved as a detrimental force for all the plans that could uplift the infrastructure of the province. With the increasing development in different sectors, the capabilities of civil law-enforcing agencies shall increase that will further help in decreasing the intensity of terrorism in the province.

Despite successful joint civil-military efforts in Balochistan to counter terrorism, there are issues which are being addressed to consolidate our gains. The porous border with Afghanistan is a major concern for the overall security situation of the province. 40% of Afghan territory is not under the writ of government resulting in the free movement of terror outfits in those areas, which happens to border Pakistan. In this regard, fencing of Pak-Afghan border has been done to block cross-border movement of terrorists.

Safe havens of BLA, BRA, TTP, JA, LJ-A in Afghanistan is also a cause of concern for the Balochistan. Unless and until these safe havens continue to operate from Afghan soil, with the support of NDS and R&AW, law and order situation in the province cannot be stabilized. As Interior Minister of Balochistan, whenever I say that R&AW or NDS is involved in sponsorship of terrorism in Balochistan, I say it because I have seen irrefutable evidence of the involvement of these two hostile intelligence agencies.

Lastly, terrorism cannot be eliminated in a day through a magic stick. France has seen an increase of terrorism in past two years. Despite deploying various resources at its disposal to counter terrorism, no high-ranking French official can today claim that the European country will not face any terror attack in future. The point I want to make is that defeating terrorism needs both time and patience. Joint efforts of civilian and military institutions, support from civil society, media and help of regional countries can help in defeating terrorism which is now regarded as a global phenomenon.


This piece has exclusively been published by Pakistan Defence, the opinions belong to the author and do not reflect the policy of Pakistan Defence - This piece is free to share and syndicate with credits to Pakistan Defence.
We have to neutralize terrorist heavens in Afghanistan by utilizing our all resources and expertise otherwise more innocent lives will be lost in future. Baluchistan insurgency is directly proportional to Kashmir freedom movement, after Wani's martyrdom South Kashmir is creating trouble for occupiers and Indians are releasing their anger in Baluchistan.
Damn Dawn for not publishing this fine article and Kudos to Home Minister Sarfaraz Bugti, the man is a true Pakistani patriot who is trying to make a lasting positive contribution to the folks of Baluchistan whilst in complete contrast a certain Brahmadagh Bugti is allying himself with the spawns of Lucifer himself such as blasphemous over-weight swine Tarek Fateh, atheist homosexual Ahmar Mustikhan, homosexual Peter Tatchell, blasphemous racist EDL party leader Tommy Robinson, blasphemous charlatan Christine Fair and also blasphemous fat swine RSN Singh who has recently been taken to task by Indian Muslims for derogatory remarks against the Holy Prophet (pbuh) whilst being egged on by fascist host and editor of Times Now Rahul Shivshankar. Their is an old saying "you are no better than the company you keep" and since his company is composed of folks who are vehement enemies of Islam I will say without any hesitation that traitor Brahamdagh Bugti is not only an enemy of Pakistan but an enemy of the deen of Al-Islam.
@war&peace @Dawood Ibrahim @Well.wisher @The Sandman @Zibago @Moonlight @friendly_troll96 @Hell hound
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Very good read @Horus Sarfraz Bugti is one of the most patriotic politicians and it is a rare commodity today.

Sir @django thanks for tagging me here and sharing such an excellent article that echoes with the inner feelings of each true Pakistani.

You know that Dawn has a special policy since a certain group has taken over it. Now it would rather publish articles that are against the state of Pakistan and Islam (ref. dawn-leaks)

Balochis are true Pakistanis who despite a lot of negligence and discrimination by the leadership and establishment, have stayed loyal to Pakistan and that was the main reason that insurgency never became popular. People got martyred, wounded, dislocated from their homes but they didn't succumb to the pressure by the terrorist outfits (sponsored by NDS, RAW and other agencies including CIA).

In addition to loyalty of the Baluchis, PA has played the most pivotal role in defeating the terrorism. The leadership of PA displayed the wisdom of the highest order in handling the situation especially beginning with Gen Raheel's tenure as COAS. They used force only where it was necessary, they read the situation and interacted with the locals and stayed kind to them instead of using brute force, they let the misguided insurgents to lay down the arms and start a peaceful living. BRA and BLA have become irrelevant and with the arrest of KBY our agencies have hit the jackpot and obliterated the network of terror from the province. Now a few sleepers cells are remaining that can cause some disruptions but soon those will be wiped off too. Also the fencing of the border will tremendously reduce the cross border terrorism activities and thus render all of the indian consulates in Afghanistan useless.

