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Yemen's Ansarullah (Houthis) vow more attacks on Israel

Therefore, the interception of Yemeni missiles is not because these arabic governments are puppets of the Jews and America
If Afghanistan and Iraq were at war against each other and Iraq launched missiles and drones towards Afghanistan. Will Iran let those missiles to fly in Iranians territory?
Just an example. It is in theory. I am not comparing Afghanistan to Israel.
If Israel was on Iran's border and someone wanted to fire missiles at it over Iranian territory, you are saying Iran would intercept them?

Iran allowed Russia to fire missiles over its territory to strike ISIS in Syria, so your pathetic attempts to excuse Egypt's complicity in this genocide of Palestinians fail
If Israel was on Iran's border and someone wanted to fire missiles at it over Iranian territory, you are saying Iran would intercept them?
Ofc. So you let your own citizens to die in case of technical error?
Ofc. So you let your own citizens to die in case of technical error?
I repeat: Iran allowed Russia to fire missiles over its territory to strike ISIS in Syria, so your pathetic attempts to excuse Egypt's complicity in this genocide of Palestinians fail

Your logic is braindead, missiles fired from your own territory can have a technical error, that's not a reason to shoot them down
If Israel was on Iran's border and someone wanted to fire missiles at it over Iranian territory, you are saying Iran would intercept them?

Iran allowed Russia to fire missiles over its territory to strike ISIS in Syria, so your pathetic attempts to excuse Egypt's complicity in this genocide of Palestinians fail
The distance between Israel and Yemen is 2000 km. If Houthis shot 1000 missiles and drones, how many of them will have technical issues and fell in Egypt or KSA?
The distance between Israel and Yemen is 2000 km. If Houthis shot 1000 missiles and drones, how many of them will have technical issues and fell in Egypt or KSA?
The distance is 1600km and the answer to your pathetic question is not enough
Israel has very limited options to respond to Yemen. Ansarallah possesses a variant of the advanced Iranian Third Khordad SAM system as well as long-range Iranian anti-ship cruise missiles. They are simply too far away for Israel to do any meaningful damage to them (indeed, the Saudis in 8 years of brutal war against Yemen could not degrade Ansarallah's military capabilities from next door let alone 1700km away).

Also, Ansarallah operates with local autonomy and does not simply take instructions from Iran (indeed, Iran warned Ansarallah not to move into Sana'a but these warnings were ignored). Kindly do some more research into the dynamics of these relationships before spreading misinformation.

Israeli will have to depend on ships in the Suez Canal to neutralize these incoming missiles and drones (like the USN vessel did last week). Yemen is too far of a strike for them to embark on at this time, too little to gain.

They have to deal with the many-fronted threats much nearer to home.

Unless they lob missiles at Yemen, which is not a path they will take at this time.
UAE did send forces to Yemen, 52 Emirati soldiers (as well as 10 Saudi soldiers and 5 Bahraini soldiers) were killed in a Houthi ballistic missile attack against a Saudi-led coalition base inside Marib in Yemen in 2015, indicating significant presence of soldiers from those countries. I will also add it is my understanding that UAE soldiers performed quite well in Yemen, and were the most successful in combating Houthi fighters.

Saudi-led coalition contained troops from 9 countries but a chunk of it was composed of mercenaries. UAE was able to find support from within Yemen as well. Saudi-led coalition was unable to topple Houthi setup due to lack of professionalism, mounting losses, disagreements between Saudi Arabia and UAE on how to move forward on the ground, and mounting UN pressure for ceasefire due to significant humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

2003 war was preceded by years of savage economic warfare, softening Iraq, and it is easier to remove a regime from power than to destroy a guerrilla group. Personally I believe a US-led coalition would have been able to remove Houthis from power and reinstate Hadi-led regime (even though he extended his mandate and resigned before he fled, but that's another conversation), but not remove Houthis forever - once the US left, Houthis would likely re-emerge from their mountainous home turf in the north.
Mountains could be combed as well as was shown in Operation Anaconda in 2002.


Houthi could be surrounded and eliminated but a professional force was needed for this job.

Houthi wasn't an unstoppable force but Saudi-led coalition made it look competent and strong in comparison.

