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Lt Gen (r) Kidwai warns India not to take Pakistan's nuclear capability as a 'bluff'

Pak’s position on IOK is not relevant anymore. Probably it never was.

So does Indian position & probably it never had a position.

India is not going to attack with intentions to acquire territory currently held by Pak irrespective of nukes.

Only because India knows it can't

Modi is an internal issue of India. No Indian gives any importance to IK or his policies.

As if Pakistan really gives any importance to Modi. He might be India's internal issue but Pakistan has become his issue
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Your kinetic action was repaid very next day in front of whole world. As for Article 375 is concerned it was always a farce piece of paper for pro Indian puppets. Glad it's taken back as it never served any purpose other than fooling masses. Don't get into early celebrations yet as you still can't visit Kashmir. Can you??

Retaliation was expected.

If Article 370 was just a farce Pak government wouldn’t be recalling ambassador on banning overflights to Modi.

Don’t have plans to travel to Kashmir right now but will in a year or two. I plan to travel to Pak also sometime in future.
SPD head many heads but this guy is quite popular in international circles and those interested in learning about our nuclear program. Any reason why ???
no countries want any Islamic country has nuclear capability, that is why by design they put Pakistan in to IMF debt trap and now made such nation condition that either live without food or if you are unable to return this debt then sell your nuclear weapons. This is the reason they want to learn more about Pakistan nuclear program. Allah keeps safe Pakistan and Pakistani Nation. Ameen!
@Mangus Ortus Novem: Sir Jee: I think that this thread is important, but is being ignored by most of good Pakistan posters. Your contribution, as well as, call to other posters, is requested.

Dearest Pajee,

I did visit this thread. And thought... but then ... I let it remain unsaid!

When I feel improved I shall like to finish three pieces in Hybridwar thread... after the Hole in the Soul contextual underpainting!

For now I have a few observations...

The Gen sahib is not speaking his mind but rather is a vehicle of PakStateSpeak...and is conveying a rather balanced, understated message... a kind call to Sanity!

In broader spectrum of PakState interactions this is a recurring theme/message .. even PMIK is conveying the same... PakStateSpeak... as it should be.

I wrote a piece on post-27th Feb... now languishing in the Abyss of PDF...dark, cold place!

Before 27th Feb there was, on paper a Regional Hegemon i.e. India... pumped up by the collective West as a Giant to contain another.... China.

If you recall those AsiaPivot days... Concert of Democracy.. IndoPacific ballads... so on paper everyone had a Regional Hegemon... SouthAsia/SouthWestAsia to be Indian backyard... all that jazz.

But this needed validation than mere Make-Belief-Media-Flat-Earth .... hence, PulwamaDrama was a multi-layered, multi-purpose Ops... creating justification for Validation of Regional Hegemon...

It is now immaterial whether the valiant Indians crossed into PakAirspace or not... but the bombs fell inside PakTerritory and Killed OurTree and a Crow... This is a FACT! Bombs fell!

After the 71
this was the first time that brave, valiant Indians did such an action...

Validation Principle
... A Hegemon can impose its will on the others with impunity...

It is also a FACT that GoPs for past 20 years have desparately sought Peace with Indians... from Mushy's Wall to AllooGoshtPhilosopher to 2StepsFor1Step WoodstockSufism... all thoroughly rejected with imperial disdain by India!

We might not like to hear it...but it is FACTS.

Now the Validation of Hegemon failed... and PakState couldn't be discouraged to retaliate..even by the Dear Brothers...on behalf of Dear Yanks!

Once again it is Immaterial whether we shot twenty or one of mighty Indian jets... we did! We made the videos... we made The Fantastic Tea!

What is, however, extremely Material is the FACT that India couldn't respond... we must totally ignore what any says.. but by not responding the Validation came that there is No Regional Hegemon.

No Regional Hegemon = Extremely Dangerous Situation

This despite Indians wagging War of Terror on Pakistan from our brotherly western bordered states and killing PakKashmiris in AJK and PakSoldiers on CeaseFireLine.

If you visit our brief history of 72 years after Separation from MaqboozaHindustan .. you shall note that the IndianEmpire has sought to erase us as state. Once again subject matter for the three pieces.

BD annexation by India and installing a protectrate there is an glaring example.

It tried the same with rent-a-terrorist/rent-a-ethnofacist in KPK and Balochistan too... but so far no effect..and let us not forget... Karachi KillingFields...and Kalia!

Should we ever forget APS as PakNation then we don't deserve to be...

No. There is No Regional Hegemon anymore...and this puts India in a very difficult position...making it desparate to regain its image... and the FacistRegime is quite capable of 'limited' maddness...as long as there is no Peace in Kabulistan and Bazari Kabulis are open for business.