However, our enemies are not getting idle so we will need to stay vigilant. New conspiracies are hatched on routine basis because the stakes are too high - higher than many of us can envisage because it is the end game.

But the future outlook is bright for Pakistan and thus Baluchistan with accelerated developmental and economic activity more and more Baluchis will get jobs, education, better healthcare and inshaAllah a lasting peace and prosperity. Baluchistan will become a multi-cultural place and more urban centres will grow that will make administration easier.

In addition to CPEC, Baluchistan sits on rich treasures of valuable of metals, fossil fuel and gemstones. It only needs honest & visionary leadership. The process of accountability has been started in the centre and I hope we will, inshaAllah, be able to purge our system of the corrupt leeches. Thankfully to IK and our honourable judiciary the process has started from the top and this lava will flow downwards burning all the corruption and treachery in its way. Long live Pakistan!!!

And here are some words of wisdom by honourable (late) Ashfaq Ahmed

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We have to neutralize terrorist heavens in Afghanistan by utilizing our all resources and expertise otherwise more innocent lives will be lost in future. Baluchistan insurgency is directly proportional to Kashmir freedom movement, after Wani's martyrdom South Kashmir is creating trouble for occupiers and Indians are releasing their anger in Baluchistan.

I agree with you, however, we also need to focus on launching development programs that effectively raise the standard of living for normal balochis, these include the development of roads, schools etc and particular focus should be given to industrialisation and the utilisation of mineral resources in the province, I understand that we've got CPEC, but CPEC does'nt cover everything that our people need.

By | Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, The Home Minister of Balochistan.

Unlike the other provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan, which is roughly equivalent to the size of France, has faced two different types of insurgencies. The first is a decade long low-level insurgency by separatist outfits like Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA), Balochistan Liberation Front, etc. The other insurgency is led by fringe religious groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al-Almi (LJ-A), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Jamaat ul Ahrar (JuA), etc that are influenced by a distorted version of Islam.

Since the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Balochistan has faced five separatists-led insurgencies. Since 2008, in addition to the separatists-led insurgency, the province has also witnessed the rise of terror activities carried out by the terror outfits that falsely accuse Muslims of committing apostasy, and use it as a pretext for their convoluted aims. Since 2006, both type of insurgencies have caused more than 5000 fatalities and wounded nearly 10,000 people in Balochistan. Apart from 15,000 casualties, they have also carried out attacks on gas pipelines, oil tankers, power pylons, power transmission lines and railway tracks.

My own constituency, Dera Bugti, was once considered as the primary base for the separatists-led insurgency. Akbar Bugti, the former chieftain of Bugti tribe, was responsible for killing innocent Baloch people and security personnel. Because of his heinous acts, he was denounced by various sub-clans of Bugti tribe. It is also important to mention that the military operation against Akbar Bugti and his proxies was launched at the requisition of then Balochistan Provincial Government. Even now, Brahamdagh Bugti, son of Akbar Bugti, is responsible for killing thousands of innocent Baloch people through his terror outfit, the Baloch Republican Army.

Fast forward to present day, the security situation of Balochistan is changing with each passing day. Dera Bugti, which was once considered as a no-go area, is now accessible to any Pakistani. From Quetta to Gwadar, and Chaman to Hub, the people of Balochistan have fought back against the menace of terrorism by giving their blood and flesh for the country. Some hundreds of individuals were misguided by propaganda and fell in the trap of foreign hostile intelligence agencies, who exploited the existing grievances of the local population. However, the overwhelming majority of people residing in the province remained loyal to Pakistan, and disavowed any group who resorted to violent means against the state.

Since 2011, over 1000 separatists were killed in various counter-separatist and intelligence-based operations. Balochistan Peace Programme, launched in July 2015, has also been a successful effort in bringing separatists back to the national mainstream. More than 2300 separatists, including senior commanders, have laid down their weapons under this initiative. The success of this program can be gauged from the fact that until now only eight separatists (0.35 percent) have re-joined separatist outfits.

Apart from counter-terrorism measures, development initiatives have been launched throughout the province. The CPEC has increased the importance of Balochistan in the regional geopolitical scenario. With CPEC, whose prime beneficiary is Balochistan, the socio-economic conditions of the local population will improve considerably. Out of the 40 early-harvest projects to be completed under CPEC, 16 projects are related to Balochistan. Kachhi Canal Project, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi last month, is just one of the many developmental programs launched in the past few years. It should also be remembered that the main reason why the Balochistan could not witness development was that terror outfits like BLA and BRA proved as a detrimental force for all the plans that could uplift the infrastructure of the province. With the increasing development in different sectors, the capabilities of civil law-enforcing agencies shall increase that will further help in decreasing the intensity of terrorism in the province.

