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" You have problem with China? how many times you've been"? : David Haubert,Supervisor of Alameda County ,California


Nov 4, 2011
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" You have problem with China? how many times you've been"? : David Haubert,Supervisor of Alameda County ,California
It's a funny and rather ironic phenomenon that the bunch who have the most problems with China are the same bunch who have never been to China. Cause one simple China visit will totally destroy their brainwashed brain.
It's a funny and rather ironic phenomenon that the bunch who have the most problems with China are the same bunch who have never been to China. Cause one simple China visit will totally destroy their brainwashed brain.
does hongkong taiwan count or are thsoe not part of china
so now u care about un

How many morons like you do you think still believe this lie? The west tries to drive a wedge between China and the Muslim world but only found out China and the Muslim world became more closer than ever, lol, what an irony.

That is called democracy.

People make decisions based on ignorance.

That is why in the first place, direct democracy is never allowed to exist.
" You have problem with China? how many times you've been"? : David Haubert,Supervisor of Alameda County ,California

quoting County supervisors for foreign policy expertise

She was a Chinese Mata Hari — who allegedly slept with at least two Midwestern mayors while cozying up to a slew of pols across the country in a bid to infiltrate the US political system.

Fetching accused Chinese government spy Fang Fang, a k a Christine Fang, entered the US through California as a college student in 2011 — and spent the next four years wooing everyone from local politicos to US congressmen, said the Web site Axios, citing current and former US intelligence officials.

Among the pols who Fang got close to was California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, and she also once helped raise funds for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), sources said.

“She was on a mission,’’ a US counter-intelligence official said of Fang — and it included plenty of seduction before the feds got wind of her antics and she vanished in 2015.

The idea was for Fang to maneuver herself into key government circles — and sometimes politicians’ beds — to gain personal information about them while ingratiating herself with unwitting potential up-and-coming heavy-hitters, intelligence sources told Axios.

US officials know of at least two mayors who had romantic relationships with Fang, likely now in her late 30s or early 40s, for about three years, the site said.

The accused spy had sex with an Ohio mayor in a car, an incident caught on FBI electronic surveillance, an intelligence official said.

The mayor asked Fang at one point why she was into him, and she allegedly replied that she needed to improve her English.
Christine Fang with Congressman Eric Swalwell (left) and with Congresswoman Judy Chu
Christine Fang with Congressman Eric Swalwell (left) and with Congresswoman Judy ChuFacebook

Another US mayor described as older and “from an obscure city’’ in the Midwest called Fang his “girlfriend” at a conference in Washington, DC, in 2014, former Cupertino, Calif., Mayor Gilbert Wong told Axios.

Wong, who was present at the gathering at the time, said the besotted mayor insisted the pair’s relationship was the real deal despite their age difference.

Allegedly working at the direction of China’s ultra-secret Ministry of State Security spy agency, Fang likely didn’t get her hands on any classified US material — but she may have helped place “unwitting subagents” in local and congressional offices, US officials said.

Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office, according to two sources.

She also raised funds for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign and interacted with the congressman at a number of events over several years, the site said.

There is no evidence of any illegal contributions being made, and Federal Election Commission records don’t indicate that Fang made any donations. Foreign nationals are prohibited from making political donations.

But federal investigators, who began investigating Fang based on what they considered her suspicious behavior, informed Swalwell about their concerns involving her in 2015.

At that point, Swalwell, who has not been accused of any wrongdoing, cut off all contact with Fang.

“Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person — whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years — to the FBI,’’ the congressman’s office said in a statement to Axios.
“To protect information that might be classified, he will not participate in your story.”

A rep for Gabbard said in an e-mail to the Web site that the congresswoman “has no recollection of ever meeting or talking with her, nor any recollection of her playing a major role at the fundraiser.’’

During her rounds, Fang volunteered on the campaign of California Democrat Ro Khanna in his unsuccessful 2014 House bid, too, Axios said. Khanna won the seat in 2016.

A spokesman for Khanna told Axios he saw Fang at some political gathering but that they did not have any further contact with her and that her name doesn’t appear on any staff records.

Khanna’s office said the congressman was not briefed by the FBI about Fang.

Fang’s case showed that the Chinese Communist Party has the patience to cultivate relationships that may take years before they reap rewards, the report said.

The suspected spy arrived in the US when she was in her late 20s or early 30s and enrolled at California State University East Bay outside San Francisco, acquaintances told Axios.

