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Japan Defence Forum

The latest attempt to catch the most elusive Iranian Noor-1 satellite and its mysterious 3rd stage QASED R/B (Arash 24 solid motor) was unsuccessful due to the proximity of the moon, but the frame has easily captured along the high RCS Indian TES military reconnaissance satellite, the Japanese IGS 8A military synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite.

Very high noise level of the camera sensor caused by the current record heatwave (38C degrees in the arctic lately or 17C degrees above the average June level).


IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4)

Information Gathering Satellite (情報収集衛星, Jōhō Shūshū Eisei) are the satellites of the Japanese spy satellite program. It was started under the clumsy excuse as a response to the 1998 North Korean Kwangmyongsong-1 satellite launch. The satellite program's main mission is to provide early warning of impending space launches in the region. This program is under the direct control of the cabinet. All Information Gathering Satellites have been launched by H-IIA rockets from the Tanegashima Space Center.

On 28 March 2003, presumably partly in response to North Korea's launch of a Paektusan-1 space carrier in 1998, and partly to provide a source of satellite images other than through cooperation with the US, where the US charged roughly US$10,000 for each satellite image, Japan launched a radar and an optical spy satellite, officially known as IGS 1A and IGS 1B.These satellites follow one another at 37-minute separation in a 492 km orbit, which passes over Pyongyang at 11:22 each day, according to observations collected on the satellite watching mailing list.

The program suffered a setback when Japan lost the second pair of satellites because of an H-IIA launch failure on 29 November 2003.

Except the satellite which failed in launching, a second optical surveillance satellite IGS 3A was launched on 11 September 2006.

A third optical satellite IGS 4A and a second radar satellite IGS 4B were launched on 24 February 2007. IGS 4A is a more advanced and experimental optical satellite.

A fourth optical satellite IGS 5A was launched on 28 November 2009. This satellite has a higher resolution than the previous generations.

Late March 2007, the first SAR satellite in the series, IGS 1B, suffered a critical power failure. The satellite has since been observed to steadily come down and was clearly no longer under control. An uncontrolled re-entry of this satellite occurred on 26 July 2012. Since summer 2010, another of the SAR satellites, IGS 4B has also been unable to carry out its monitoring functions.

Following several more satellites, the IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) launched on 27 January 2013, is a 3rd generation of SAR, with a ground resolution of under 1 meter.


http://archive.vn/Ycc9W/91d2b2bc3c90c59ad557b8187994d2d7319e9c15.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Ycc9W/33007091386372e258b257afbc45ffb55cebe199/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200710...apan/22/d8/j/o0460025913193194195.jpg?caw=800 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200710002425/https://ameblo.jp/skysatjapan/entry-11978451048.html ; http://archive.vn/hXfqV
1. Launched on 27 January 2013, the IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) is a 3rd generation of SAR, with a ground resolution of under 1 meter.


The Information Gathering Satellites are built by Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO), operated by the Cabinet Satellite Information Center - that is to say, presenting these as "non-military" satellites to gather "information" rather than military intelligence satellites.

What an utter reckless sophistry from the same that at the same time dared to claim the North Korean civilian Kwanggmyongsong-1 satellite launch was a maskirovka for a ballistic missile!

This program presents a few puzzles. The first launch, which was successful [and presumably the second launch, which was not], orbited a pair of spacecraft, one radar and one electro-optical. By one account, the former had a mass of a bit under 1,000 kg, and the later a bit more.

Many details, including orbital parameters, were classified for the first time in Japan's post-war history. The satellites, called Optical-1 and Radar-1, carried either optical or synthetic aperture radar sensors. NASDA reported that deployment of each satellite's solar panels went as planned and that the spacecraft's' operations were nominal. Full information and transmissions services of the IGS system were expected to begin in March 2004 following the planned launch in August 2003 of Optical-2 and Radar-2. The design life of the satellites was five years.


NORAD ID: 39061
Int'l Code: 2013-002A
Perigee: 516.9 km
Apogee: 523.3 km
Inclination: 97.4 °
Period: 94.9 minutes
Semi major axis: 6891 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: January 27, 2013
Source: Japan (JPN)

IGS 8A is a Japanese spy satellite. The radar-equipped satellite can take pictures of the ground day-and-night and in all weather conditions.


Two Line Element Set (TLE):

1 39061U 13002A 20158.04260535 0.00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 09
2 39061 97.4139 277.2621 0004615 139.9619 220.0379 15.17646057 00


http://archive.vn/2auU2/c6802f14bf8722a3e85a43daebe33f80cba8868f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/2auU2/718250272c5d5c1b8679544ff57247478ccbccea/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200710011012/https://i.imgur.com/Ot6JyYC.jpg
2. IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) satellite's pass: Magnitude: ~4.5(d), Length: ~4.0 m; Diameter: ~2.0 m; Angular size: ~01.1"; Altitude: 517 km; Distance: 722 km.

As a rule of thumb, the large antenna deployed by SAR satellites make them more easy to spot.

Japanese IGS 8A satellite' pass caught in Hercules on camera, the first night of this month, compared to the higher RCS Indian TES satellite pass, calibrated via astrometry.net:


http://archive.is/0Wwge/98607d6fe877d5d4a5363b26bfbf71851b47667f.jpg ; https://archive.is/0Wwge/cd6c36bf767835180f10813e9708c647e468d840/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200709234417/https://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4367472 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200709234531/https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/3801885#annotated ; http://archive.vn/ORMZT
3. IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) satellite's pass as caught on camera.




