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PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

Pakistan saved its own A$$, and also saved Taliban from complete Annihilation, if it wasn't for Pakistan allowing the Taliban leaders to cross into Pakistan and live among the Gareeb displaced Afghan refugee's, America will bomb them in a way that Aane wali 7th Pushteen Modi jaisi paida hoti... Haram khor Afghans should thank Pakistan for saving them and Taliban should wash our feets and drink water because of Pakistan they had the second chance to do their " Come-back ".
Anyone that excessively defends Afghanistan and says we "betrayed" them should simply be deported there and live as a slave.

(completely stupid phrase considering we owe no foreigners any loyalty, and they literally denied our independence in '47 so if anything the betrayal was from their end)

For some reason every country can act in their own interest but Pakistan must be a slave in the name of ummah chumman.
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Anyone that feels excessively defends Afghanistan and says we "betrayed" them should simply be deported there and live as a slave.

(completely stupid phrase considering we owe no foreigners any loyalty, and they literally denied our independence in '47 so if anything the betrayal was from their end)

For some reason every country can act in their own interest but Pakistan must be a slave in the name of ummah chumman.
Its true, everyone knows that After American bombing and toppling Afghan Taliban after 2001 invasion most of Taliban leadership went underground and later moved to Pakistan, not only in KPK but Quetta shura was also formed, if it wasn't for Pakistan sneaking those Namak Haram's inside Pakistan, letting them re-group and than send them back to take fight into Afghanistan, they give us TTP and now refusing to even acknowledge TTP atrocities, Namak haram word is not even close to describing the Afghans.
Its true, everyone knows that After American bombing and toppling Afghan Taliban after 2001 invasion most of Taliban leadership went underground and later moved to Pakistan, not only in KPK but Quetta shura was also formed, if it wasn't for Pakistan sneaking those Namak Haram's inside Pakistan, letting them re-group and than send them back to take fight into Afghanistan, they give us TTP and now refusing to even acknowledge TTP atrocities, Namak haram word is not even close to describing the Afghans.
Should've from the beginning nurtured an Islamist faction of Tajiks, and other minorities into power but then again, I don't know how possible it was considering demographics and the Afghan-Pashtuns maybe had more willpower to fight.
Should've from the beginning nurtured an Islamist faction of Tajiks, and other minorities into power but then again, I don't know how possible it was considering demographics and the Afghan-Pashtuns maybe had more willpower to fight.
Nope, that would not be a good idea, Afghans always get a free pass in Pakistan only because of Pashtoon's, my question is why do Urdu speaking, Bihari, Bengali, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Sindhi has to suffer because Pakistani pashtoon's sucks off Afghans like no tomorrow ? so much so that Pakistan's Pashtoons willing to let Pakistani's been butchered by Afghans, why? most of the suicide Attacks, Military base Attacks, market and masjid bombings are done by Either Afghans or a person of Pashtoon background, why do rest of Pakistan has to suffer because of this one ethnic group, we have nothing in common with them but they were forced upon the rest of Pakistan only and only because of Pakistani pashtoons, and now Pakistan is suffering the consequences.
Nope, that would not be a good idea, Afghans always get a free pass in Pakistan only because of Pashtoon's, my question is why do Urdu speaking, Bihari, Bengali, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Sindhi has to suffer because Pakistani pashtoon's sucks off Afghans like no tomorrow ? so much so that Pakistan's Pashtoons willing to let Pakistani's been butchered by Afghans, why? most of the suicide Attacks, Military base Attacks, market and masjid bombings are done by Either Afghans or a person of Pashtoon background, why do rest of Pakistan has to suffer because of this one ethnic group, we have nothing in common with them but they were forced upon the rest of Pakistan only and only because of Pakistani pashtoons, and now Pakistan is suffering the consequences.
Maybe partition was a mistake at least in the way it was done. You putting the blame on all Pashtuns means to a keen eye that you subconsciously are saying that there’s a deep distrust of your second largest population which means Pakistan is occupying Bstan and KPK; hence, justification of Pashtuns bombing Pakistans cities Specifically in Punjab and sindh.

confused individuals on this thread do not have the required intelligent to formulate a policy that will make Pakistan stronger. Their sole argument against me is I have inferiority complex for advocating a sensitive policy. They haven’t seen war, especially civil wars. I have. I’ve had enough travels to the war ridden parts of the Middle East and saw with my own eyes the suffering and the aftermath.

