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Pakistan today conducted a training launch of surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi.

Has the Burak drone ever been used after its test flight under General Raheels time?
Yes. Many times.
interesting coincidence...Pakistan tests the Ghaznavi SSM on the day that the city of Ghazni falls to the Taliban...is there a hidden underlying message to the world? bet the butthurt indian media will be making spicy farts over this...

Ghazni falls to the Taliban.
Ghaznavi SSM tested by Pakistan.
Ghazwa-e-hind about to begin?

All these Ghaz events in one day...too much for the feeble indian nerves to handle...😆😆😆
Same as the Yellow cartoon Simpsons predicted everything, our missiles also predicted the fall of Ghazni , hence the name.
Was expecting we'd see something different than the crayon missile launch.
This outdated equipment isn't going to survive the worlds moving on and testing hypersonic missiles, etc., and here we have the Fiat we still testing.
I am not surprised by the retard comment but the fact that some liked it too.

I agree.
Such disappointment. India is testing everything new and existing with improvement. We are firing some old missiles from the old stock.

Where is Ababeel?
Where is P282 ASBM?
What happened of the supersonic Air launched cruise missile we saw CAD of?

If they had to fire a missile from the 90s anyway, at least show something new? Show it maneuvering? Or hitting the target? Something?
Was expecting we'd see something different than the crayon missile launch.
This outdated equipment isn't going to survive the worlds moving on and testing hypersonic missiles, etc., and here we have the Fiat we still testing.
what many people fail to see here is the increase "training launch" of short range ballistic missiles while India has shift to mostly long range missiles.

This thing is the indication that Pakistan is not only preparing to use this short range missiles in conventional role but probably has increase the production of these short range missiles, what people here need to know that Ghaznavi missile was tested in Feb this year while also in January last year in NIGHT Training Launch ; this mean 3 training launches in 18 months

Secondly keep in mind the test of Fateh missile with 140 Km range while already inducted system A-100 has officially stated range of 100 Km then this Ghaznavi Missile have 290 Km max. range with 500-700 KG warhead ..... Now Ghazni is our only Operational and Dependable Short Range Ballistic Missile System

IMHO Pakistan is completing the set of Ranges of its Rocket Artillery Capabilities which mean Pakistan is shifting focus on Conventional Warfighting Capabilities and slowly distancing itself from Nasar type system.
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