BGUSAT, Kwangmyongsong-4, GOSAT-2, Yaogan 25A/25B/25C, FIA-Radar 5, KWANGMYONGSONG R/B, IRS P3, Shijian-16, USA-224, GOSAT, IGS 8A
Jan 30, 2020

Well, after Japan's Epsilon rocket, this makes another one with dual-use civilian-military, latent ICBM capabilities!

Which begs the question, of which nation will be targeted by South Korea with the tacit accord of the U.S.A., at more than 5'000 km distance? Probably the same as Japan.:smart:

After China, Japan, and North Korea, it will be the 4th powers with such capability in East Asia.

While this year the Republic of China (R.O.C.) will also access to satellite launch capability and solid propellant ballistic missile capability of its own with more than 2'000 km range!


Jan 14, 2019

The fundamentals that dictates the policies are: territorial cores (Kuril island, Dok Island, Senkaku Island, etc), strategic ressources (rare earth, hydrocarbons, oceanic seabed metals, etc). Plentyful of frictions here, but worse, like during the collapse of the Mongol Empire, the splinters will start to fight against each others. Look at the Soviet Union after 1991, and even today! Can you tell us that the day the U.S. Dystopian Empire collapses, Japan will not be the first to shoot? The possession of he Epsilon rocket gives Japan an ICBM capability comparable to the Chinese DF-41!

Mass ~80t
Length ~21 metres
Diameter ~2.25 m
Operational range ~14,000–15,000 kilometres

Japan Epsilon rocket
Mass 91 t
Length 26 m
Diameter 2.5 m
Operational range ~14,000–15,000 kilometres


And now to evade the missile defence:

Japan mulls anti-aircraft carrier gliding missiles for remote island defense

February 25, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)

TOKYO -- Japan's Defense Ministry is considering upgrading its "hyper velocity gliding projectiles" (HVGP), a new type of missile it is seeking to deploy in fiscal 2026 for the defense of remote islands, to add an anti-ship capability to them, it has been learned.

The move is aimed at improving the defense of the Nansei Islands in southwestern Japan amid China's maritime activities in the region. HVGPs can glide at high velocity after payloads are detached from a rocket in the upper atmosphere where air resistance is low. The missiles are capable of following complex trajectories under the guidance of GPS and other systems, making it harder for an adversary to intercept them than conventional missiles.

The Defense Ministry eyes equipping HVGPs with a new type of payload that is capable of penetrating the deck of aircraft carriers. However, enhancing the firing range and other capabilities of Self-Defense Force (SDF) equipment could be called into question over its consistency with Japan's exclusively defense-oriented policy. The ministry therefore is planning to give due consideration, such as limiting the missile range to around 500 kilometers or less.

The development of HVGPs will come in two stages. In the first stage, an early equipment type will be developed for possible deployment by the Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) in fiscal 2026, targeting a potential enemy invading Japan's remote islands. In the second stage, an upgraded type will be developed for possible installation in fiscal 2028 or later, featuring claw-shaped payloads, enhanced speeds and firing ranges, and more complex trajectories.

Furthermore, the ministry is also mulling introducing advanced anti-ship and anti-surface missiles, which are currently under investigation by the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency. If these technologies are incorporated into HVGPs, the projectiles can penetrate aircraft carrier decks, which are harder than its external walls, before being detonated inside the vessel to make it impossible for aircraft to take off or land, as well as destroy targets within a range of several hundred meters squared.

Behind the ministry's move lies China's intensifying maritime moves in waters near the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture and other parts of Japan. In 2012, China commissioned its first aircraft carrier Liaoning, and the second such vessel, Shandong, was launched in 2019. Shandong is the first Chinese-made carrier. Beijing is said to be further seeking to add at least two more carrier vessels.

Chinese government vessels have been frequently spotted navigating in contiguous zones near the Senkaku Islands and intruding into Japanese territorial waters. While the main island of Okinawa and the Senkakus are about 420 kilometers apart, the GSDF's current missile range is set at just over a hundred kilometers. The introduction of longer-range gliding missiles to protect the Nansei Islands would make it possible for Japan to respond to China's activities without deploying the Maritime Self-Defense Force's vessels and aircraft.

The Defense Ministry allocated a total of 18.5 billion yen in the fiscal 2018 and 2019 budgets for research on HVGPs for the defense of remote islands, and plans to add another 25 billion yen in the fiscal 2020 budget. However, some legislators in the Diet have pointed out that acquisition of the new capabilities could "make it possible for the SDF to directly attack other countries' territories" and "deviate from Japan's exclusively defense-oriented policy." The development of the new technologies is also feared to threaten Japan's neighbors.

The government has defended the HVGP development, stating, "They are intended for homeland defense and are not considered attacking weapons."

(Japanese original by Yusuke Tanabe, Political News Department)


http://archive.is/R6E2H/927a2edb7ffd152c1bfd090c30d69c43b0909a5f.jpg ; https://archive.is/R6E2H/38b4389c374042a177ab4f977142c3852b9bc04a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200226...1/2020/02/25/20200225p2a00m0na019000p/9.jpg?1 ; http://archive.ph/AvTEx ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200226...english/articles/20200225/p2a/00m/0na/012000c
1. Japan's Defense Ministry is considering upgrading its "hyper velocity gliding projectiles" (HVGP).


It only requires to put the new HGV on an Epsilon ICBM, to evade the missile defence over Moscow!

Conclusion, this continuous arms race will only be sustainable by military powers that have the most scientific capacities.




And another clumsy sophistry, this time presented as accidentally leaks images when it was obviously an intended orchestrated governmental propaganda operation of a long awaited public disclosure...