I could care less about Afghanistan or TTA.
Pakistan will end in its current form if the sellout foreign entity controlled government goes ahead and start a war against a people that are free and proud. These people fought against the might of the world and still were able to sustain their victory - which is a victory regardless of what some will say.
Maybe partition was a mistake at least in the way it was done. You putting the blame on all Pashtuns means to a keen eye that you subconsciously are saying that there’s a deep distrust of your second largest population which means Pakistan is occupying Bstan and KPK; hence, justification of Pashtuns bombing Pakistans cities Specifically in Punjab and sindh.
Partition was right, but giving up to Barbarism of Pashtoon's wasn't, we should have send military in KPK since the very beginning, but we respect their backward culture and guess what they did ? make that entire Tribal belt a illaqa-e-Gair, any criminal who wants to avoid the authorities can go to Tribal areas where there was no writ of Pakistan, so no Partition was right, it was as the saying goes " Zameen Mili banjer, aur Pakistan ko Ethnic group(s) mile Kan**** ".

I could care less about Afghanistan or TTA.
Pakistan will end in its current form if the sellout foreign entity controlled government goes ahead and start a war against a people that are free and proud. These people fought against the might of the world and still were able to sustain their victory - which is a victory regardless of what some will say.
There is nothing proud in suicide bombing of markets, schools , masjid's and if beheading humans and putting their heads on chowks makes you proud and free than no human being or civilized society won't need that Proudness, go to Afghans with all your proudness and stay there, cut off all ties with Pakistan and be a Proud Pashtoon there, no one will interfere in their affairs. Pakistan is not starting a war against anyone, Pakistan just needs to send back Afghans' who hate Pakistan to their every bone, we are giving shelter to people who not only reject Pakistan, hate Pakistan, but also support Terrorism inside Pakistan.
Open and frequent air strikes in Afghanistan would be a strategic and PR disaster.

The Poonjabis didn’t give af.
Ask Taliban about 313 Badri. Or about Anas Haqqani not being executed when he was caught. Or about the masterminds for some of the biggest attacks against CIA bases.
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Ask Taliban about 313 Badri. Or about Anas Haqqani not being executed when he was caught. Or about the masterminds for some of the biggest attacks against CIA bases.
Don't start this debate bro, he is a Punjabi himself but suffers from a severe Pajeet level inferiority complex about it.

Just skip otherwise thread will go to shit. May Allah heal him.
There's nothing Pakistan can do to establish good relations with the Taliban just as there's nothing Pakistan can do to establish good relations with India - because both disputes are land disputes and they don't go away by having friendly talks.

The quicker everyone realises this the better. The Taliban in the past has pretty much said the same thing.

Bro, this is simply incorrect. Repeating same lines over and over again won't make it a reality. This is not even historical event that we could forgot so quickly. The Taliban were our closest allies. Even after the soviet withdrawal and till 9/11, there was complete peace, there was not a single attack, there was not a single terrorism, whole Paf-Afghan border was of no concern, Pakistan never posted any military over there as long as Taliban was in control throughout the 90's.

Just take out the assumptions from your mind once and forever. If you want to persist in saying no no taliban are enemy then tell me why on earth they were our close allies in the 90's and why there was no terrorism back then? You need to find that answer. I am telling you with statistics and not just saying my opinion. Those are the facts. So, I will once again try to explain you what happened after 9/11.