At first, she got involved in campus activities, serving as president of the school’s Chinese Student Association and president of the campus chapter of the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs organization.

From there, she branched out to become engaged with political circles as a representative of those campus groups, attending campaign rallies and campus political events to meet Bay Area elected officials.

Fang also developed close ties with the Chinese consulate in San Francisco.

“She was everywhere,” Raj Salwan, a Fremont city councilman, told Axios. “She was an active student. I was surprised at how active she was and how she knew so many politicos.”

Fang gained access to mayors by attending regional mayoral conferences as she expanded her network of contacts nationally.

Soon, Fang was collecting private information about the politicians, including their habits, schedules, social networks and even rumors about them.

Her plan was a “long game play,’’ meaning her role was to “strike up a relationship with you and see if you move up the line,’’ said former Freemont, Calif., Mayor Bill Harrison, referring to what he said FBI officials told him at the time.

As Fang made her way through the ranks, she was perceived as both “charismatic’’ and “well-liked’’ — and “secretive’’ and “suspicious,’’ acquaintances told Axios.

Fang never talked about her family or home, said those who knew her.

She came on the feds’ radar during their surveillance of another suspected Chinese spy working as a diplomat at the San Francisco consulate, a US counter-intelligence officer told the site.

Fang was meeting with the accused spy a lot — prompting the feds to begin looking into why she “was traveling around the country” getting close to pols herself, a US intelligence official said.

US federal authorities started briefing local and national politicians about the potential dangers of associating with her, a source told the site. White House and congressional members also were alerted.

Fang apparently got wind that the feds were onto her and fled the country in 2015, presumably headed back to China.

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democracy purpose is for the government to do right by people.

However democracy for 3rd world country is an utter failure due to 1. democracy does not award leaders with doing a good job and 2. democracy does not punish leaders for doing a bad job. All a leader in a 3rd world democracy needs to do is lie, cheat, bribe his way into power and lie/cheat/steal/threaten to gain maximum money and leave once his rotation is over. Country doesn't get any better because they can't punish him or his party for doing a sh1t job. If China was a democracy all the politicans would have bled China dry and it would still be a 1/10th of its current gdp.
democracy purpose is for the government to do right by people.

However democracy for 3rd world country is an utter failure due to 1. democracy does not award leaders with doing a good job and 2. democracy does not punish leaders for doing a bad job. All a leader in a 3rd world democracy needs to do is lie, cheat, bribe his way into power and lie/cheat/steal/threaten to gain maximum money and leave once his rotation is over. Country doesn't get any better because they can't punish him or his party for doing a sh1t job. If China was a democracy all the politicans would have bled China dry and it would still be a 1/10th of its current gdp.
but the other east asian countries succeeded

and your talking as if china has none of those problems under terror fedual xi
but the other east asian countries succeeded

and your talking as if china has none of those problems under terror fedual xi
Those East Asian countries failed because they work twice as hard and twice as many hours yet their gdp per capita is still below that of the West e.g. Taiwan /Korea. If they adoped an equal system they would reep what they sow and be awarded their actual contributions comparatively.

Whats China got to do with anything? China lives rent free in ur head lil homie cos i never even said the word China but that seems to be ur favorite topic. U indians are obssessed with China while China is more interested in making money and not that interested in geo-politics.
Those East Asian countries failed because they work twice as hard and twice as many hours yet their gdp per capita is still below that of the West e.g. Taiwan /Korea. If they adoped an equal system they would reep what they sow and be awarded their actual contributions comparatively.

Whats China got to do with anything? China lives rent free in ur head lil homie cos i never even said the word China but that seems to be ur favorite topic. U indians are obssessed with China while China is more interested in making money and not that interested in geo-politics.
marxists must die
Those East Asian countries failed because they work twice as hard and twice as many hours yet their gdp per capita is still below that of the West e.g. Taiwan /Korea. If they adoped an equal system they would reep what they sow and be awarded their actual contributions comparatively.

Whats China got to do with anything? China lives rent free in ur head lil homie cos i never even said the word China but that seems to be ur favorite topic. U indians are obssessed with China while China is more interested in making money and not that interested in geo-politics.

That is actually what I'm thinking.

Higher income will transform these countries into a different world.

The leaders think that their competitiveness depends on working harder with lower wages.

Especially Taiwan.

They even import lower wages worker from SE Asia and India, instead of investing in robotics.

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