Houthi will remain a significant force in Yemen until a new coalition is assembled to topple it but no indication to this end. Houthi can be precision bombed but no indication to this end either. Let's see.
Israeli will have to depend on ships in the Suez Canal to neutralize these incoming missiles and drones (like the USN vessel did last week). Yemen is too far of a strike for them to embark on at this time, too little to gain.

They have to deal with the many-fronted threats much nearer to home.

Unless they lob missiles at Yemen, which is not a path they will take at this time.
As far as I know Israeli navy doesn't have ships with ballistic missile defence capabilities like US SM-3/SM-6
As far as I know Israeli navy doesn't have ships with ballistic missile defence capabilities like US SM-3/SM-6

Yes - the most potent Israeli vessel is I believe the SAAR-6 class, which as a rather well-armed corvette (1900 tons). So no ballistic missile capability. It does have,
  • 32 vertical launch cells for Barak-8 surface-to-air missiles,
  • the C-Dome point defense system,
  • 16 anti-ship missiles (Gabriel V)
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Saudi-led coalition contained troops from 9 countries but a chunk of it was composed of mercenaries. UAE was able to find support from within Yemen as well. Saudi-led coalition was unable to topple Houthi setup due to lack of professionalism, mounting losses, disagreements between Saudi Arabia and UAE on how to move forward on the ground, and mounting UN pressure for ceasefire due to significant humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
I largely agree, but would add the capabilities and fighting of the Houthis was impressive and heavily contributed. Also, large supplies of Iranian weapons played a factor in taking the war to the heart of Saudi Arabia and UAE.
Mountains could be combed as well as was shown in Operation Anaconda in 2002.
That was one smaller area against only 1000 terrorists. I don't think that can be done across the entirety of a nation. Houthis have hundreds of thousands of fighters and control a large amount of territory, with their historical territory being in the mountainous north. They can be removed from power by a powerful US-led coalition, but not destroyed entirely.

Houthi wasn't an unstoppable force but Saudi-led coalition made it look competent and strong in comparison.
There is probably some truth in that. Still, I would not downplay Houthi achievements. They had many impressive tactical victories over an enemy with air supremacy and many advantages.

NB. That map of control is slightly outdated, since then: UAE forces withdrew from the region south of Hodiedah and Houthis took control of that entire region shaded in red south of Hodeidah; Houthis also took control of that entire region shaded in red to the east of Amran, and south of Marib, as well as most of that region shaded in red to the north-east of Saada:

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 23.51.37.png

Yes - the most potent Israeli vessel is I believe the SAAR class, which as a rather well-armed patrol boat, i.e. not even a corvette. So no ballistic missile capability. It does have,
  • 32 vertical launch cells for Barak-8 surface-to-air missiles,
  • the C-Dome point defense system,
  • 16 anti-ship missiles (Gabriel V)
Those missiles can intercept anti-ship cruise missiles but not ballistic missiles, they will have to rely on ground-based BMD for that (of which they have a formidable amount and quality, such as Patriot PAC-2 and PAC-3, THAAD, David's Sling and Arrow-2/3).
I laugh at the Houthis. These uneducated runts think they are a match for Israel with USA supporting Israel?

First go build a university in Yemen, then we can talk. :lol:

I have every right to criticize these stupid Houthis as a Pakistani.

Secondly the Saudi Mutawwa sees these Houthis as heretics. They are not even mainstream Shia Imammiyah/ 12er Shia in Iran, lol.
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War in Yemen led to a significant humanitarian crisis in Yemen and UN put pressure on the belligerents to ceasefire. Houthi were able to hold ground because they facing inexperienced troops and mercenaries on the ground. US and Pakistan did not provide troops for this campaign.

Houthi strikes are not getting through and will achieve nothing.
Check the pages of Houthi tribes history. They slaughtered 12000 soldiers in early 1900. They been facing occupation for centuries and fight back. They fought many years Israel-UAE occupation in part of Yemen.

Tyranny on the waters: The UAE-Israeli occupation of Yemen's Socotra Island​

The transformation of Yemen’s strategically-located Socotra Island into an Emirati-Israeli military intelligence hub has raised concerns for the Ansarallah movement and its allies, significantly increasing the geopolitical stakes of the Yemen war.
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