Since, the Window of Opportunity is closing fast in Kabulistan for Yanks thus Indians... so expecting some 'adventure' might not be supeculation.

IndianEmpire needs to create a context a la PulwamaDrama to pull of I-Am-Regional-Hegemon operation... this it also needs to do for not only IoJK quicksands but the restlessness of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan.... Hence, we see the weapons buying spree by the IndianEmpire.

Hybridwar has given mixed results to India & her Masters.. helped by our own EconomicTerrorists and Open-for-business political class and Babucracy!

DebtTrap and FATF need to be understood in a broder context... and then CPEC will make Regional Hegemon redundant... CPEC is not just a road but GeoStrategic Framework...so far mismanaged by PakState!

It is also a FACT that we are in NO Position to impose our will on IndianEmpire given its mamoth size.. in a way blessing for us..if think with detached manner... limits us from Blunders of Historic Proportions.

All we wanted and want is to Live...just live...

But IndianEmpire will never let us live in Peace.. ever!

Because of its own ambitions and contradictions... a constant enemy it needs just like all empires do. We must apply proper Dialectics to analysse the IndianEmpire's Dilemaz!

A strong, stable and prosperous Pakistan is NOT in IndianEmpire's strategic interests
... not because of religion alone...but it makes its own power less by the degree of development Pakistan makes...

We must see it from Indian perspective and understand its compulsions too...to lace ourselves with rational tools... otherwise, it is just responding to IndianBeings on PDF ...

Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are a problem for Indians and IndianEmpire... hence they are tuanted as Paks or BDs...whereas BD is just a protectrate.

Now if this is the context that PakState is speaking through our good Gen Sahib... trying to convey that it is just utter maddness if trying to prove a Regional Hegemon is still Valid...

Pakistan, given the size of its ballooned population, is a narrow strip of land squeezed by IndianEmpire from both western and eastern sides... with only border with China to be the safest..and to which IndianEmpire lays claims too...

If you look carefully we have ONLY Defensive material and means... we can repel Indians.. and in an all out war... cause them immense pain too...but we can Only be Defensive...

PMIK's last speech in Mirpur was not rhetoric but actually call to Sanity... and telling the non-existent Int Community that do something...which it won't.. so we are in this Epic Battle against the Indians..

Just to remind ourselves that Indians have NOT fought a real war since Panipat... Indians like to take credit of Sikh Empire...which was thoroughly a Pak internal affair... given where Sikh originates from ... Iqbal's poem regarding Baba Sahib is instructive!

It is rather terrifying situation we have found ourselves in... with No Regional Hegemon. Nothing to cheer from Rational Pak Perspective!

For Peace there needs to be Sanity and resolution of IoJK as per wishes of PakKashmiris... which is not going to happen given the contradiction and ambitions of the IndianEmpire.

This leaves us with suspended/frozen War...always hanging over our heads... TheLastWar!

I do fear it! I don't like it.

War is Stupid. Only Stupid want War.

IndianEmpire needs War!


@Signalian @The Eagle @Irfan Baloch @jaibi @Dubious @RescueRanger @HRK @PakSword @Horus @WebMaster @masterchief_mirza @Sher Shah Awan @Flight of falcon @Verve @StormBreaker @Reddington @Socra @fatman17
So does Indian position & probably it never had a position.

India is not going to attack with intentions to acquire territory currently held by Pak irrespective of nukes.

Only because India knows it can't

Modi is an internal issue of India. No Indian gives any importance to IK or his policies.

As if Pakistan really gives any importance to Modi. He might be India's internal issue but Pakistan has become his issue

India administers IOK. It is the only relevant entity in IOK.

India can but it wont. India will not attract unwanted attention to IOK.

Of course Pak is the issue in IOK to India and Modi.
Dearest Pajee,

I did visit this thread. And thought... but then ... I let it remain unsaid!

When I feel improved I shall like to finish three pieces in Hybridwar thread... after the Hole in the Soul contextual underpainting!

For now I have a few observations...

The Gen sahib is not speaking his mind but rather is a vehicle of PakStateSpeak...and is conveying a rather balanced, understated message... a kind call to Sanity!

In broader spectrum of PakState interactions this is a recurring theme/message .. even PMIK is conveying the same... PakStateSpeak... as it should be.

I wrote a piece on post-27th Feb... now languishing in the Abyss of PDF...dark, cold place!

Before 27th Feb there was, on paper a Regional Hegemon i.e. India... pumped up by the collective West as a Giant to contain another.... China.

If you recall those AsiaPivot days... Concert of Democracy.. IndoPacific ballads... so on paper everyone had a Regional Hegemon... SouthAsia/SouthWestAsia to be Indian backyard... all that jazz.