We jumped in War on Terror that was not our war, Taliban or any other group never had attacked Pakistan, but still military establishment jumped in without setting any red lines. Taliban was removed by American sponsored Northern alliance. That government was staunch enemy of Taliban and even more bigger enemy of Pakistan. India invested a lot in northern alliance government of Kabul, RAW & NDS colluded, the TTP became strongest during their time, TTP had all the fundings and supply chain it could have imagined, TTP reached till Swat. As soon as Taliban started to become stronger and increased its attacks against Kabul government similarly, the TTP started to become weak. BTW, TTP got local support from Pakistan because it was Pakistan that allowed US to bomb our own population, We let americans bomb funeral processions and gathering of tribesmen. Whatever mess is created is our own doing.

Perhaps you have ZERO idea of previous Pro-indian Kabul government. Just listen to the speeches of their president and vice president Amrullah Saleh. Google the name, and watch his speeches or interviews against Pakistan, Watch NDS (isi eqivalent of previous Afghan govt) cheif statements against Pakistan. They used to openly abuse Pakistan, calling Pakistan as Sl*t and what not. The indian military trained previous Afghan military. So its your choice you want those Norther alliance guys back who hate your existance or you want Taliban with whom you never had problem before you became US puppets (before 9/11)

Taliban will become our strongest ally again and we will not require to bother about our western border once Pakistan & GHQ once Pakistani military regime stop behaving as US puppets. Taliban has only stopped collaborating with us AFTER witnessing our military establishment working like CIA agents, allowing drones, doing regime change for US interests, etc. Its not just Taliban which lost trust in Pakistan. China and Russia has also lost trust in Pakistan.

Only a fool would want to annoy Taliban and bulldoze any relations & trust that is left. Because making enemy out of two longest borders means quick death and nothing else. Its so obvious but still I have to explain that jumping in deep well will kill you but you and few others are persistent that no we should jump. No technology and amount of military power can stop border infiltration when border is as complex and as long as AF-Pak border. Vast mountains, valleys, caves, rivers all goes through these borders, try to invoke your imagination. You need to wish for peace & properity in Afghanistan and not war. Its for Pakistan's benefit.

@Bleek & @Goritoes,

Don't make it an ego issue and don't give arguments for the sake of arguments. I am trying not to win an argument. I am just trying to put some sanity.
Before giving any further arguments, Just answer me Is it correct:

Was there no terrorism in Pakistan before 9/11?.

Was Afghanistan under Taliban most peaceful for Pakistan ?

Was Af-Pakistan border (under Taliban - 90's) most peaceful that we didn't even bothered to post military over there?

For anyone who is 40,50 years old, the answer is YES, YES and YES for all three of above questions. So your whole crap of arguements has no value at all that Taliban are bad for Pakistan and bla bla bla.

Now let's see What type of Kabul government Taliban overthrow. Which govt was Pro-indians and collaborating with RAW ? Was the previous Kabul govt OR Taliban govt ?

Its a clear cut answer, the previous govt was totally in bed with indians.

Whatever ideaology and whatever false concepts that you guys have built in your minds are too far from reality. Its time you guys think with logic and check facts.

What's the solution in Your minds?
By the way, I means its too hilarious reading your comments but I am genuinely intrigued that What is the solution in your minds? For a moment I believe you that okay We need to declare Taliban as enemies then what? How do you plan for Pakistan's survival between two monster size enemies then ? That too with no money and so much internal problems, so huge debt, empty pockets, food and power insecurity and all sort of problems and you guys go ahead and annoy the neighbor that shares 2700 border with you. I have explained time and again that even 100 KM border cannot be sealed, the kind of terrain and the size of this border makes it impossible to seal. Even trillion dollar budget cannot do it. I am no fan of Afghans or Taliban but I am not insane that I will make Taliban our enemy, I want to see Pakistan's survival. But anyways, let's see what is the solution in your minds that you are persistent in your thinking for so long.
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Bro, this is simply incorrect. Repeating same lines over and over again won't make it a reality. This is not even historical event that we could forgot so quickly. The Taliban were our closest allies. Even after the soviet withdrawal and till 9/11, there was complete peace, there was not a single attack, there was not a single terrorism, whole Paf-Afghan border was of no concern, Pakistan never posted any military over there as long as Taliban was in control throughout the 90's.