Japan accidentally leaks image of new hypersonic anti-ship missile

Jul 9, 2020

On July 7, Japan’s Vice Defense Minister Tomohiro Yamamoto visited the research center for aviation and rocket technology of the Self-Defense Forces, located in a suburb of Tokyo. The official got acquainted with the progress in implementing promising defense programs, in particular with R&D for a new generation fighter of national development and weapons systems for it.

Japan’s Vice Defense Minister also posted a picture to its Twitter account that included what looked like a hypersonic guided missile able to attack both ships or ground targets.

According to a local source, this is a new hypersonic anti-ship missile developing by Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA).

As Naval News previously reported, the new missile aims to be powered by a Dual-Mode Scramjet engine (DMSJ), a combination of ramjet and scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engines, to fly at a wide range of speeds, including hypersonic speeds of Mach 5 or higher.

The new missile designed to cruise at high altitudes and could pose a threat to Chinese aircraft carriers in the East China Sea.

Previously it was reported the Japanese Ministry of Defense planned to deploy an early version of the missile in 2026, followed by an enhanced version after 2028. With such a missile in service, Japan would be the fourth country in the world armed with hypersonic gliding technology, after China, Russia and the United States.



http://archive.vn/7VnDa/c3000b958b497171f5e69ab773cf14e805b65b63.jpg ; https://archive.vn/7VnDa/8f3eefb6dc0b89c8d68901eec053fb10fd908ff6/scr.png ;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcUSrPoUMAA7vD9?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/ty_polepole/status/1280450209147834368/photo/4 ; https://twitter.com/Defence_blog/status/1281125899186962432
1. Japan’s Vice Defense Minister posted a picture of the HVGP to its Twitter account.



空中早期警戒(AEW)は、現代の軍部にとっては戦力増強になり得る機能です。2000年代初頭、中国はロシアのイリューシンIL-76輸送機をベースにした初のAEW機を開発し、KJ-2000と命名しました。その後、中国は陝西飛機工業のY-8 と Y-9 AEW機を開発し、現在は西安飛機工業Y-20 AEW機とKJ-600の空母搭載型AEW機の開発に取り組んでいます。回転翼の能力は、ロシアのカモフ Ka-31のほか、最近ではChanghe Z-18Jヘリコプターなど、中国海軍の艦載機作戦にも使用されています。

Japan has published the 2020 Defense White Paper.

And another clumsy sophistry, this time presented as accidentally leaks images when it was obviously an intended orchestrated governmental propaganda operation of a long awaited public disclosure...

Japan accidentally leaks image of new hypersonic anti-ship missile

Jul 9, 2020

On July 7, Japan’s Vice Defense Minister Tomohiro Yamamoto visited the research center for aviation and rocket technology of the Self-Defense Forces, located in a suburb of Tokyo. The official got acquainted with the progress in implementing promising defense programs, in particular with R&D for a new generation fighter of national development and weapons systems for it.

Japan’s Vice Defense Minister also posted a picture to its Twitter account that included what looked like a hypersonic guided missile able to attack both ships or ground targets.

According to a local source, this is a new hypersonic anti-ship missile developing by Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA).

As Naval News previously reported, the new missile aims to be powered by a Dual-Mode Scramjet engine (DMSJ), a combination of ramjet and scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engines, to fly at a wide range of speeds, including hypersonic speeds of Mach 5 or higher.

The new missile designed to cruise at high altitudes and could pose a threat to Chinese aircraft carriers in the East China Sea.

Previously it was reported the Japanese Ministry of Defense planned to deploy an early version of the missile in 2026, followed by an enhanced version after 2028. With such a missile in service, Japan would be the fourth country in the world armed with hypersonic gliding technology, after China, Russia and the United States.



http://archive.vn/7VnDa/c3000b958b497171f5e69ab773cf14e805b65b63.jpg ; https://archive.vn/7VnDa/8f3eefb6dc0b89c8d68901eec053fb10fd908ff6/scr.png ;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcUSrPoUMAA7vD9?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/ty_polepole/status/1280450209147834368/photo/4 ; https://twitter.com/Defence_blog/status/1281125899186962432
1. Japan’s Vice Defense Minister posted a picture of the HVGP to its Twitter account.








Japan's Hypersonic Slip Vehicle and Hypersonic Anti-ship Cruise Missile projects (from page 16)
Those who follow Japan closely know very well that Japanese Hypersonic missile programs are not a secret.
The latest attempt to catch the most elusive Iranian Noor-1 satellite and its mysterious 3rd stage QASED R/B (Arash 24 solid motor) was unsuccessful due to the proximity of the moon, but the frame has easily captured along the high RCS Indian TES military reconnaissance satellite, the Japanese IGS 8A military synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite.

Very high noise level of the camera sensor caused by the current record heatwave (38C degrees in the arctic lately or 17C degrees above the average June level).


IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4)

Information Gathering Satellite (情報収集衛星, Jōhō Shūshū Eisei) are the satellites of the Japanese spy satellite program. It was started under the clumsy excuse as a response to the 1998 North Korean Kwangmyongsong-1 satellite launch. The satellite program's main mission is to provide early warning of impending space launches in the region. This program is under the direct control of the cabinet. All Information Gathering Satellites have been launched by H-IIA rockets from the Tanegashima Space Center.

On 28 March 2003, presumably partly in response to North Korea's launch of a Paektusan-1 space carrier in 1998, and partly to provide a source of satellite images other than through cooperation with the US, where the US charged roughly US$10,000 for each satellite image, Japan launched a radar and an optical spy satellite, officially known as IGS 1A and IGS 1B.These satellites follow one another at 37-minute separation in a 492 km orbit, which passes over Pyongyang at 11:22 each day, according to observations collected on the satellite watching mailing list.

