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pakdef and pakistanidefence A salute to warriors past and lost

Nice to read about the history of PDF and other forums, time flies pass us. Those who passed away, may Allah almighty grant them jannatul firdous Ameen.

I was as ali786uk on the Pakistanidefence forum, I didn't have a clue about defence and registered just to learn. I got interested during General Musharaff time, some HT boys used to take us to demonstrate against Musharaff and the Pakistani army but deep down I liked general Musharaff and Pakistani army so I searched on Google and registered on Pakistanidefence. It was OK forum but very quiet. This was back in 2003, then I found PDF but didn't register till 2007 because I thought it was under cover indian forum, people on Pakistanidefence claimed it was hijacked by the Indians. I remember many Indians used to be on here and Su30MKI was the beast. Alot of Saudi lovers used to be on here too, if we criticise Saudis then you would be in big trouble.

Unfortunately I cannot remember most of the users or topics, I've had some family problems and got stressed, alhamdulillah everything better now but I somehow cannot recall many memories in my life.

I've learnt alot from PDF, the deep knowledge on defence changes your mindset. The love for your country increases.

I still come on PDF to check news related to defence as I believe PDF is more authentic than youtube or Facebook. It is a great forum for the serious person who love to learn and research on military. I do dislike how at times similar posts to Facebook are posted on here, like stupid anti india stuff, and other childish posts. PDF needs to be a serious military research forum.

I once got good advice on PDF, one senior member advised us all to go live our lives, dont come on PDF all day along and forget your lives, this is when I started to spend around 30mins or 1 hour on PDF, unless a hot topic is going on. I would also advice the young guys, seek education, jobs, get married, have 10kids, be happy. Do come on PDF but don't waste your life on it, restrict your time on YouTube, tiktok and Facebook. I myself spend very less time on there and use that time on PDF and then go back to work or spend time with family, Alhamdulillah.
I saved a lot of the useful threads on Pakdef. Have them somewhere on a USB stick.

I also have World Airpower journals and AFM from 90's with PAF reviews/articles on bases (Masroor, Risalpur, Kamra-PAC), interviews, new jet inductions (Mirages and F7PGs), Kargil crisis and tons more.

Being kid collecting books/magazines was such fun 8-)

Do you have pictures from the Kargil crisis?
I was a kid and found my interest in Pakistan Military during the 1998 Atlantic aeroplane shoot down, the atomic Test and the Kargil war, through the daily Jang newspaper, which was delivered two times a week to Berlin. I came from school and my father showed the two side articles about the ongoing war, he was very emotional and serious. Then I started to use the Internet and found all the pakdefences ! My names were alkhalid-....

At this time, when you lived in Europe newspapers were something exclusive, the internet was not common as water now! I could not read Urdu, but I could understand the pictures! Soldiers preparing and shooting with AA Guns and Artillery Bunkers in mountains, this war had definitely changed my life, before I was only in touch with german history and life.
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I perhaps joined pakistanidefenceforum by 2002/03. I still remember few names. PAF lacked BVR those days and we all were waiting for JF-17 as it had promised to bring that capability. I still remember when JF-17 did first flight, it was ecstatic day for us..

I remember there was a guy Londo Molari who made a very kick *** 3d animation featuring JF-17s. Those JF-17s went against SU-30 in his animation..

I used to read mostly not participate. Was a novice at best. I made perhaps only 2 or 3 threads in which one was "PAF - The art of interceptors" It was a Flash game by me for a project. I used to bring new versions with fixes & updates every week lol.. Got some great feedback / appreciation from that community.

Remembered, Pakdef.info used to be great resource for all the equipment of armed forces. The photos of ships, aircrafts everything was there in pakdef.. It was great effort. PDForum was nice community of people who were running those sites in that era. Gave us a place to share ideas & knowledge. I understand its 2 decades and many of the comrades may not be with us anymore. May they get eternal peace, they will be missed and their legacy continues.
I remember there was a guy Londo Molari who made a very kick *** 3d animation featuring JF-17s. Those JF-17s went against SU-30 in his animation..
I was reading this thread and thinking about Londo Molari and his animation. And here you are mentioning exactly the same. I kept that amination saved in my hard disk for so many years. It was fun to see JF-17 kicking Su-30MKI.