Just take out the assumptions from your mind once and forever. If you want to persist in saying no no taliban are enemy then tell me why on earth they were our close allies in the 90's and why there was no terrorism back then? You need to find that answer. I am telling you with statistics and not just saying my opinion. Those are the facts. So, I will once again try to explain you what happened after 9/11.

We jumped in War on Terror that was not our war, Taliban or any other group never had attacked Pakistan, but still military establishment jumped in without setting any red lines. Taliban was removed by American sponsored Northern alliance. That government was staunch enemy of Taliban and even more bigger enemy of Pakistan. India invested a lot in northern alliance government of Kabul, RAW & NDS colluded, the TTP became strongest during their time, TTP had all the fundings and supply chain it could have imagined, TTP reached till Swat. As soon as Taliban started to become stronger and increased its attacks against Kabul government similarly, the TTP started to become weak. BTW, TTP got local support from Pakistan because it was Pakistan that allowed US to bomb our own population, We let americans bomb funeral processions and gathering of tribesmen. Whatever mess is created is our own doing.

Perhaps you have ZERO idea of previous Pro-indian Kabul government. Just listen to the speeches of their president and vice president Amrullah Saleh. Google the name, and watch his speeches or interviews against Pakistan, Watch NDS (isi eqivalent of previous Afghan govt) cheif statements against Pakistan. They used to openly abuse Pakistan, calling Pakistan as Sl*t and what not. The indian military trained previous Afghan military. So its your choice you want those Norther alliance guys back who hate your existance or you want Taliban with whom you never had problem before you became US puppets (before 9/11)

Taliban will become our strongest ally again and we will not require to bother about our western border once Pakistan & GHQ once Pakistani military regime stop behaving as US puppets. Taliban has only stopped collaborating with us AFTER witnessing our military establishment working like CIA agents, allowing drones, doing regime change for US interests, etc. Its not just Taliban which lost trust in Pakistan. China and Russia has also lost trust in Pakistan.

Only a fool would want to annoy Taliban and bulldoze any relations & trust that is left. Because making enemy out of two longest borders means quick death and nothing else. Its so obvious but still I have to explain that jumping in deep well will kill you but you and few others are persistent that no we should jump. No technology and amount of military power can stop border infiltration when border is as complex and as long as AF-Pak border. Vast mountains, valleys, caves, rivers all goes through these borders, try to invoke your imagination. You need to wish for peace & properity in Afghanistan and not war. Its for Pakistan's benefit.

@Bleek & @Goritoes,

Don't make it an ego issue and don't give arguments for the sake of arguments. I am trying not to win an argument. I am just trying to put some sanity.
Before giving any further arguments, Just answer me Is it correct:

Was there no terrorism in Pakistan before 9/11?.

Was Afghanistan under Taliban most peaceful for Pakistan ?

Was Af-Pakistan border (under Taliban - 90's) most peaceful that we didn't even bothered to post military over there?

For anyone who is 40,50 years old, the answer is YES, YES and YES for all three of above questions. So your whole crap of arguements has no value at all that Taliban are bad for Pakistan and bla bla bla.

Now let's see What type of Kabul government Taliban overthrow. Which govt was Pro-indians and collaborating with RAW ? Was the previous Kabul govt OR Taliban govt ?

Its a clear cut answer, the previous govt was totally in bed with indians.

Whatever ideaology and whatever false concepts that you guys have built in your minds are too far from reality. Its time you guys think with logic and check facts.