Despite successful joint civil-military efforts in Balochistan to counter terrorism, there are issues which are being addressed to consolidate our gains. The porous border with Afghanistan is a major concern for the overall security situation of the province. 40% of Afghan territory is not under the writ of government resulting in the free movement of terror outfits in those areas, which happens to border Pakistan. In this regard, fencing of Pak-Afghan border has been done to block cross-border movement of terrorists.

Safe havens of BLA, BRA, TTP, JA, LJ-A in Afghanistan is also a cause of concern for the Balochistan. Unless and until these safe havens continue to operate from Afghan soil, with the support of NDS and R&AW, law and order situation in the province cannot be stabilized. As Interior Minister of Balochistan, whenever I say that R&AW or NDS is involved in sponsorship of terrorism in Balochistan, I say it because I have seen irrefutable evidence of the involvement of these two hostile intelligence agencies.

Lastly, terrorism cannot be eliminated in a day through a magic stick. France has seen an increase of terrorism in past two years. Despite deploying various resources at its disposal to counter terrorism, no high-ranking French official can today claim that the European country will not face any terror attack in future. The point I want to make is that defeating terrorism needs both time and patience. Joint efforts of civilian and military institutions, support from civil society, media and help of regional countries can help in defeating terrorism which is now regarded as a global phenomenon.


This piece has exclusively been published by Pakistan Defence, the opinions belong to the author and do not reflect the policy of Pakistan Defence - This piece is free to share and syndicate with credits to Pakistan Defence.
"Unlike the other provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan, which is roughly equivalent to the size of France"

Exaggeration or I missed something in my geography class ?

As for DAWN, they are number one anti state media group along with Geo. I just cannot get why deep state is not dealing with these mofos.
First of all I, like many others would like to thank you for your time, concern and being the man of public that wrote as such and felt the necessity that other office bearers, in their respective domain, may adopt such strategy. The key of success is, when a person present him/herself for public service and people put the fate into him/her, must remain close to the people so can listen, see and understand the grievance if any and deal with the same once for all.

You Sir, has been aggressive and found with clear approach whenever it matters about unveiling our enemies within Baluchistan, for such, you may have witnessed the love and respect from everyone however, for the sake of constructive argument, the one cannot do much where a team can achieve a lot. Hopefully, these points will be taken as for betterment and political figures, though, will be asked to play more than usual part for the success and betterment of Baluchistan.

Baluchistan has been front security fort of Pakistan and has sacrificed a lot that is widely acknowledged too however, seeing the lacking from political competence & less attention, it is like putting extra burden on Security Forces to deal as such. Hopefully, Members of Assemblies and respective officials will pay more attention and come forward as the representative of people in civilian domain for the growth and betterment. To be very frankly here, public representatives in form of political offices, have actually disappointed the people more being busy with other priorities and flourishing oneself politics contrary to the one that public gave them with a mandate for their future.

In view of recent development and especially improving security situation, it is prominent that Baluchistan is getting back to normalcy but still, we have a lot to do in this regard. From security point of view, except the usual point scoring brigade and wannabe journos, almost everyone would agree w.r.t. better security situation as compare to past. The thing that I mostly observed and in my opinion it is a bit alarming that political government failed to contain such situation from its end and come with developments and growth along-with creating opportunities for the youth and people of Baluchistan. Unfortunately, from political forces point of view, the leaders in past have been failed to address the situation at fullest hence, resulting in a delay for betterment of people. We must stand clear on the point that Security Forces, as promised and doing well, will only be able to maintain Law & Order and deal with security threats but speaking of development and growth through civilian infrastructure, political elites and leaders have to change their approach about Baluchistan more than existing caliber and work more for the people instead maintaining the ones influence by becoming MPA/MNA.

It is true that the maniac of terrorism cannot be dealt in one stroke but the same needs more attention, a lot of energy and passion while a promising approach to get rid of the same as such. However, the evil cannot be dealt by the Armed Forces alone and our political leadership has also to step forward to play their part to deal with the same as once for all. It is evident that security has been improved a lot hence, we all see major developments and projects among which, Gawadar Port and CPEC are prominent and shines as achievement stars. Insuring the corruption less developments and projects will actually take the lead to next level as compare to viewing the few politicos that are merely scoring their points over these developments and misleading the masses for the sack of politics only.