The program suffered a setback when Japan lost the second pair of satellites because of an H-IIA launch failure on 29 November 2003.

Except the satellite which failed in launching, a second optical surveillance satellite IGS 3A was launched on 11 September 2006.

A third optical satellite IGS 4A and a second radar satellite IGS 4B were launched on 24 February 2007. IGS 4A is a more advanced and experimental optical satellite.

A fourth optical satellite IGS 5A was launched on 28 November 2009. This satellite has a higher resolution than the previous generations.

Late March 2007, the first SAR satellite in the series, IGS 1B, suffered a critical power failure. The satellite has since been observed to steadily come down and was clearly no longer under control. An uncontrolled re-entry of this satellite occurred on 26 July 2012. Since summer 2010, another of the SAR satellites, IGS 4B has also been unable to carry out its monitoring functions.

Following several more satellites, the IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) launched on 27 January 2013, is a 3rd generation of SAR, with a ground resolution of under 1 meter.


http://archive.vn/Ycc9W/91d2b2bc3c90c59ad557b8187994d2d7319e9c15.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Ycc9W/33007091386372e258b257afbc45ffb55cebe199/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200710...apan/22/d8/j/o0460025913193194195.jpg?caw=800 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200710002425/https://ameblo.jp/skysatjapan/entry-11978451048.html ; http://archive.vn/hXfqV
1. Launched on 27 January 2013, the IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) is a 3rd generation of SAR, with a ground resolution of under 1 meter.


The Information Gathering Satellites are built by Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO), operated by the Cabinet Satellite Information Center - that is to say, presenting these as "non-military" satellites to gather "information" rather than military intelligence satellites.

What an utter reckless sophistry from the same that at the same time dared to claim the North Korean civilian Kwanggmyongsong-1 satellite launch was a maskirovka for a ballistic missile!

This program presents a few puzzles. The first launch, which was successful [and presumably the second launch, which was not], orbited a pair of spacecraft, one radar and one electro-optical. By one account, the former had a mass of a bit under 1,000 kg, and the later a bit more.

Many details, including orbital parameters, were classified for the first time in Japan's post-war history. The satellites, called Optical-1 and Radar-1, carried either optical or synthetic aperture radar sensors. NASDA reported that deployment of each satellite's solar panels went as planned and that the spacecraft's' operations were nominal. Full information and transmissions services of the IGS system were expected to begin in March 2004 following the planned launch in August 2003 of Optical-2 and Radar-2. The design life of the satellites was five years.


NORAD ID: 39061
Int'l Code: 2013-002A
Perigee: 516.9 km
Apogee: 523.3 km
Inclination: 97.4 °
Period: 94.9 minutes
Semi major axis: 6891 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: January 27, 2013
Source: Japan (JPN)

IGS 8A is a Japanese spy satellite. The radar-equipped satellite can take pictures of the ground day-and-night and in all weather conditions.



http://archive.vn/2auU2/c6802f14bf8722a3e85a43daebe33f80cba8868f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/2auU2/718250272c5d5c1b8679544ff57247478ccbccea/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200710011012/https://i.imgur.com/Ot6JyYC.jpg
2. IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) satellite's pass: Magnitude: ~4.5(d), Length: ~4.0 m; Diameter: ~2.0 m; Angular size: ~01.1"; Altitude: 517 km; Distance: 722 km.

As a rule of thumb, the large antenna deployed by SAR satellites make them more easy to spot.

Japanese IGS 8A satellite' pass caught in Hercules on camera, the first night of this month, compared to the higher RCS Indian TES satellite pass, calibrated via astrometry.net:


http://archive.is/0Wwge/98607d6fe877d5d4a5363b26bfbf71851b47667f.jpg ; https://archive.is/0Wwge/cd6c36bf767835180f10813e9708c647e468d840/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200709234417/https://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4367472 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200709234531/https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/3801885#annotated ; http://archive.vn/ORMZT
3. IGS 8A (IGS-Radar 4) satellite's pass as caught on camera.




BGUSAT, Kwangmyongsong-4, GOSAT-2, Yaogan 25A/25B/25C, FIA-Radar 5, KWANGMYONGSONG R/B, IRS P3, Shijian-16, USA-224, GOSAT, IGS 8A

The latest attempt to catch the most auspicious comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE has also allowed to image the Japanese IGS 5A military optical imagery satellite.

Very high noise level of the camera sensor caused by the current record heatwave (38C degrees in the arctic lately or 17C degrees above the average June level), and by the end of July 2020 above 39C degrees in Central Europe.


IGS 5A (IGS O-3)

Information Gathering Satellite (情報収集衛星, Jōhō Shūshū Eisei) are the satellites of the Japanese spy satellite program.

A fourth optical satellite IGS 5A was launched on 28 November 2009. This satellite has a higher resolution than the previous generations.

A 3rd generation of optical largely improved type, with a believed ground resolution of about 60 cm.

With an expected life of 5 years, it is currently retired.



NORAD ID: 36104
Int'l Code: 2009-066A
Perigee: 589.7 km
Apogee: 596.7 km
Inclination: 97.6 °
Period: 96.4 minutes
Semi major axis: 6964 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: November 28, 2009 at 01:21 UT on an H-2A rocket
Source: Japan (JPN)

IGS 5A is Japan's most advanced spy satellite outfitted with an optical camera and telescope to supply imagery to the Japanese government for intelligence, defense and civilian remote sensing applications. The spacecraft will become the fifth operational member of Japan's spy satellite fleet.