What's the solution in Your minds?
By the way, I means its too hilarious reading your comments but I am genuinely intrigued that What is the solution in your minds? For a moment I believe you that okay We need to declare Taliban as enemies then what? How do you plan for Pakistan's survival between two monster size enemies then ? That too with no money and so much internal problems, so huge debt, empty pockets, food and power insecurity and all sort of problems and you guys go ahead and annoy the neighbor that shares 2700 border with you. I have explained time and again that even 100 KM border cannot be sealed, the kind of terrain and the size of this border makes it impossible to seal. Even trillion dollar budget cannot do it. I am no fan of Afghans or Taliban but I am not insane that I will make Taliban our enemy, I want to see Pakistan's survival. But anyways, let's see what is the solution in your minds that you are persistent in your thinking for so long.
He like his other secular nationalist butt buddies think this war began in the last few years. They’re deliberately omitting facts and claiming I’m pro Afghan for advocating sensitive policies towards the east. These cowards would rather fight other Muslims than the pagans across the border who are our true enemies. I guess the Indics all want to stick together. I saw what the Pashtuns did to the US forces. Now imagine a coward, broke, utterly corrupt nation of Pakistan trying to have their turn at the Afghanistan lol. It’s a Greek tragedy
Update; Gov will [likely Monday] announce a pause in deportation of Afghans to judge certain cases for those who are eligible to remain in Pakistan indefinitely.
Bruh you're from India, we were here before 1947.

Confused Panagheer 😂

You have more in common with Hindustanis. Tell your fam to go back there.
Exactly, these coksucker indics from pajeet land telling pasthuns to leave their ancestral homes lol. As if the Durand line is legitimate. Neither is the “LOC.”

Should deport the banglis and the Muhajirs.
Bro, this is simply incorrect. Repeating same lines over and over again won't make it a reality. This is not even historical event that we could forgot so quickly. The Taliban were our closest allies. Even after the soviet withdrawal and till 9/11, there was complete peace, there was not a single attack, there was not a single terrorism, whole Paf-Afghan border was of no concern, Pakistan never posted any military over there as long as Taliban was in control throughout the 90's.

Just take out the assumptions from your mind once and forever. If you want to persist in saying no no taliban are enemy then tell me why on earth they were our close allies in the 90's and why there was no terrorism back then? You need to find that answer. I am telling you with statistics and not just saying my opinion. Those are the facts. So, I will once again try to explain you what happened after 9/11.

We jumped in War on Terror that was not our war, Taliban or any other group never had attacked Pakistan, but still military establishment jumped in without setting any red lines. Taliban was removed by American sponsored Northern alliance. That government was staunch enemy of Taliban and even more bigger enemy of Pakistan. India invested a lot in northern alliance government of Kabul, RAW & NDS colluded, the TTP became strongest during their time, TTP had all the fundings and supply chain it could have imagined, TTP reached till Swat. As soon as Taliban started to become stronger and increased its attacks against Kabul government similarly, the TTP started to become weak. BTW, TTP got local support from Pakistan because it was Pakistan that allowed US to bomb our own population, We let americans bomb funeral processions and gathering of tribesmen. Whatever mess is created is our own doing.

Perhaps you have ZERO idea of previous Pro-indian Kabul government. Just listen to the speeches of their president and vice president Amrullah Saleh. Google the name, and watch his speeches or interviews against Pakistan, Watch NDS (isi eqivalent of previous Afghan govt) cheif statements against Pakistan. They used to openly abuse Pakistan, calling Pakistan as Sl*t and what not. The indian military trained previous Afghan military. So its your choice you want those Norther alliance guys back who hate your existance or you want Taliban with whom you never had problem before you became US puppets (before 9/11)

Taliban will become our strongest ally again and we will not require to bother about our western border once Pakistan & GHQ once Pakistani military regime stop behaving as US puppets. Taliban has only stopped collaborating with us AFTER witnessing our military establishment working like CIA agents, allowing drones, doing regime change for US interests, etc. Its not just Taliban which lost trust in Pakistan. China and Russia has also lost trust in Pakistan.