Speaking of different types of insurgency, such is being opted by the enemies to exploit maximum and do the damage. Either it is a so-called separatists movements like BLA BRA or it is done under the name of Religion, the purpose is same to bring harm and unrest within Pakistan. While addressing such issues, among many other approaches, we must continue with our efforts for education of the people and create awareness among them that how the weakness is being taken as an advantage by evil forces in this region. If we dig more into the root causes, will easily find out that actually most the the youth and innocents are being fooled through a proper and mass propaganda campaign to misguide and derail from the real cause hence, the disruption.

True that Hostile agencies are largely exposed in Baluchistan with all their agenda of disruption and terrorism through continuous efforts of Security Forces though, from another point of view, I just see that as enemy Intel is playing more of a Psych war initially to mislead the populace then taking advantage of their grievances against political leaders, people are being provoked against own homeland and painting a wrong picture based upon war of deceit and disinformation. I am sure that this is not the first time that such points are being highlighted however, the same are mentioned with intention that it has to be pondered upon as we are witnessing improved Law & Order and people are looking at public representatives so the same will not be exploited again by the enemies.

There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan. May you and all of us be safe and be given the strength/energy to get rid from such evil, In'Sha'ALLAH.

Pakistan Zindabad.
By | Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, The Home Minister of Balochistan.

Unlike the other provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan, which is roughly equivalent to the size of France, has faced two different types of insurgencies. The first is a decade long low-level insurgency by separatist outfits like Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA), Balochistan Liberation Front, etc. The other insurgency is led by fringe religious groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al-Almi (LJ-A), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Jamaat ul Ahrar (JuA), etc that are influenced by a distorted version of Islam.

Since the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Balochistan has faced five separatists-led insurgencies. Since 2008, in addition to the separatists-led insurgency, the province has also witnessed the rise of terror activities carried out by the terror outfits that falsely accuse Muslims of committing apostasy, and use it as a pretext for their convoluted aims. Since 2006, both type of insurgencies have caused more than 5000 fatalities and wounded nearly 10,000 people in Balochistan. Apart from 15,000 casualties, they have also carried out attacks on gas pipelines, oil tankers, power pylons, power transmission lines and railway tracks.

My own constituency, Dera Bugti, was once considered as the primary base for the separatists-led insurgency. Akbar Bugti, the former chieftain of Bugti tribe, was responsible for killing innocent Baloch people and security personnel. Because of his heinous acts, he was denounced by various sub-clans of Bugti tribe. It is also important to mention that the military operation against Akbar Bugti and his proxies was launched at the requisition of then Balochistan Provincial Government. Even now, Brahamdagh Bugti, son of Akbar Bugti, is responsible for killing thousands of innocent Baloch people through his terror outfit, the Baloch Republican Army.

Fast forward to present day, the security situation of Balochistan is changing with each passing day. Dera Bugti, which was once considered as a no-go area, is now accessible to any Pakistani. From Quetta to Gwadar, and Chaman to Hub, the people of Balochistan have fought back against the menace of terrorism by giving their blood and flesh for the country. Some hundreds of individuals were misguided by propaganda and fell in the trap of foreign hostile intelligence agencies, who exploited the existing grievances of the local population. However, the overwhelming majority of people residing in the province remained loyal to Pakistan, and disavowed any group who resorted to violent means against the state.

Since 2011, over 1000 separatists were killed in various counter-separatist and intelligence-based operations. Balochistan Peace Programme, launched in July 2015, has also been a successful effort in bringing separatists back to the national mainstream. More than 2300 separatists, including senior commanders, have laid down their weapons under this initiative. The success of this program can be gauged from the fact that until now only eight separatists (0.35 percent) have re-joined separatist outfits.

Apart from counter-terrorism measures, development initiatives have been launched throughout the province. The CPEC has increased the importance of Balochistan in the regional geopolitical scenario. With CPEC, whose prime beneficiary is Balochistan, the socio-economic conditions of the local population will improve considerably. Out of the 40 early-harvest projects to be completed under CPEC, 16 projects are related to Balochistan. Kachhi Canal Project, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi last month, is just one of the many developmental programs launched in the past few years. It should also be remembered that the main reason why the Balochistan could not witness development was that terror outfits like BLA and BRA proved as a detrimental force for all the plans that could uplift the infrastructure of the province. With the increasing development in different sectors, the capabilities of civil law-enforcing agencies shall increase that will further help in decreasing the intensity of terrorism in the province.

Despite successful joint civil-military efforts in Balochistan to counter terrorism, there are issues which are being addressed to consolidate our gains. The porous border with Afghanistan is a major concern for the overall security situation of the province. 40% of Afghan territory is not under the writ of government resulting in the free movement of terror outfits in those areas, which happens to border Pakistan. In this regard, fencing of Pak-Afghan border has been done to block cross-border movement of terrorists.