Two Line Element Set (TLE):

IGS-5A 36104
1 36104U 09066A 20204.86624432 0.00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 01
2 36104 97.5953 265.6413 0005042 98.9309 261.0689 14.93814405 01


http://archive.vn/7Dq3r/94e2b9d05d6e4ff194f479fdb247d56b3738fd37.jpg ; https://archive.vn/7Dq3r/6f1dd804f36c87415d2a77b73d302999a1d92f29/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200729010334/https://i.imgur.com/swAxDBt.jpg
1. IGS 5A (IGS O-3) satellite's predicted pass with Stellarium: Magnitude: ~4.77(d), Length: ~4.0 m; Diameter: ~2.0 m; Angular size: ~00.6"; Altitude: 591 km; Distance: 1308 km; Phase angle: +98d56m44.3s

Japanese IGS 5A satellite's pass caught in Ursa Major on camera, three nights ago, compared to the bright Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE (Mag 5.24), calibrated via astrometry.net:
The tumbling out of control IGS-5A satellite is flashing about each 4 seconds with periods of invisibility inbetween.


http://archive.is/AK0vq/5560f91ee1fbbefa8b82626744382b67af07bbfe.jpg ; https://archive.is/AK0vq/cb16d672073c9ba3fb79812c974448a4e9756aff/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200729004344/http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4415407 ; http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4415407 ; http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/3849726#annotated ; http://archive.vn/1ScNs
2. IGS 5A (IGS O-3) satellite's pass as caught on camera. The tumbling IGS-5A satellite's image showing a brightness variability with a peak-to-peak period of about 4 seconds.





BGUSAT, Kwangmyongsong-4, GOSAT-2, Yaogan 25A/25B/25C, FIA-Radar 5, KWANGMYONGSONG R/B, IRS P3, Shijian-16, USA-224, GOSAT, IGS 8A, ISS Zarya, IGS 5A
Last edited:
Time is running out.

Meng Wanzhou has no other choice. But can she rival Carlos Ghosn in pluck? The only way back to China is to escape, as by forfeiting her own fate to other government, she will certainly end up in a U.S. jail sooner than later.

Carlos Ghosn with the wind: Internet sleuths have some ideas on how bailed ex-Nissan boss fled Japan

Jan 1, 2020

BEIRUT/TOKYO – How did Carlos Ghosn do it?

The former head of Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA, who was awaiting the first of two trials in Tokyo, somehow evaded almost round-the-clock manned and video surveillance and heavy restrictions on his freedom of movement to flee to Lebanon.

From there, Ghosn released an email Tuesday decrying the “injustice and political persecution” of the Japanese judicial system. The 65-year-old faced charges of financial misconduct and raiding corporate resources for personal gain, allegations he denies.

Soon after he resurfaced, the internet lit up with unconfirmed reports and theories of how Ghosn, now an international fugitive, pulled off an escape befitting a Hollywood thriller — one that will be very hard for Japanese authorities to live down. There are still more questions than answers.

In one speculative account, which cited no sources, Lebanese television station MTV reported that Ghosn smuggled himself out in a large musical instrument box after a Christmas band visited his residence in Tokyo. He was then shipped out of the country and later entered Lebanon from Turkey on a private plane.

A detailed report in the French daily Le Monde, citing unidentified sources, said Ghosn’s wife, Carole, organized the escape with the help of her brothers and their contacts in Turkey. After leaving Tokyo, Ghosn took a private jet from a small airport in Japan to Turkey, and from there entered Lebanon with an ID card, landing in Beirut with Carole. He may have decided to flee because of new information Japanese authorities could have obtained from a Swiss bank and from offshore centers including Dubai, the newspaper reported.

The Lebanese newspaper Annahar, by contrast, reported that Ghosn entered the country with a French passport. The former industry heavyweight has Lebanese, French and Brazilian citizenship, though all his passports had been taken from him. Meanwhile, a report that Ghosn met with Lebanese President Michel Aoun was denied by an official at the presidency.

French newspaper Les Echos said Ghosn may have left Japan under a false identity with a forged passport, after boarding a private plane from a smaller airport where he would be less likely to be recognized.

The U.K.’s Guardian said Lebanon officials were instructed by political leaders to ignore arrival formalities for Ghosn at Beirut’s airport, citing a senior figure in the country’s ruling class that the newspaper didn’t identify.

The French foreign ministry, for its part, said it doesn’t know how Ghosn made his escape. Lebanon’s foreign ministry said in a statement that Ghosn entered the country legally and it was unaware how he fled Japan and arrived in Beirut.

On social media, would-be sleuths posted private-jet flight information on aircraft that left Japan for Istanbul the same day that Ghosn may have left the country.

Ghosn’s vanishing act has been trending on Twitter and inspiring a fair amount of word play, as in Ghosn with the Wind and Ghosn, Ghosn Gone.

Ghosn is expected to give a press conference from Lebanon in his new home after the holidays. In the meantime, red-faced Japanese law enforcement and customs officials have some explaining to do.



Main hurdles

• 5G base stations: skeletal recognition and tracking in real time, tracking of any electronic devices' signal
• CCTV cam, streetcam, airportcam, dashcams, etc: gait recognition, and facial recognition; facial recognition needed for biometric identification at the airport
• Fingerprint recognition: needed for biometric identification at the airport
• Electronic tagging

But as a heiress of a telecommunications equipment and consumer electronics empire, should be doable.


Even before the news of the massive explosions that have destroyed the Roman City of Berytus on 4 August 2020 AD, it was expected that Carlos Ghosn's mischief would in the future end up with some terrible outcome.

The sentient Matrix SKYNET that rules the world as a tool of the Secret Leader, could simply not let the criminal justice system of Japan be trampled and humiliated by random petty Roman corporate criminals without loosing its own credibility.

