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Iran’s 600 Missiles


Aug 16, 2006
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There seems to be growing talk that Israel and/or the U.S. is planning to hit Iran’s nuclear facilities very soon. Iran has already reached a point of nuclear no return and is within 2 years of having a nuclear bomb. In light of this, a recent headline in Ha’aretz is very illuminating.

Report: Iran has 600 targets for missile strike in Israel if attacked

The article said:

The Qatari newspaper Al Watan on Sunday quoted diplomatic sources in Damascus as saying that Iran has marked 600 targets in Israel for missile strikes in case it is attacked. The report said the targets are within reach of Iranian missiles and would be completely destroyed if Israel should attack Iran or participate in an American attack on the country. Iran’s warning refers to talk in Israel and the United States of a possible military strike to prevent the Islamic republic from attaining nuclear capability. Various channels delivered the Iranian message, which also warns against an attack on Syria.

What’s more, Iran’s claim to have 600 missiles pointed at Israel comes just one day after Iranian-made rocket launchers were found aimed at an American base in Iraq. The Jerusalem Post reported on Sunday (July 15) that, “U.S. military leaders Saturday announced the discovery of a field in Iraq containing 50 Iranian-made rocket launchers, all aimed at a U.S. Army base. Earlier in the day, two U.S. soldiers were killed in Baghdad by a high-tech bomb army officials believe was smuggled in from Iran. Iran has denied the charge.”

As Iran continues on its maniacal quest for the bomb, it’s clear that Israel and the U.S. can’t sit by and let it happen. It could be that the intensified talk of U.S. withdrawal from Iraq is a first step toward an attack on Iran. It now seems apparent that the chaos in Iraq can’t be stemmed in Iraq until Iran is handled. Drawing down U.S. forces in Iraq could make it easier for the U.S. to focus its attention on the terror bulls eye in Iran.

Iran knows that a day of reckoning is coming. And soon. It may even be that Ahmadinejad wants Israel and the U.S. to launch a preemptive strike. He appears to be in a win-win situation. In some ways, it appears that he’s almost baiting the U.S. into a preemptive strike against him. The flow of Iranian weapons into Iraq to kill U.S. soldiers is now a proven fact. Iran doesn’t even seem to be trying to hide it. If Ahmadinejad is hit, he will get the war and chaos he believes he needs to bring back the Mahdi (the Shiite Muslim messiah). If his nuclear facilities are not hit, he will get the bomb within two years and can usher in the chaos himself.

The West and Israel face a dilemma of epic proportions. In spite of the consequences, Israel and/or the U.S. will have to act soon. Others, like France, with its new more conservative leader, and Britain might also be willing to take part. But what will happen after the first domino falls is the great question. Will Iran launch against Israel? Will Iran go all-out against U.S. and British military sites in the region? What will happen to the flow of Middle East oil? Will a regional conflict erupt? Will Syria and Hezbollah attack Israel? Will Russia and China stay on the sidelines? These are questions that may be answered very soon. And the answers to the questions could lead to the road to Armageddon.

Prophecy Hotline » Blog Archive » Iran’s 600 Missiles
Excellent read...............i recieved the article from a friend on Facebook..........Very nice analysis and a protrayal of a win-win situation for Iran.
nice for israel they can wait 600 mislles on the way:enjoy:
Iran is nowhere close to developping a nuke, all she's achived is the know how to produce HEU (with foreign help), she still needs to develop a nuclear design and miniaturise it to fit into existing delivery infrastructure...a process that could take more than a decade.
sir Iran may have from EX USSR ready for use nukes. i seen so many news this .even some Arabic books i read from israeli people write this wich i read last year in madinah labrary
Its all a big media circus, an effective way to change global opinion.
We've seen this before in Iraq, all that media hype about WMD in Iraq which still have to be found. :disagree:

The West still thinks that having a nuclear programme is a privilege that solely belonds to them, every (muslim) country chasing the capability should be dealt with even if it requires global isolation (Libya, Iran) and full distruction (Iraq).

Israel to attack Iran unless enrichment stops: minister

By Dan Williams
Fri Jun 6,2008

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks "unavoidable" given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny Tehran technology with bomb-making potential, one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's deputies said on Friday.

"If Iran continues with its program for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it. The sanctions are ineffective," Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz told the mass-circulation Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

"Attacking Iran, in order to stop its nuclear plans, will be unavoidable," said the former army chief who has also been defense minister.

It was the most explicit threat yet against Iran from a member of Olmert's government, which, like the Bush administration, has preferred to hint at force as a last resort should U.N. Security Council sanctions be deemed a dead end.

Iran has defied Western pressure to abandon its uranium enrichment projects, which it says are for peaceful electricity generation rather than bomb-building. The leadership in Tehran has also threatened to retaliate against Israel -- believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal -- and U.S. targets in the Gulf for any attack on Iran.

Mofaz also said in the interview that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel to be wiped off the map, "would disappear before Israel does."

A spokesman for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert did not address Mofaz's comments directly but said that "all options must remain on the table" and said more could be done to put financial pressure on Tehran.

"Israel believes strongly that while the U.N. sanctions are positive, much more needs to be done to pressure the regime in Tehran to cease its aggressive nuclear program," spokesman Mark Regev said.

