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Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan armed forces including special forces (Badri 313, Victorious brigade, Mansouri brigade, Red Division, Umari etc etc)

There is no Bigger Terrorist than the American state and Israel. you cant deny this fact 99.99% of the problems around the world are created by them
For you to call the other muslims as "terrorists" that's big shame on you a term that is invented by the Americans for the the people who doesn't bow down to Washington and Israel I bet you had never heard this "terrorist" word before the Zionists demolished the twin towers
you have to call a spade a spade. Just because these people are “muslims” by their and your definition doesn’t mean they get a pass for being inhumane TERRORISTS.

And stop with the conspiracy theories, view the situation without your bias and you will realise, a portion of muslim population today is really full of hatred and intolerant enough to have carried out 9/11 all on their own without any “Israeli” help.
you have to call a spade a spade. Just because these people are “muslims” by their and your definition doesn’t mean they get a pass for being inhumane TERRORISTS.

And stop with the conspiracy theories, view the situation without your bias and you will realise, a portion of muslim population today is really full of hatred and intolerant enough to have carried out 9/11 all on their own without any “Israeli” help.
Yeah ok genius I bet they found "weapons of mass destruction " in Iraq also just like they found the passports of so called "terrorists" in twin towers rubble then Afghanistan was attacked followed by Iraq, Libya, Syria drone attacks in Pakistan

This is why there is a saying common sense is not very common

I wish you start using the brain instead of targeting other muslim people but again you would rather blame the muslims than the Israeli who are killing innocent Palestinians on daily basis soon you would be blaming Palestinians and kashmiris being involved 9/11
There is no Bigger Terrorist than the American state and Israel. you cant deny this fact 99.99% of the problems around the world are created by them
For you to call the other muslims as "terrorists" that's big shame on you a term that is invented by the Americans for the people who doesn't bow down to Washington and Israel I bet you had never heard this "terrorist" word before the Zionists demolished the twin towers

You act like there is no Afghan history before USA. Do your research properly before making easy statements and you will find that 99.99% of Afghan history is trouble.
There is no Bigger Terrorist than the American state and Israel. you cant deny this fact 99.99% of the problems around the world are created by them
For you to call the other muslims as "terrorists" that's big shame on you a term that is invented by the Americans for the people who doesn't bow down to Washington and Israel I bet you had never heard this "terrorist" word before the Zionists demolished the twin towers

you should atleast give clues or evidence like larry silverstein took out insurance policies on the building and wasnt in on the day. plus why did they sell all the steel from the building quickly to china even firing one of the truckers for stopping. its all adding up, hey wat bout the five dancing israelis.
Your types I would lay them down on all fours and put my cock in your mouth without hesition.. Why because I don't give a shxt.. Don't go that low on a nation... Pakistan is viewed as a hell-hole terrorist by everyone..

There is no such thing as that word... You speaking with the tongue of kufars doesn't make you appear legitimate anywhere..

Afghanistan has improved since the imcompetent regime has fallen
well there you have it, these so called “Islamic champions” calling for gay acts of sexual violence for differing views is a level of hypocrisy that is beyond ironic like what even lmao how do you go from a homesexual assault to accusing me of speaking with the “tongue of kuffars”

Intolerant is the word i would use for you and your little taliban friends, so neck deep in jahiliyyah and miserably unaware of it.
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you should atleast give clues or evidence like larry silverstein took out insurance policies on the building and wasnt in on the day. plus why did they sell all the steel from the building quickly to china even firing one of the truckers for stopping. its all adding up, hey wat bout the five dancing israelis.
There is no need to go into the details everyone knows it none of the Jews were present that day if someone is still arguing about it in 2022 it's just a Hasbara troll or a gangu because no matter how much you would tell them they will continue to blame the muslims and also one of the guy that was suppose to be in the plane was alive and interviewed by the Japanese TV in Egypt

No matter how hard they tryed to demonize Islam still came out stronger all those prophecies about muslim countries getting attacked are slowly coming true as the events unfold you will see these events speeding up in the coming years

"Surely black flags will appear from the Khorasan until the people (under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the olive trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta (names of places in Jerusalem)"

These Israelis tryed so hard and went a step further to create the ISIS under the black flag which got exposed also 😂
Once you see a freedom fighter being labelled a terrorist it means the world cycle has erupted into the dogs.. Do something about it if you think they are terrorists it is as simple as that.......... Come get some.....


You will find them most unapologetic people on earth
Only time will tell. They have been in power for less than a year and it looks like their honeymoon is already over. Easy to create caoes and explosion and difficult to govern.
sir of you have ttime go and sit few refugees in islamabad karachi peshawar . ask them why they leave homes .
They(the Talibs) surely did terorize Afghans. Destruction of cities, villages, infrastructure etc. They have pushed the country a thousand years back.
They(the Talibs) surely did terorize Afghans. Destruction of cities, villages, infrastructure etc. They have pushed the country a thousand years back.
its not only this sir . taliban are not legitimate gov of afghanistan they have captured country like stone age with guns and force . let afghan people have a free fully 100% free election and see how taliban won it . taliban may won 20% of seats . the core issue is when a malatia captured the country illegally how can people live under them . then they have pushtoon culture and classic era of islam mixture as laws . majority of afghans live in ghetos slums in paksitan but they do not want to go afghanistan because its hard for them to live under these sick people .

only keyboard warriors living in 1st world or 2nd world countries sit on keyboard are type BS . if you ask these guys go live under taliban 1 week they will not .
It's funny how gangus and hasbara trolls are trying so hard to convince people that muslims are "terrorists " while completely ignoring the state of Israel that terrorize Palestinians on every single day who caused the destruction of Libya was it Taliban? Who caused the destruction of Vietnam? Was it talibans? Who nuked Japan was it talibans? Who killed 60 million native Americans? Was it talibans? Who droned and killed Pakistani families ? Was it talibans? Who attacked salala checkpost ?was it the Talibans? Who bombed Iraq? Was it talibans? Who created the problem in Syria and wants to bring pipeline to Europe? Is it the talibans? Who is creating problems between Ukraine and Russia? Is it the talibans? Who wants China and Taiwan to fight is it talibans? Who created the bokoharm? Is it the talibans?

With these gangu trolls logic the destruction in Kashmir must be caused by the Taliban also?

I would like people to use their own common sense not even going to argue with trolls with multiple account's

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