Today's report from the Syria-Phoenicia region is only a repeat of the 140 BC destruction by Diodotus Tryphon of this village in his contest with Antiochus VII Sidetes for the throne of the Macedonian Seleucid monarchy.

Below in the first picture, the ultimate provocation that could not remain unanswered, with a December 2018 billboard in Berytus expressing support for Carlos Ghosn:


http://archive.vn/FXedo/eef01a037c359a6a10122869f25dcb2aeb0561b0.webp ; https://archive.vn/FXedo/26cd56b40845f57dcc8121ee9751ec221e5081aa/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191231...c-d0bfbb4b882f-jumbo.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp
1. The ultimate provocation that could not remain unanswered, with a December 2018 billboard in Berytus expressing support for Carlos Ghosn.

Since they all claimed to be Carlos Ghosn, then they would all share his fate.

In the second picture, another provocation by the Roman criminal, hint at his future escape!


http://archive.vn/5KNTt/73ea53df3ce4b06fab5dbb578605a06be2e66616.jpg ; https://archive.vn/5KNTt/9affe79ebdcb9f5a7bca9e3f358b406f66ca5337/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200805...duction/_105940463_gettyimages-1128808437.jpg
2. The former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn disguised in a workman's outfit to leave Japanese detention, wearing a cap and a face mask in 2019.

And finally, the expected unexpected:

Beyrouth - La maison de Carlos Ghosn "complètement détruite" par l'explosion survenue au port

Ghosn’s house destroyed in Beirut explosion

05 Aug 2020

SAO PAOLO: Former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn’s house was damaged in Tuesday’s massive explosion in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, a Brazilian newspaper reported.

Ghosn’s wife, Carole, said that while her family is safe, the family’s house was destroyed, according to the O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper.

The house is located in an exclusive residential district some 5 kilometers from the site of the explosion, according to the paper.

Carlos Ghosn fled to Lebanon late last year while on bail in Japan awaiting trial on charges of financial misconduct. Carole also faces perjury allegations in Japan.

JIJI Press


Conclusion, like every good Hollywood movie, what goes around comes around.

No connection with the Kampetei (憲兵隊) can be established for the moment.




Japan's first Lunar Rover

The race for the conquest of extraterrestrial ressource of the Solar System is on.

With China's Academician Wan Weixing (万卫星: Ten Thousands Satellites) the first ever human being to be buried on a foreign planet's soil by next year April 2021, carried on board of Tianwen-1 Mars Lander and Rover.

After numerous cancelled program, such as JAXA's SELENE-2, SELENE-3, SELENE-x, LUNAR-A, and SLIM, minor space powers are now seeking their survival when facing the Chinese Superpower, by teaming together. As this is the only last ditch option left.

The European ESA and Russia's ROSCOSMOS were the first to do so with LUNA-25, LUNA-26, and LUNA-27.

Iran and North Korea were known to be old partners dating from the Cold War era. Today Burma is suspected to be cooperating with the group.

Israel and India are also known to have cooperated for decades.

Without any option left, Japan's JAXA and India's ISRO are now following the same strategy.

India-Japan moon mission: Isro forms study group

Chethan Kumar / TNN / Sep 21, 2020, 23:22 IST

BENGALURU: The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), which is working on its second Moon landing mission — Chandrayaan-3 — for next year, has now formed a study group for another moon mission along with Japan.

The India-Japan mission, a joint initiative between Isro and Japanese space agency JAXA, was in the cold storage as Isro was focusing on its own moon and human missions. Senior scientists have now confirmed to TOI that it is back on the space agency’s agenda.

As part of the mission, Japan will be launching a joint lunar mission — Lunar Polar Exploration (LPE) — and as details shared by JAXA, the mission will be launched after 2023 and will involve a lander and a rover.

JAXA diagrams show that the Japanese would be building the overall landing module and the rover, while Isro would develop the lander system. The mission will be launched from Japan, and the designated launch vehicle is the H3 rocket, manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

“What we will design for the Indo-Japan mission will be subject to how the systems on Chandrayaan-3 will perform and whether or not we will be able to achieve a successful landing next year. Earlier this month, we got an internal communication about the study group, which means that the project is back on track,” an Isro scientist said.

The first thinking of this mission was made public in 2017, during a multi-space agencies’ meeting in Bengaluru and it was then also part of the inter-governmental discussions during PM Narendra Modi’s visit to Japan in 2018. The TOI had reported in September 2019, that the project had since moved forward and both agencies were keen on landing on Moon together.

According to JAXA, analysis of observational data suggests the existence of water in the polar regions of Moon. “...JAXA is working with Isro to plan an international collaborative mission to obtain data on the quantity and forms of water resources present, in order to determine the feasibility of utilizing such resources for sustainable space exploration activities in the future,” JAXA said.

The mission’s aim is to obtain actual data regarding the quantity of water from in-situ observations of areas where water is anticipated to exist, based on the available past observational data. It also seeks to understand the distribution, conditions, form and other parameters of the lunar water resources in the polar regions.