Safe havens of BLA, BRA, TTP, JA, LJ-A in Afghanistan is also a cause of concern for the Balochistan. Unless and until these safe havens continue to operate from Afghan soil, with the support of NDS and R&AW, law and order situation in the province cannot be stabilized. As Interior Minister of Balochistan, whenever I say that R&AW or NDS is involved in sponsorship of terrorism in Balochistan, I say it because I have seen irrefutable evidence of the involvement of these two hostile intelligence agencies.

Lastly, terrorism cannot be eliminated in a day through a magic stick. France has seen an increase of terrorism in past two years. Despite deploying various resources at its disposal to counter terrorism, no high-ranking French official can today claim that the European country will not face any terror attack in future. The point I want to make is that defeating terrorism needs both time and patience. Joint efforts of civilian and military institutions, support from civil society, media and help of regional countries can help in defeating terrorism which is now regarded as a global phenomenon.


This piece has exclusively been published by Pakistan Defence, the opinions belong to the author and do not reflect the policy of Pakistan Defence - This piece is free to share and syndicate with credits to Pakistan Defence.

Thank you Mir Sarfraz Bugti for this article. It is an opportunity for me to share the sentiment of Patriotic people of Balochistan. I am glad you are a pro Pakistan leader & you must be doing something good for this country that's why you are home minister today. Your analysis is the reflection of prevailing environment of your constituency only. If home minister don't know about deep rooted causes of the problem we can very well imagine state of affair of that province. Either your government is part of the problem or it is incompetent , I failed to comprehend to date.

Lack of Political will & War Economy

Philippe Le Billon describes a war economy as a "system of producing, mobilizing and allocating resources to sustain the violence."
Absence of Political narrative against insurgents in Balochistan is the tip of the iceberg in my view. In Balochistan top leadership benefit themself from War Economy. There is no political will to resolve this issue. Many government employees are Sarmachaars (The term commonly used for miscreants & terrorists in Balochistan). Many school teachers are anti state. Many ministers don't visit their constituency & they are not interested to resolve issue. Many politicians in their constituency are known as international drug smugglers & they benefit themself from weak law & order situation.

Lack of Political Narrative against Separatist Political propaganda

We cannot eliminate terrorism with Intelligence Based Operations without political narrative against separatist political propaganda. In counterinsurgency warfare, political action is the most important factor for defeating an insurgency.
Counterinsurgency Warfare and the Importance of Political Action

By Tom White

Since the time of the zealots, governments have wrestled with insurgents who have relied upon a strategy of terrorism intent on inflicting chaos and insecurity on society. Unlike conventional warfare that utilizes a strong military response, counterinsurgency requires different strategies. In counterinsurgency warfare, political action is the most important factor for defeating an insurgency, especially when linked with the effective use of the military forces.

One strong advocate for political response over a pure military response to insurgency was David Galula. Galula was a French military officer and scholar who became quite influential in developing theories and practices for conducting counterinsurgency warfare. His extensive military experience fighting irregular wars in China, Greece, Indochina, and Algeria led to his promoting an insurgency doctrine which emphasized political activity over the sole use of conventional military forces in defeating a full blown insurgency. Galula’s theory is derived from his belief that all power resides within the political sphere, and therefore every action is political.

The regime in power must engage in a balanced use of political action and military action to try to maintain their power, while dealing with an insurgency. Therefore Galula argues that the intricate interplay “between the political and the military actions which cannot be tidily separated”must be constantly “weighed with regard to its political effects.”Galula argues that conventional forces “are too prone to emphasize offensive actions…rather than the predominately political, economic, and security requirements upon which the ultimate defeat of the insurgency depends.”Furthermore, use of military action alone can be easily exploited by an insurgency and turn the population against the regime.
Absence of Political narrative against insurgents in Balochistan is the tip of the iceberg in my view. In Balochistan top leadership benefit themself from War Economy. There is no political will to resolve this issue. Many government employees are Sarmachaars (The term commonly used for miscreants & terrorists in Balochistan). Many school teachers are anti state. Many ministers don't visit their constituency & they are not interested to resolve issue. Many politicians in their constituency are known as international drug smugglers & they benefit themself from weak law & order situation.

Why should any of that be so unless there is widespread alienation of the population? The key must lie in getting popular support from a wide swathe of the people that you mention above.
"Unlike the other provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan, which is roughly equivalent to the size of France"

Exaggeration or I missed something in my geography class ?

As for DAWN, they are number one anti state media group along with Geo. I just cannot get why deep state is not dealing with these mofos.
Yes, it's true.


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