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Yemen's Ansarullah (Houthis) vow more attacks on Israel

If you thought it couldn't get worse:-
Live: Saudi Arabia's Armed Forces Put on Full Combat Readiness's Armed Forces Put on Full Combat Readiness
Live: Saudi Arabia's Armed Forces Put on Full Combat Readiness© Abid Katib / Getty Images
The Saudi Arabian armed forces find themselves in a heightened state of combat readiness as they grapple with the ongoing conflict involving fighters from the Ansar Allah, more commonly known as the Houthi movement. This intensifying situation underscores the critical need for vigilance and preparedness in the face of these persistent security challenges.

Tragically, the recent escalation has already exacted a toll on the brave servicemen and women of Saudi Arabia. Reports from Bloomberg sources reveal that four Saudi Arabian soldiers lost their lives in a fierce firefight that erupted in the rugged and mountainous province of Jizan, located along the volatile Yemeni border.

This somber development underscores the perilous nature of the conflict and the profound sacrifices made by those dedicated to safeguarding their nation. Amidst the conflict, Saudi Arabia's air defenses proved their mettle once again as they successfully intercepted a missile launched by Houthi forces.

This resolute response demonstrates the unwavering commitment of the Saudi military to protect its citizens and territory from external threats.

The evolving situation in Jizan and along the Yemeni border highlights the ever-present need for diplomacy

This latest bout of hostilities marks a significant departure from the brief period of calm that followed a ceasefire agreement between Saudi Arabia and the Houthi rebels, which was brokered in early April of the previous year.

The return to violence underscores the persistent challenges that continue to destabilize the region and hinder the pursuit of a lasting peace. In the face of this renewed conflict, the Saudi Arabian armed forces stand unwavering in their resolve to secure their nation and shield their citizens from the ongoing turmoil.

The situation in Jizan and along the Yemeni border serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring imperative for diplomatic initiatives, regional collaboration, and international endeavors. It is through these concerted efforts that the underlying factors driving this prolonged conflict can be effectively tackled.

As the world watches these events unfold, there is a collective hope that the persistent commitment to peace will prevail, and ultimately lead the way to a more stable, harmonious, and prosperous future for the entire region and all nations.

Dude, who wrote these articles? They are hilarious. It's like a PR message directly from the Saudi Royal Family.
Anyone against any form of aid to Palestinians be it Houthi missiles or whatever, you’re the reason Muslims are suffering today.
Have some fear and some shame.
Usa won’t be of any help to you on the Day of Reckoning.
Fear Allah and only Allah.
They fired Rockets
What are the plans now to defend yemenis from Israeli counter strikes?
Or yemenis are expendable?
Houthis can ensure Saudia that there will be no attack against Saudia and if it happens then houthis will cooperate to find the culprits.
Israel cant reach houthis then. If it will, then yemnis will have a fair chance too.
There are people here who don't know their subject. It is completely false to say in 2023 that Iraq was one of the great powerful armies during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Iraq was already very weakened by 8 years of war against Iraq. The second Gulf War in 2003, the Iraqi army had been largely overestimated, all analyzes can be easily found on the subject. Nice manipulation by the USA to say that they were attacking a huge army

And even if large missiles are intercepted above Israeli cities, landing them on the ground can cause great damage. Imagine that burning debris falls on gas stations, propane tanks, on electrical lines, on roofs, on natural gas supplies, electrical transformers and many other objects that can catch fire.

So even with interceptions, debris from large ballistic missiles can wreak unexpected havoc. It's over for Israel, especially for the Zionist regime, they will not recover from this

The USA will be very devastated by a big regional war, The police of this world will have a wonderful beating
the explosion was above the ground
the burst of light at 0:04-0:05 looks like an impact rather than an interception (albeit without sound), why would it explode above the ground?
If Afghanistan and Iraq were at war against each other and Iraq launched missiles and drones towards Afghanistan. Will Iran let those missiles to fly in Iranians territory?
Yes, If Iran was enemy of Afghanistan too.
Images of drone and missile attacks by Yemen's Ansarullah against Israhell



Sanaa (AFP) – Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels on Tuesday pledged more attacks against Israel if its war on Hamas in Gaza continues, saying it had already fired drones and ballistic missiles in three separate operations.
Issued on.
Thousands of Yemenis attended weekly Muslim prayers in the rebel-held capital Sanaa on Friday, many waving Palestinian flags in solidarity with Gaza
Thousands of Yemenis attended weekly Muslim prayers in the rebel-held capital Sanaa on Friday, many waving Palestinian flags in solidarity with Gaza © MOHAMMED HUWAIS / AFP

"The Yemeni Armed Forces... confirm they will continue to carry out qualitative strikes with missiles and drones until the Israeli aggression stops," said a Huthi military statement aired on the rebels' Al-Masirah TV.
It said Huthi rebels "launched a large batch of ballistic missiles... and a large number of armed aircraft" towards Israel on Tuesday, in the third such operation since the Gaza assault began on October 7 after Hamas militants staged the worst attack in Israel's history.