Only a fool would want to annoy Taliban and bulldoze any relations & trust that is left. Because making enemy out of two longest borders means quick death and nothing else. Its so obvious but still I have to explain that jumping in deep well will kill you but you and few others are persistent that no we should jump. No technology and amount of military power can stop border infiltration when border is as complex and as long as AF-Pak border. Vast mountains, valleys, caves, rivers all goes through these borders, try to invoke your imagination. You need to wish for peace & properity in Afghanistan and not war. Its for Pakistan's benefit.

@Bleek & @Goritoes,

Don't make it an ego issue and don't give arguments for the sake of arguments. I am trying not to win an argument. I am just trying to put some sanity.
Before giving any further arguments, Just answer me Is it correct:

Was there no terrorism in Pakistan before 9/11?.

Was Afghanistan under Taliban most peaceful for Pakistan ?

Was Af-Pakistan border (under Taliban - 90's) most peaceful that we didn't even bothered to post military over there?

For anyone who is 40,50 years old, the answer is YES, YES and YES for all three of above questions. So your whole crap of arguements has no value at all that Taliban are bad for Pakistan and bla bla bla.

Now let's see What type of Kabul government Taliban overthrow. Which govt was Pro-indians and collaborating with RAW ? Was the previous Kabul govt OR Taliban govt ?

Its a clear cut answer, the previous govt was totally in bed with indians.

Whatever ideaology and whatever false concepts that you guys have built in your minds are too far from reality. Its time you guys think with logic and check facts.

What's the solution in Your minds?
By the way, I means its too hilarious reading your comments but I am genuinely intrigued that What is the solution in your minds? For a moment I believe you that okay We need to declare Taliban as enemies then what? How do you plan for Pakistan's survival between two monster size enemies then ? That too with no money and so much internal problems, so huge debt, empty pockets, food and power insecurity and all sort of problems and you guys go ahead and annoy the neighbor that shares 2700 border with you. I have explained time and again that even 100 KM border cannot be sealed, the kind of terrain and the size of this border makes it impossible to seal. Even trillion dollar budget cannot do it. I am no fan of Afghans or Taliban but I am not insane that I will make Taliban our enemy, I want to see Pakistan's survival. But anyways, let's see what is the solution in your minds that you are persistent in your thinking for so long.
Tbh I'm not completely familiar with the 90s Taliban or what actually went down during that time frame but if that's the time frame during Mullah Omar's time then you are still somewhat wrong.

Mullah Omar never accepted the border either and was explicitly against it, the only reason terrorism in that region temporarily died down was because fighters were rerouted to control other unstable areas but the issue was still ongoing.

Exactly, these coksucker indics from pajeet land telling pasthuns to leave their ancestral homes lol. As if the Durand line is legitimate. Neither is the “LOC.”

Should deport the banglis and the Muhajirs.
Muhajirs and "banglis" can stay.

I think the indic so insecure of being an indic and sees his existence as insulting (you) should be deported to Pajeetland with his other Hindu insecure brethren and he can be a Hindu like them there.

A Bengali and a Muhajir are more worthy of respect than you, at least they are not self-hating cucks. So better not to insult them because of you accepting your inferiority. I think this is one thing everyone in Pakistan would agree on from Pashtuns to Punjabis lmao
Don't start this debate bro, he is a Punjabi himself but suffers from a severe Pajeet level inferiority complex about it.

Just skip otherwise thread will go to shit. May Allah heal him.
if beghairti was a weekly magazine, He'd be the front poster & editor

some day he asks Iran to bomb Pakistan and do a mumbai attack in Pakistan, some other day he asks the same from Afghanistan and then calls his own people names
Truly a nut case of epic proportions- not every beghairat retard deserves a response
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