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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Let’s assume missile shooting. That don’t take long chain of command. That’s probably 5 people. All takes maybe 5 minutes. Then Prigozhin’s plane is doomed.

Putin-> Shoigu or Gerassimov -> the commanding general of St. Petersburg-> the commander of missile battery-> the shooter
It’s not decision to shooter. There are at least 40 personnel just around the battery involved in the shooting or on secondary maintenance duties that will know. And then a launch of a missile in that part of the country, it has to replaced, now you have the entire supply chain with knowledge about it thats going to replace the spent ‘round’.

Then there are the people in at least a 4 mile radius that would observe the launch and plume into the cloud.

Air to air shooting more likely. This was at cruise altitude with overcast skies so less visible from the ground. You can deploy a fighter jet from one area to another for this specific mission and only a few would know. But in that scenario, NATO intelligence would know if there was another aircraft that was trailing it to have shot it down.
Ukraine has developed a line of contact at Russias Surovikin line from Verbove extending south 6km.

Ukraine has committed two additional brigades to help break through
Let’s assume missile shooting. That don’t take long chain of command. That’s probably 5 people. All takes maybe 5 minutes. Then Prigozhin’s plane is doomed.

Putin-> Shoigu or Gerassimov -> the commanding general of St. Petersburg-> the commander of missile battery-> the shooter

It's more easy sabotage before take off, and no clues remain.

Prigozhin likely was surrounded by traitors willing to obbey orders from Moscow.

A lot of Wagner trust men are former FSB, so with at least one who keep loyal to Moscow, it's done.
It's more easy sabotage before take off, and no clues remain.

Prigozhin likely was surrounded by traitors willing to obbey orders from Moscow.

A lot of Wagner trust men are former FSB, so with at least one who keep loyal to Moscow, it's done.
Of course there are thousand ways to kill. Putin’s most favorite way to kill opponents is either poison or throw out of window. Stalin’s favorites are execution or gulags. Bringing a plane to explosion is really something new.

Either way with Prigozhin’s death the wagners chapter is finished. The wagners arny captured Bakhmut and paid the largest blood money. Now it does not exist anymore.
Of course there are thousand ways to kill. Putin’s most favorite way to kill opponents is either poison or throw out of window. Stalin’s favorites are execution or gulags. Bringing a plane to explosion is really something new.

Either way with Prigozhin’s death the wagners chapter is finished. The wagners arny captured Bakhmut and paid the largest blood money. Now it does not exist anymore.
In Cuba, Camilo Cienfuegos, Fidel Castro "friend", second in command at the start of Cuba communist revolution, also died in a airplane "accident".

In Spain civil war 1936, it also happened between military high rank.

It's a good way to disguise authorship. But in this case it has no sense because Kremlin dirty hands are obvious.
70% 80%,does not matter, the Russians will keep what they took and can defend. Anything West of the Dnipr is hard to defend, so my bet is they will keep what they have now and demand neutrality. Kherson includes some territories in west Dnipr, but is it defensible? I don't think so and I think they will redefine the border after this is over.

I think you should read my post carefully. I said the only way to defeat Russia is to destroy Russia. Fighting Russia in Ukrainian soil does nothing to the Russian industrial complex. And if you attack Russia proper with US troops, it is WW3. It is really that simple. Russia won't nuke the world because Ukraine did not surrender, Russia will just keep grinding and they are winning this grinding war. They were overconfident like the Ukrainians now a few months ago, overstretched and did not build proper defensive lines. Now we have reports of 40k Ukrainians slaughtered vs near negligible Russian losses due to those lines. Cracks are appearing, NATO and US seems to be indicating they want to talk. Jewlinsky wants to fight till the last gentile Ukrainian. You guys have no idea how Jews think huh, their only homeland is Israel mate. You just got punked.

