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Pakistan has ICBM Technology Defence Production Minister

And how do you expect the specialist aircraft to reach within missile launching range of target (200 kms) without ever getting detected/intercepted?

And Pakistan has none of these.

@2013 article,written before launch of pdv.deployment has already started.

1) Deception drones, in one or more waves then...
2) Who told you they do not have the equivalents, can't get them or even make them
3) Please read the full article, mostly the last one after the one I have posted, it has to do with geopolitics, the US global strategy and China's threat perception...
I would believe drdo than armchair experts.

To deceive whom ?

They don't have them now.I'll believe you after they have tested it.
They won't tell you if they have them or not, I believe they have them , at least the Chinese versions...
The MI deal can turn into a reality pretty darn quickly as the Russians need the money and they'd love to give out a few existing MI's on a short notice. But the Chinese are against it. They are pushing PA to acquire their platform, which is why the immediate transfer of Z's for a test drive and to complement PA right away. This way, overtime, the MI's will become a dream as the PA will train its people on the Z series and then they'll give more with TOT and a much reduced price tag. I think this is a great option for PA as they can locally assemble / build these and save $$$$

I say ameen to a locally built Thunderbolt
I say ameen to a locally built Thunderbolt

I think as the economy improves, Pakistan should establish an industrial base for pretty much all major to intermediate military hardware. That would help save billions and taking the country off of dependencies. For higher tech, Pakistan can always maintain a fleet of US jets and other top end Weapons (or a mix of US and European options).

If I was to prioritize, after the JFT block II and III, the current highest priority is long range SAMS with tot and local building preferred, Heli's (Z's are a great option in numbers), Submarines and local electro-optical and Radar equipment. This should set a super strong base for domestic production of about 75% of the military hardware spread across many years. But will save previous $$$$.
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I think its an open secret tht pakistan has technology but no need for testing as for now
I think its an open secret tht pakistan has technology but no need for testing as for now
Do we havE technology or have we deployed ? Technology means nothing as we might need them in case of war or as a deterrent of war .. And no war will give us enough time to convert trchnology into weapon
I will believe this news when Pakistan will launch satellite from its own soil using indigenous PSLV or SLV... till then it is bull*^%#
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