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pakdef and pakistanidefence A salute to warriors past and lost

I have hard copies of all the PAF books (except the 1988-1999 one) and tons of Jane's material. We can recreate an archive with all that info, just lacking the time and energy to do it, but we should eventually. I don't mind a 'Pakistan Armed Forces Library' type project.
Were you Mark Sien AKA Diving Falcon ?
We haven't forgotten who you are brother mark sien :-) I remember you abandoned the handle. Brother @waz and @aziqbal were also members at pakistanidefenceforum

I won't reveal myself, but you probably already know me. Man, we used to kick some Indian rear back in the day. I will never forget it. Still some very fond memories. Others I forgot.
I remember both Aziqbal and Waz from old PDF.

Aziqbal's style of posting is similar still; one liner posts mostly or single liners with spacing. I had interesting interactions with Aziqbal back then since he disliked everything Russian. So anyone nominating Mi-24, Mi-28, SU-35, T-80 etc would have to deal with Aziqbal most of the time. He has matured now :laugh:

Waz is a cool bloke, it was difficult to instigate him back then even :sarcastic:
I remember both Aziqbal and Waz from old PDF.

Aziqbal's style of posting is similar still; one liner posts mostly or single liners with spacing. I had interesting interactions with Aziqbal back then since he disliked everything Russian. So anyone nominating Mi-24, Mi-28, SU-35, T-80 etc would have to deal with Aziqbal most of the time. He has matured now :laugh:

Waz is a cool bloke, it was difficult to instigate him back then even :sarcastic:

I remember Azi whereas he these days? I don’t think he posts on this forum.
Dizasta was a prominent guy always got along with him pretty nicely.
These names sound familiar.

vikasrehman posted on both forums, esp on PakDef. He was a senior member. Usmanali was also incomparable. Truly the golden age of Pakistani discussion forums. Now we have prepubertal kids running amok and fake insiders presenting their wet dreams as insider information lol
Thank you. I hope someone can capture that information, so it’s not lost forever
So who is gonna do it?We can just Copy Paste all the info and make a new section.
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vikasrehman posted on both forums, esp on PakDef. He was a senior member. Usmanali was also incomparable. Truly the golden age of Pakistani discussion forums. Now we have prepubertal kids running amok and fake insiders presenting their wet dreams as insider information lol

Back then there weren't many places one could discuss defence topics so PDF and PakDef were the go to places. The lack of competition meant we attracted quality members. Now there is a lot of competition from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and then lesser platforms like Reddit, Discord, Telegram, et al. that have critical mass so you are forced to split time. I'm still pissed about PDF losing its Twitter account which had close to 200K to 300K followers.
My ID was GreenBeret on both the old forums. I had like 7000+ posts on pakistanidefence and a few 100 on PakDef info.

I remember you and few other people although I did forget my id of the time, I used to participate particularly while bashing Indians all sorts of interesting names for them. As an expat that time it was honestly difficult to defend as we were going through one of the shittiest time in our history.

I do remember one gentleman "dzzata or dizasta" something like that he had the propensity of deflating indians while comparing them to something dwelling in the brown stuff usually found in places called sluiceways
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