The TOI had reported in June about how the project intends to improve the technology needed to explore the surface of low-gravity celestial bodies in order to support future lunar activities. “These advancements include technology for mobility, lunar night survival and mining excavation,” JAXA added.


https://archive.vn/7lCL1/898037d97b09c2692dccf9c0ef581a8daec1acd2.jpg ; https://archive.vn/7lCL1/0686919d38b89f636f48cede375a22c94dfb4410/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200923225425/https://i.imgur.com/2F2x8w1.jpg
1. Lunar Polar Exploration (LPE): ISRO's lander, JAXA's rover.


https://archive.vn/CcgeQ/233691fa4bdfbe1f535453382c96a6fe230eb8d4.png ; https://archive.vn/CcgeQ/1814d9e6a109f86b37e9d5bc7f759284d48cb888/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200923225457/https://i.imgur.com/88bYLNB.png
2. Lunar Polar Exploration (LPE): Configuration of the joint lunar exploration mission.


https://archive.vn/Tbzui/04a681f59908553fc50affa28acc3ddadcd9f04f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Tbzui/c2bd6b0b488cdc7cc3ae7d08ab5ff5f6c8daa173/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200923225539/https://i.imgur.com/hRI3Ceh.jpg
3. Lunar Polar Exploration (LPE): landing site candidates.


https://archive.vn/NFxmt/0e969a257773c7d9566f373cf7132b99b1ced04e.png ; https://archive.vn/NFxmt/4047ae8589f2b52a7e088795e82af161b4238fcd/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200923225622/https://i.imgur.com/2C4dDwy.png
4. Lunar Polar Exploration (LPE): cooperation and sharing between ISRO and JAXA.



Please note that under the guise of "civilian research and demonstration platform", Japan has tested live and perfected with the tacit connivence of the U.S. its warhead reentry technologies.

With today's Hayabusa-2 Asteroid Sampling Return mission successful recovery of a Reentry Vehicle at the speed of the second cosmic velocity, Japan concludes a second demonstration of dual-use civilian-military technology. Under the nose and applause of the international community.


After ejecting the heat shield, the capsule was due to deploy a parachute and begin emitting a beacon that could be detected from 5 stations assembled in Woomera. The location of the capsule is then identified by triangulating the directions each station “sees” the beacon.

Today (12/6) at 03:07 JST, as a result of the beacon direction search, the capsule landing point has been estimated. Now, we will search by helicopter.

Today (12/6) at 04:47 JST, as a result of the helicopter search, we found a capsule in the planned landing area!

6:34 PM · Dec 5, 2020·Twitter Web App


https://archive.vn/zL42p/7d1fe506a7da1b10730288e427040110663d0308.jpg ; https://archive.vn/zL42p/bc936e77c99b53fff097568be0ae6967275ac1c8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201205201756/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eof9-lfVgAMZVtk?format=jpg&name=900x900
1. Photo of the Hayabusa-2 fireball from on-site.


https://archive.is/ajKs8/95e9a872692a5bbe746b1549ea7d9c0c1a4df2be.jpg ; https://archive.is/ajKs8/86a47c45f462eb57b8286968dc09c95af3f46440/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201206042325/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eohs-TlXYAQrurD?format=jpg&name=large
2. The Hayabusa-2 capsule with pieces of an asteroid.


https://archive.vn/QkVZe/3eaa6bb697f97f4574c7ec72c6929ad1d2030d52.png ; https://archive.vn/QkVZe/3402ff9f2ef0d4ab0ca7468b8a03a33947362847/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201206042728/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eog5DLgXcAAmUJ-?format=png&name=small
3. Returned samples from asteroid retrieved from Hayabusa-2

After the Epsilon solid propellant ICBM, the re-entry warhead, this same technologies are the third steps out of 4, in the development and testing of a Japanese nuclear vector: the validation of its Post Boost Vehicle.

The expected ultimate and 4th step, to be followed closely will be the detonation in some remote outer space body of its nuclear device, and under the pretext of space exploration!

Moscow and St Petersburg will soon be within Japan's Strategic Forces' striking range!

After demonstrating second cosmic velocity warhead reentry and ICBM capabilities, once again, under the patronage of the conniving U.S. in practicing double standard as regard to the application of international treaties and conventions (read Jungle Law), Japan has acquired a military capability that simply places this nation as the 4th space superpower.

@Galactic Penguin SST

# As Huawei said, the Empire is NOT the world. Its words are not the rules, and China is big and strong enough to simply disregard the garbages it vomits!

The Dystopian Empire is the world, or what was left of the WW2 ashes. Deal with it.

Since 1947s China is nothing but one of the many regions controlled by the World's Secret Master, not big and not strong at all. Just like under the Pax Mongolica and Pax Manchurica.

But, it is true that this year, the Chinese region has been promoted to the elite status of core of the Dystopian Empire, superseding both the E.U. itself demoted to some minor failed states status, and mainly the U.S.A that was demoted to a full s**hole status.

From China the Secret Master will soon rule the world, and even earlier than in the most wildest dreams! Good news.

Thanks COVID-19, or covidiots perhaps?

In this regard here a brief excerpt from a full-length series of article that further substantiate in more details the polar shift we are witnessing in 2020:

•5.3.1. The Great Replacement: China As New Core Of The Empire

Note the pattern of territorial pressure and incursions from China’s north by nomadic groups, who are attracted by the wealth of the settled, agricultural civilization of China. The most illustrative examples are those of the Mongols, who conquer China and establish the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368 CE), and of the Manchus, who again conquer China and establish the last dynasty, the Qing, that rules for 300 years (1644-1911 CE). Each of these invaders rules through the Chinese bureaucracy, leading to the expression that China 'sinicizes its conquerors.'

Just as China has always 'sinicized' or absorb all its conquerors, China itself is composed of and enriched by the integration of many different peoples and cultures with which it interacts throughout its history and which form part of China today. See in particular the Tang dynasty.

Even before the handovers in 1997, both Hong Kong and Macau were already fully sinicized in less than a century of foreign occupations, and according to the rule that dictates weaker culture to be absorbed by stronger civilizations.

Today's latest occupation under the U.S. Dystopian Empire, and that started even before the dust of the World War II could settle, sometimes after 1946, is again no exception.