"We believe the international community should be considering further tangible steps such as embargoing refined petroleum headed for Iran, sanctions against Iranian businessmen traveling abroad, tightening the pressure on Iranian financial institutions and other such steps," he added.

Mofaz's remarks came as he and several other senior members of Olmert's Kadima Party prepare for a possible run for top office should a corruption scandal force the Israeli prime minister to step down.

Iranian-born Mofaz has been a main party rival of the Israeli prime minister, particularly following the 2006 elections when Olmert was forced to hand the defense portfolio to Labour, his main coalition partner, at Mofaz's expense.

Mofaz, who is also designated as a deputy prime minister, has remained privy to Israel's defense planning. He is a member of Olmert's security cabinet and leads regular strategic coordination talks with the U.S. State Department.

Israeli planes destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981.

A similar Israeli sortie over Syria last September razed what the U.S. administration said was a nascent nuclear reactor built with North Korean help. Syria denied having any such facility.

Independent analysts have questioned, however, whether Israel's armed forces can take on Iran alone, as its nuclear sites are numerous, distant and well-fortified.

(Additional reporting by Ori Lewis; Editing by Dominic Evans)

Israel to attack Iran unless enrichment stops: minister - Yahoo! News
The West still thinks that having a nuclear programme is a privilege that solely belonds to them, every (muslim) country chasing the capability should be dealt with even if it requires global isolation (Libya, Iran) and full distruction (Iraq).

Come on Neo you can be better than this.

For starters the west did not bomb India, Pakistan and China

Nukes with Libya , Syria, Iran and Iraq are the last thing that we would like to see. All these governments are ruled by tin pot dictators who go out in public and gloat about how they will wipe other countries off the map, so obviously it does set alarma in the west , heck we India and Pakistan should be alarmed too...
Excellent read...............i recieved the article from a friend on Facebook..........Very nice analysis and a protrayal of a win-win situation for Iran.

The analysis is full of BS.

For beginners, not all of the 600 missiles can reach Israel, most of them are tactical BMs employed in localised theatre.

2. Most of the missiles are liquid fuelled and Iran cannot deploy all the missiles within a short period of time.

3. Each target aimed by Iran would need a lot of BM's to achieve destruction as the CEP is high ...

4. Destroying the command centre and theatre HQ will neutralize the threat.

5. They need the missiles to target American assets rather than waste on Israel..
Come on Neo you can be better than this.

For starters the west did not bomb India, Pakistan and China

Nukes with Libya , Syria, Iran and Iraq are the last thing that we would like to see. All these governments are ruled by tin pot dictators who go out in public and gloat about how they will wipe other countries off the map, so obviously it does set alarma in the west , heck we India and Pakistan should be alarmed too...

Iran and Iraq are fully functional democracies. Lets not call them "dictators". Iran has every right to cleanly wipe out Israel of the map if Israel in anyway messes with Iran.

IMO, same thing will happen to India.. in Pakistani scenario.
Iran and Iraq are fully functional democracies. Lets not call them "dictators"

Guess what even Cuba and Iraq held elections when they were under Fidel and Saddam, and that makes them functional democracues I guess.

Iran has every right to cleanly wipe out Israel of the map if Israel in anyway messes with Iran.

And who messes with Israel (Irans support to Hezollah and hamas) , who supports anti Israeli elements such as Hezbollah with Katusha rockets, Konkat ATGM's and RPG 29. Now the big question is who messes with whom and the answer is Iran messes with Israel , give me one instance Israel has messed with Iran or has interferred in their internal affairs, so the argument is complete baloney.

IMO, same thing will happen to India.. in Pakistani scenario.

Now what will be the threshold limit?
Go search "Palestine" and "attack on Lebanon". Dont be so naive with the lack of understanding the other point of view.

Israel same as Iran has directly and indirectly threatened to bomb Iran.

Call it baloney.. or an argument with adding couple of weapons name. Same can be said about the U.S. arming Israel to threaten Middle East countries.

Now that list is long! and doesn't stop after three itty bitty weaponry.
Go search "Palestine" and "attack on Lebanon". Dont be so naive with the lack of understanding the other point of view.

So your point being? what do they have to do with Iran ...

Israel same as Iran has directly and indirectly threatened to bomb Iran.

And who trained Hezbollah to kill Israelis? You have still failed to provide concrete source as to how Israel interferred with Iran...

Call it baloney.. or an argument with adding couple of weapons name

Yup complete baloney designed to distract populations attentiopn from woeful economic policies followed by Ahmadinajad.

Same can be said about the U.S. arming Israel to threaten Middle East countries.

MIA1 Abrams for Egypt, Challenger for Jordan, Typhoons and the largest fleet of F15 after Japan, F16 for UAE. Now what are these play toys?

Now that list is long! and doesn't stop after three itty bitty weaponry.

Still I find no proof of Israel interferring with Iran , let us focus the discusiion on Iran and not on other conflicts . Israeli citizens were killed by Iranian weapons so that is a direct interferrence of an independent nation that has nothing to do with Iran.
Since your unable to understand any geo-strategic and political relationships in my post. Here are some recent articles which might help you understand the issue well enough.

Israel threatens war on Gaza and Iran - Telegraph

Israel has no right to attack Iran because it is developing nuclear weapons (or at least Israel thinks they are). If Israel does attack Iran.. then it is Iran's every right to defend itself in any means possible (in an offensive manner or in a defensive manner).

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