Russia the aggressor? What happened to not an inch east of Germany? NATO expansion over the years while disrespecting a weakened Russia did this. The Russians thought they could join NATO and be accepted as a real European. But no, the Anglos cannot accept that. A landmass and power the size of Russia coupled with the French and Germans would have toppled Anglo supremacy. Divide and Conquer, the most used Anglo trick on earth.

Gorbachev gave them independence because he was a ln idealist, he thought by being nice, those countries would never threaten Russia by joining NATO. They were enticed with carrots to have a chance to be whores in Western Europe or be low level slaves there in return for some bread. After the collapse, these Eastern Europeans became Europe's Mexico. Btw, nobody is defending Soviet Union, they are no angel nor are the Muricans.

Did Russia invade anybody in Eastern Europe after their collapse? Ukraine wass their last desperate resort to have a buffer zone. You don't talk about how CIA funded flower revolutions around ex Soviet republics?

China is keeping quiet buying time. Let the Whit3s fight, a united Europe is more dangerous to us. Our interests might actually aligh with the Anglos. Lololol. Tell me about the Azov batalliom man, they were brutal, not angels either, you seriously think this is a war between good and evil? It is a war between two gangsters one smaller gangster who is trying to betray his older brother. Lolol.

Few remaining colonial empires? Do you know how many colonies UK and France still have? Ever heard of the Afrixan franc. Don't be naive, which colony the Russians still have? Afghans broke US too ya know...lolol. A FEW TRILLION DOWN THE DRAIN for nothing.

Who is biggest colonial power? USA, 800 military bases, occupying forces in Korea, Japan and Germany till this day. Depose democratically elected government, uses NATO to attack sovereign countries. You call that respecting Borders? Wake up mate. This is the real world, Putin didn't want to negotiate with Ukraine, he wanted to negotiate with US the real puppet master.

And Russia arrives for peace and prosperity in the world? When you (figuratively) see conspiracy in everything, you (figuratively) are very likely to draw ill-informed conclusions and miscalculate at some point.

The world was supposed to move on from colonization politics, but Russia shows otherwise. Russia will come up with any excuse to invade a neighboring country. Russia invaded and annexed parts of Georgia in 2008. Russia is doing the same in Ukraine. Russia is also checking out Moldova.

You are making it sound like as if Ukrainian people have no say in Ukrainian matters and foreign powers get to decide what these people should do.

Ukrainian dinosaur Yanukovich did not understand and respect wishes of Ukrainian youth, which gravitates towards Europe. Details in following posts:

Yanukovich fled to Russia after mass protests and convinced Russia to invade Ukraine and restore him to power.

Jewlinsky is not a dictator but elected President of his country and he is fighting to liberate his country. He is doing what a good leader is supposed to do for his country.

It would be better to understand local realities of different countries instead of conspiracy theories that are used to justify questionable geopolitical moves.

US has a history of excesses as well but US has footprint in different countries due to different reasons. US has global appeal due to its economic and industrial strengths. People in different countries are working with Americans for economic and business-related reasons.

As a distant observer, I would say that all should find a way to peacefully co-exist instead of behaving like colonial powers.

Nobody will question Russia for having a military footprint in a friendly country where it is welcome. Clearly, this is not the case in Ukraine.
In Cuba, Camilo Cienfuegos, Fidel Castro "friend", second in command at the start of Cuba communist revolution, also died in a airplane "accident".

In Spain civil war 1936, it also happened between military high rank.

It's a good way to disguise authorship. But in this case it has no sense because Kremlin dirty hands are obvious.
Prigozhin’s march to Moscow began when the wagners were bombed by Russia army when the wagners withdrew from Bakhmut. An act initiated by Shoigu and Gerassimov. Prigozhin said he wanted to “meet” them in person. Prigozhin never wanted to kill or overthrow Putin’s regime.

The most likely scenario is Prigozhin’s plane was brought down by a bomb or a missile on order of Shoigu or Gerassimov.

Putin gave his approval because he sees no further use in the wagners. Putin has no money anyway to pay the contract killers. They were too expensive for him.

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