And for the same reasons, as discussed in previous chapters, as the exceptional geography, the critical strategic resources, and of course the outstanding genetics of its limitless manpower.

The transfer of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's core from the U.S. mainland to China is a process that started even before the mass decapitation of Chinese leaders of 1976.

Zhou Enlai was the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, and died of blade cancer in January 1976.

Marshal Zhu De, one of the Ten Marshals of the People's Liberation Army, was also the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1975 to 1976, Zhu was the head of state of the People's Republic of China.
His passing on 6 July 1976, due to a combination of colds, heart failure, and diabetes, came only six months after the death of Zhou Enlai.

Chairman Mao ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death on 9 September 1976, following three major heart attacks.

Then it took half a century to develop the infrastructures, industrial bases and economy of China, before it could replace the U.S.

There is no ambiguity. The Star Wars Stormtroopers proudly exhibited during a ceremony held in Yunnan on the occasion of the successful maiden flight of China's new seven-seat crew Yuanzhou-1 spacecraft, have zero connection with the Communist Party's history.

It is an exclusive symbol of the Dystopian Empire.


http://archive.is/TQDIQ/80c21340f23791a77b4b1b835941b1010813f036.jpg ; https://archive.is/TQDIQ/ecd7cc2c2a15ddfc8866c6634336610bb0a776d9/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200703000016/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eb0Y_ZDXQAEKGEZ?format=jpg&name=large ; http://m.banyuetan.org/qyzx/detail/20200629/1000200033138371593424876505935585_1.html ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200703...629/1000200033138371593424876505935585_1.html ; http://archive.is/OkBA1
1. The Star Wars Stormtroopers proudly exhibited during a ceremony held in Yunnan on the occasion of the successful maiden flight of China's new seven-seat crew Yuanzhou-1 spacecraft.

But unformal ceremonies are nothing compared to state organized ones, especially when held in the most prestigious National University of Defence Technology (国防科技大学军)!

Proudly refered in the media coverage as 'Outer Space Guests claded in their magnificent white armours'!

Indeed, gones are the days when the U.S.A. could boast of being the only nation in the world that could host the Dystopian Empire's elite troops. Even as symbolical as the Stormtroopers.

First demoted then crumbling with a negative economy, plagued by an uncontrollable COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S.A. as a former superpower is no more.

Because this signals to the world that China is now the Chosen One, leader of the RCEP, the first economic zone in the world, demographic barycenter, promoted with the elite privilege to field the Stormtroopers representing the Pretorian Guards of the Dystopian Empire.


https://archive.vn/Qawhz/b0f91dadcd82d48517e9c28dbca2b17ca5974515.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Qawhz/2bc4536a7b8daa79d29db6a8a7924e6f8aa00207/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201204205442/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EllI59qX0AE3o6c?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201204...wgg/kdyw/668c23f67ecb49cfb4e7f6565a3f45e4.htm ; https://archive.vn/Dszpq
2. China's elite privilege to field the Stormtroopers representing the Pretorian Guards of the Dystopian Empire.

Video of Stormtroopers March with Star Wars Music

国防科技大学运动会开幕式现“天外来客”方阵 又酷又飒超帅气
2020年10月31日 11:19 新浪网 作者 燃新闻

While both the U.S.A.'s Apollo fully robotic unmanned program and U.S.S.R.' Luna robotic unmanned missions only retrieved rock samples from older layers of lunar regolith during the Cold War nearly 50 years ago, of little strategic importance, China instead went directly to the most valuable spot of the Moon!

Published: 11:30pm, 2 Dec, 2020

Chang’e 5 landed near Mons Rumker, a volcano believed to be still active. The rocks and dust there could therefore be the most recent on the moon. The area is also rich in radioactive elements such as uranium, and only samples can help to explain their mysterious presence.


As Uranium is associated with rare earth deposits:

(Updated September 2019)

A large amount of uranium is in rare earth deposits, and may be extracted as a by-product.


Of course no man can survive in the harsh space radiation environment outside of the protective earth magnetosphere above 400 km altitude, space probe having to be shut down during severe solar storm in order to survive. But by reading between the lines:

Published: 11:30pm, 2 Dec, 2020

Competition in space between China and the US is expected to intensify. China will soon start building a full-scale space station, land its first rover on Mars and invite other countries to jointly construct a robotic base on the moon.


Indeed, the ultimate undeclared goal is the construction of fully-robotic unmanned industrial complex throughout the Solar System, starting with the Moon then Mars:

If China can first secure the rare earth elements of the Moon and start its industrial scale exploitation, the assured Chinese monopoly would be the final nail in the coffin of the European World Order!

2020 will be remembered as the year the two East Asian superpowers have superseded the two former European superpowers (U.S.A.-U.S.S.R.), with Hayabusa-2 and Chang'e 5:

3:05 PM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter for Mac
Images captured on July 11, 2019 from 10:03:54 ~ 10:11:44. 10 x speed video by the small monitor camera (CAM-H) during the 2nd touchdown of Hayabusa-2.

It would not be a surprise if Japan were to find some rare earth in its own asteroid rock sample!

11:37 AM · Dec 2, 2020
Chang'e 5 lunar landing

The new leading role of China in the development of the Solar System's rare earth resources can be seen in its rapidly expanding space launchers accordingly.


http://archive.is/zRPeW/da7120875e3cd0137d2d242b14f2bbd518811cb1.jpg ; https://archive.is/zRPeW/85f3deccf414e7fb8870903e08edcbe243c574b6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200703000248/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbcsH-PXYAAkudc?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/TheElegant055/status/1276532483417407499
3. Chinese rapidly expanding space launchers.

End of the excerpt.




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