Earlier, Israel's military said a "hostile aircraft intrusion" had set off warning sirens in Eilat, its Red Sea resort, later saying it had intercepted a "surface-to-surface missile" fired toward Israeli territory, that was "successfully intercepted by the 'Arrow' aerial defence system".

"All aerial threats were intercepted outside of Israeli territory," it said.
Abdelaziz bin Habtour, prime minister of the Huthi government, on Tuesday said the rebels were "part of the axis of resistance" against Israel, which includes Tehran-backed groups in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, and were fighting with both "words and drones".

"It is one axis and there is coordination taking place, a joint operations room, and a joint command for all these operations," he said.
"We cannot allow this arrogant Zionist enemy to kill our people"
The Huthis seized Yemen's capital Sanaa in 2014 and control large swathes of the country

Targeting southern Israel​

Israel had blamed the Huthis for a drone attack on Friday, saying its aircraft had intercepted "hostile targets" headed for southern Israel.
At the same time, six people were lightly injured when debris hit a building across the border from Eilat in the neighbouring Egyptian resort of Taba, the Egyptian army said at the time.

On October 19, the US Navy said it shot down three land-attack cruise missiles and "several" drones fired by the Huthis, possibly at Israel.
Israel has been pounding Gaza since the October 7 attack when Hamas gunmen stormed across the border and killed more than 1,400 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapped more than 230 others.

Since then, Israel's bombardments have killed more than 8,500 people, over 3,500 of them children, according to the health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza, an impoverished slice of land which is home to 2.4 million people.

Concerns are high over a regional conflagration, especially as Iran -- which financially and militarily backs Hamas but insists it had no involvement in the October 7 attack -- has loyalists and proxy fighters in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

Since the Gaza conflict began, there have been a string of attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria as well as almost daily exchanges of fire across the Israel-Lebanon border between Hezbollah and the Israeli army.

On Sunday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned on X, formerly Twitter, that Israel had "crossed the red lines, and this may force everyone to take action", without elaborating.
Yemenis used these weapons against Israhell
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Israel is symbol of western imperialism. If Muslims gathered and rooted out this boil on the skin of Muslim world, we will gain half of our liberty that day. The rest of the liberty we will gain the day we devise our own financial system.
May Allah give us power to defeat our own defeated-selves first and then do a surgery in the land of Palestine.
If Afghanistan and Iraq were at war against each other and Iraq launched missiles and drones towards Afghanistan. Will Iran let those missiles to fly in Iranians territory?
What a loser you are. Crawl back to your hole in Arab section little sissy. No wonder you are led by Sissi
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War in Yemen led to a significant humanitarian crisis in Yemen and UN put pressure on the belligerents to ceasefire. Houthi were able to hold ground because they facing inexperienced troops and mercenaries on the ground. US and Pakistan did not provide troops for this campaign.

Houthi strikes are not getting through and will achieve nothing.
One already struck Eilat. If they increase the numbers which they fire many will get through.
One already struck Eilat. If they increase the numbers which they fire many will get through.
More just now

By the way they are still using older and smaller Iranian missiles like Qiam, with tiny warheads and extended fuel tanks to extend range from 1000km to 1500km, they didn't use Qods-4 LACM or Ghadr-F MRBM or Shahed-136 yet (they can all reach Tel Aviv).
the burst of light at 0:04-0:05 looks like an impact rather than an interception (albeit without sound), why would it explode above the ground?
its interception or to make more damage they put some sort of trigger on warhead that explode it above ground (Just like Gaza hospital bombing , the videos of damage to cars in the hospital implied the explosion was above ground and that could explain the lack of a significant impact crater)(I doubt Ansar-Allah have that technology but who knows)
Anyway more power to the Yemen, hope North Korea will send them more weapons and materials as they promised or Iran.
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