Good old memories, good to see u all again.

Does anyone of you remember a guy with the name Tank131?
Please mention names of those who are no more in this world.
Munir - we will always have you in our fond memories.

@Rafi cant really reveal my name - but i was on their too - I remember an Indian asking you what have Pakistanis got to be proud of? Quick as a flash i replied on your behalf - Proud that we are not Indian. You laughed so much bro you said you nearly spilled your tea. :azn::azn:

Abu Zulfiqar - always looked forward to him coming on in the evenings and slapping a few Indians down - regular as clockwork. Always will be remembered in my duas. Went too early to those speedy bikes. RIP

Threads been a genuinely good read and brought back memories....... thanks to all the contributors.
About 20 years ago there were a few Pakistani defence forums like Pakistanidefenceforum and pakdef. These forums gave us the opportunity to begin our journey to defend Pakistan in the virtual world. When we all started talking JF-17 / super 7 was a rumors, alkhalid had just come into the army with teething problems. The navy operated a small fleet of used type 22 British ships. The war on terror was just starting.........i am sure all of us are ecstatic MashAllah how much we have progressed in 20 years.
The PDF is a mature place to continue our battle in the virtual world a key part of 5th generation war , the JF-17 has proven its metal in battle, the myth of the raptor of the East su-30 Mki is broken, Alkhalid II is around the corner. CPEC is a stepping stone for our economic recovery. Inshallah Allah will see Pakistan grow and prosper.

This thread is to salute some of the warrior who we have lost along the way. The battle for them has ended but the struggle continues. They will never be forgotten.

Pakistan zindabad, Pakistan piandabad

Khan vilatey / wajman

Had a minor typo I meant to say a mature. Place rather than a mature
It was then I was exposed first time to the Indian hidden mindset.
This mindset has been around since 1947. The Indian cannot move on unless he conquers all of South Asia and makes us his Satellite. No matter how rich or has powerful enemies (China), the Indian sees Pakistan as unfinished business. He has already deployed the cannon fodders aka cultural warriors with attempts to blur our identities. This is the reality.
It was a really dumb issue too Lol. Literally, all I did was quote (and even paste) some excerpts from a Turkish defence magazine about Pakistan looking at the T129 and the MILGEM. It had direct quotes from our officials too. The guy basically said none of that was true, and then went on long rants about how it couldn't happen, will never happen, etc. I then refuted him. He then started editing or deleting my posts. I then called quits.
Sounds like psychosaint. Once I caught him red-handed in a thread and refuted him. He responded with an outright suspension, then editing/deleting, followed by a permanent ban. Whatever happened to pdf anyways?

Pdf members I remember not mentioned here already,

Sultan / pakistan_forever
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Sounds like psychosaint. Once I caught him red-handed in a thread and refuted him. He responded with an outright suspension, then editing/deleting, followed by a permanent ban. Whatever happened to pdf anyways?

Pdf members I remember not mentioned here already,

Sultan / pakistan_forever
No, H Khan and Psychosaint are two different people. Psychosaint was legit ex Pak Army; he was a NCO who through hard work and study became a CO at the end of his career. He was a good guy.
Yes Lulldapull, I almost met him once in Chicago. He used to build aircraft models in 1:72 scale with a lot of brilliant detail.
He was a bit of a mercurial character and just dropped out suddenly
He hung around on SinoDefenceForum and some smaller model-building forums for a few years. I last saw him (online) around 2012-2013.
Yes Lulldapull, I almost met him once in Chicago. He used to build aircraft models in 1:72 scale with a lot of brilliant detail.
He was a bit of a mercurial character and just dropped out suddenly
Pretty sure I recall people vouching for his ban.

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