But this needed validation than mere Make-Belief-Media-Flat-Earth .... hence, PulwamaDrama was a multi-layered, multi-purpose Ops... creating justification for Validation of Regional Hegemon...

It is now immaterial whether the valiant Indians crossed into PakAirspace or not... but the bombs fell inside PakTerritory and Killed OurTree and a Crow... This is a FACT! Bombs fell!

After the 71
this was the first time that brave, valiant Indians did such an action...

Validation Principle
... A Hegemon can impose its will on the others with impunity...

It is also a FACT that GoPs for past 20 years have desparately sought Peace with Indians... from Mushy's Wall to AllooGoshtPhilosopher to 2StepsFor1Step WoodstockSufism... all thoroughly rejected with imperial disdain by India!

We might not like to hear it...but it is FACTS.

Now the Validation of Hegemon failed... and PakState couldn't be discouraged to retaliate..even by the Dear Brothers...on behalf of Dear Yanks!

Once again it is Immaterial whether we shot twenty or one of mighty Indian jets... we did! We made the videos... we made The Fantastic Tea!

What is, however, extremely Material is the FACT that India couldn't respond... we must totally ignore what any says.. but by not responding the Validation came that there is No Regional Hegemon.

No Regional Hegemon = Extremely Dangerous Situation

This despite Indians wagging War of Terror on Pakistan from our brotherly western bordered states and killing PakKashmiris in AJK and PakSoldiers on CeaseFireLine.

If you visit our brief history of 72 years after Separation from MaqboozaHindustan .. you shall note that the IndianEmpire has sought to erase us as state. Once again subject matter for the three pieces.

BD annexation by India and installing a protectrate there is an glaring example.

It tried the same with rent-a-terrorist/rent-a-ethnofacist in KPK and Balochistan too... but so far no effect..and let us not forget... Karachi KillingFields...and Kalia!

Should we ever forget APS as PakNation then we don't deserve to be...

No. There is No Regional Hegemon anymore...and this puts India in a very difficult position...making it desparate to regain its image... and the FacistRegime is quite capable of 'limited' maddness...as long as there is no Peace in Kabulistan and Bazari Kabulis are open for business.

Since, the Window of Opportunity is closing fast in Kabulistan for Yanks thus Indians... so expecting some 'adventure' might not be supeculation.

IndianEmpire needs to create a context a la PulwamaDrama to pull of I-Am-Regional-Hegemon operation... this it also needs to do for not only IoJK quicksands but the restlessness of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan.... Hence, we see the weapons buying spree by the IndianEmpire.

Hybridwar has given mixed results to India & her Masters.. helped by our own EconomicTerrorists and Open-for-business political class and Babucracy!

DebtTrap and FATF need to be understood in a broder context... and then CPEC will make Regional Hegemon redundant... CPEC is not just a road but GeoStrategic Framework...so far mismanaged by PakState!

It is also a FACT that we are in NO Position to impose our will on IndianEmpire given its mamoth size.. in a way blessing for us..if think with detached manner... limits us from Blunders of Historic Proportions.

All we wanted and want is to Live...just live...

But IndianEmpire will never let us live in Peace.. ever!

Because of its own ambitions and contradictions... a constant enemy it needs just like all empires do. We must apply proper Dialectics to analysse the IndianEmpire's Dilemaz!

A strong, stable and prosperous Pakistan is NOT in IndianEmpire's strategic interests
... not because of religion alone...but it makes its own power less by the degree of development Pakistan makes...

We must see it from Indian perspective and understand its compulsions too...to lace ourselves with rational tools... otherwise, it is just responding to IndianBeings on PDF ...

Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are a problem for Indians and IndianEmpire... hence they are tuanted as Paks or BDs...whereas BD is just a protectrate.

Now if this is the context that PakState is speaking through our good Gen Sahib... trying to convey that it is just utter maddness if trying to prove a Regional Hegemon is still Valid...

Pakistan, given the size of its ballooned population, is a narrow strip of land squeezed by IndianEmpire from both western and eastern sides... with only border with China to be the safest..and to which IndianEmpire lays claims too...

If you look carefully we have ONLY Defensive material and means... we can repel Indians.. and in an all out war... cause them immense pain too...but we can Only be Defensive...

PMIK's last speech in Mirpur was not rhetoric but actually call to Sanity... and telling the non-existent Int Community that do something...which it won't.. so we are in this Epic Battle against the Indians..

Just to remind ourselves that Indians have NOT fought a real war since Panipat... Indians like to take credit of Sikh Empire...which was thoroughly a Pak internal affair... given where Sikh originates from ... Iqbal's poem regarding Baba Sahib is instructive!

It is rather terrifying situation we have found ourselves in... with No Regional Hegemon. Nothing to cheer from Rational Pak Perspective!

