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US must 'stand strong' in face of 'unbelievable aggression from China': Turner


Nov 4, 2011
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US must 'stand strong' in face of 'unbelievable aggression from China': Turner​

6/4/2023 8:26:00 PM

House Intelligence Chair Rep. Mike Turner on ThisWeekABC lambasted what he called increased military hostility by China and insisted the U.S. 'stand strong' after recent provocations.

Rep. Mike Turner on 'This Week' lambasted what he called increased military aggression by China and insisted the U.S. must 'stand strong' that was shot down off the East Coast. "What we're seeing is an unbelievable aggression by China," Turner, R-Ohio, told ABC "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz.

"If you look at the balloon that flew over the United States, the Chinese police stations, the aggressiveness against our both planes and ships and international water, it goes right to the heart of what President Xi [Jinping] said when he stood next to [President Vladimir] Putin in Russia where he said they are trying to make change that has not happened in 100 years."

"They're trying to flex their muscles and advance authoritarianism. We need to stand strong," Turner said, "and this administration needs to stand strong against this type of coercion." MORE: China tightens access to Tiananmen Square, 24 detained in Hong Kong on anniversary of 1989 protests

The tough rhetoric from Turner comes as relations between Washington and Beijing have become frayed over issues including Taiwan, trade and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, though President Joe Biden has said he seeks "competition, not conflict." headtopics.com


Wait... Where is the location of the incident?

Texas? California? USA East Coast or West coast?

I agree completely with USA.

It's an aggression.
Shoes on the other foot now and China hasn't even started and you can already hear the Randi Roona.

They hate being shown the mirror. Hypocrites of the highest order. China has the full support of the oppressed nations.

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By "unbelievable aggression", was he talking about the past 7 decades of Americunt foreign policy?

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