For Peace there needs to be Sanity and resolution of IoJK as per wishes of PakKashmiris... which is not going to happen given the contradiction and ambitions of the IndianEmpire.

This leaves us with suspended/frozen War...always hanging over our heads... TheLastWar!

I do fear it! I don't like it.

War is Stupid. Only Stupid want War.

IndianEmpire needs War!


@Signalian @The Eagle @Irfan Baloch @jaibi @Dubious @RescueRanger @HRK @PakSword @Horus @WebMaster @masterchief_mirza @Sher Shah Awan @Flight of falcon @Verve @StormBreaker @Reddington @Socra @fatman17

Thanks. An excellent post. May be some other posters would also contribute on your call. Some Gangus are lurching on this thread.

"Gaahey gaahey baaz khwaan een daftar e pareena ra"
India administers IOK. It is the only relevant entity in IOK.

So India has given up on it's claim of AJK?

India can but it wont. India will not attract unwanted attention to IOK.

Maybe in bollywood movies but not in real world. Pakistan is more than capable of giving anyone a bloody nose

Of course Pak is the issue in IOK to India and Modi.

He has made Pakistan his issue else what are his selling points - Hindutva?
These superior beings don't contribute to Ancient Lingum SpaceTravel Technology thread...but are everywhere else... about My Tea, India!

They, very unfortunately, doubt your sincerity and earnestness and think that perhaps you are making fun of their great-great-great civilization, which, of course, is not true. I am certain that you are serious and want to learn about these ancient Lingam Intergalactic Technologies. However, may be, that they think that we don't possess those intellectual capacity to understand these subtle and intricate achievements. After all, Modi has already said that India can make Pakistan bite dust, within a short period of 10 days, with these Vedic technologies.
Also, the primitive nature of current techno-advancement is chilidish even if we are generous...compared to the Ancient RockMelting and Geopolymers of Anicent Lingum Civilisation.

I shall, however, continue in this Journey of Discovery...with full knowledge that a million lifetiems are needed to catalouge let alone comprehend...

No doubt. Of course.
India administers IOK. It is the only relevant entity in IOK.

India can but it wont. India will not attract unwanted attention to IOK.

Of course Pak is the issue in IOK to India and Modi.

Sure sure. Sure india can attack. Just like how indians killed exactly 350 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.......:lol:........:azn:..............IF indians had the capability to attack Pakistan they would have done so by now........8-).........the fact that they havn't DESPITE being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full-backing of the West and Russia speaks VOLUMES.............:lol:...........:azn:
So India has given up on it's claim of AJK?

India can but it wont. India will not attract unwanted attention to IOK.

Maybe in bollywood movies but not in real world. Pakistan is more than capable of giving anyone a bloody nose

Of course Pak is the issue in IOK to India and Modi.

He has made Pakistan his issue else what are his selling points - Hindutva?

Keep up bro. India wants status quo and convert loc to IB. But past 72 years Pak not willing to play ball despite ego very badly bruised in 1971 losing territory. Pretty much IOK also the reason why you are being taken advantage by one super power or the other and your current economic woes.

Pak for the past 72 years was always an issue. Modi has put an end to some festering issues. Coming from a fundamentalist Islamic nation you should be the last person talking about hintutva.

Sure sure. Sure india can attack. Just like how indians killed exactly 350 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.......:lol:........:azn:..............IF indians had the capability to attack Pakistan they would have done so by now........8-).........the fact that they havn't DESPITE being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full-backing of the West and Russia speaks VOLUMES.............:lol:...........:azn:

I don’t know why you changed your username. Hope it was not some misguided belief it will make you sound intelligent or your posts will start making sense :azn::azn::azn::lol::lol::lol:
Keep up bro. India wants status quo and convert loc to IB. But past 72 years Pak not willing to play ball despite ego very badly bruised in 1971 losing territory. Pretty much IOK also the reason why you are being taken advantage by one super power or the other and your current economic woes.

Pak for the past 72 years was always an issue. Modi has put an end to some festering issues. Coming from a fundamentalist Islamic nation you should be the last person talking about hintutva.

LOC to IB. Guess you don't know your own constitution which has termed AJK as part of India and your parliament has seats reserved for AJK.
Be ready to prove its not bluff especially with tactical nukes.. .

We have pretty dumb crowd in neighborhood . .they donot believe in logic
Be ready to prove its not bluff especially with tactical nukes.. .

We have pretty dumb crowd in neighborhood . .they donot believe in logic

Instead of pondering why Pakistan didn't pulled out nukes and instead opted to reply conventionally they are happy that Pakistan didn't pulled out nukes.
In respect to IOK it touches political realities which I am sure would not be appreciated by certain circles within the right wing and if become public in certain political manner would be a political disaster for the government of that time.
Would be better of you would spread this?

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