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China's AI growth is 'astounding to see', Google CEO Sundar Pichai believes China to be the unbeatable leader in artificial intelligence (AI)


Nov 4, 2011
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China's AI growth is 'astounding to see', Google CEO Sundar Pichai believes China to be leader in artificial intelligence (AI)​

Updated: Nov 17, 2023, 20:17 IST

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai believes that China will be a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and emphasizes the need for collaboration between the US and China in terms of regulation and innovation. Pichai highlights the importance of a good partnership and states that progress cannot be made without deep communication between the two countries. He compares global collaboration on AI to addressing climate change and mentions Google's upcoming language model project called Gemini. Pichai expresses excitement for future innovations and states that Google was built for this moment.

China's AI growth is 'astounding to see', says Sundar Pichai

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai believes that China will be a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and emphasizes the need for collaboration between the US and China in terms of regulation and innovation. Pichai highlights the importance of a good partnership and states that progress cannot be made without deep communication between the two countries. He compares global collaboration on AI to addressing climate

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said he expects China to be “at the forefront” of artificial intelligence (AI) and stressed the importance of the US collaborating with China on both regulation and innovation, Bloomberg reported.

The scale of AI work in China “is just astounding to see”, Alphabet CEOSundar Pichai said at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference in San Francisco .

“In some ways, China is going to be at the forefront of AI and that’s a given,” he added.

Pichai also mentioned that building a good partnership is necessary for this collaboration.

“No way you make progress over the long term without China and the US deeply talking to each other on something like AI,” he said, drawing on his experience prioritising the technology at Google. “It has got to be an integral part of the process.”

Executives from major companies like Microsoft, Citigroup, and Tesla are meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, other Asian leaders, and US President Joe Biden this week.

Pichai, comparing global collaboration on AI safety to addressing climate change, stressed the importance of working together. He explained that if something goes wrong with AI in one country, it affects everyone on the internet.

Pichai also discussed Google's upcoming project called Gemini, a large language model designed to respond to prompts with natural language. He said that the company's current focus is on on releasing the "1.0 " version of Gemini “as soon as possible” before introducing more technically advanced versions. Pichai concluded by saying that the company was built for this moment of innovation.

“I am extraordinarily excited for innovation coming ahead,” he said. “We built the company for this moment.

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China is going to be unbeatable in artificial intelligence. Not just anyone says it, the CEO of Google defends it​


Nov 17, 2023

China has not only jumped on the artificial intelligence (AI) train; Travel comfortably seated in a first class carriage. This discipline has a strategic role for great powers, and the country led by Xi Jinping is no exception. Some of the sanctions that the US Administration has deployed seek to put the most advanced AI chips, such as NVIDIA’s A100 or H100, out of its reach, but China has already taken action on the matter.

Jensen Huang, the founder and CEO of NVIDIA, made this clear in a statement he made in late May at Computex: “China is devoting massive resources to starting up startups specializing in GPU development. Don’t underestimate them.” This warning was addressed to the US Government in a clear attempt to warn it about the consequences of the sanctions that seek to stop China’s technological development.

It is evident that in the medium term what China is interested in is having its own processors for artificial intelligence applications, and, in particular, for deep learning. This is exactly what Jensen Huang has predicted. And what, as we are about to see, Xi Jinping’s government is orchestrating. Even so, in the meantime China is buying through official channels the chips that the US-led alliance allows it to acquire and in parallel markets the CPUs and GPUs that the sanctions seek to put out of its reach.

At this juncture, there are dozens of Chinese companies that are involved in developing their own hardware for this use scenario. MetaX, Biren Technology, Moore Threads, Innosilicon, Zhaoxin, Iluvatar CoreX, DenglinAI or Vast AI Tech are some of the most important. The interesting thing is that not all of them are following the same path. Moore Threads and Biren Technology are two of the companies that are taking their gaming GPUs as a starting point with the aim of refining them to be competitive when running artificial intelligence processes.

China’s economic, scientific and technical muscle is beyond doubt. Those of us who closely follow current events in the technology sector know this, and industry experts know it perfectly. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Alphabet, the corporation to which Google belongs, is one of them. And he is convinced that “the scale of the work that China is carrying out in the field of AI is astonishing […] China is going to be at the forefront of this discipline. It is a fact,” Pichai noted.

However, this is not all that this executive has expressed. His vision is very different from the one currently held by the US Government, which has so strained its relationship with China: “In the long term, the only way to consolidate progress is for China and the US to collaborate closely in such an area.” decisive like that of AI. It should be an integral part of the process.” It sounds very reasonable, but given the current situation it seems very unlikely that these two superpowers will walk this path hand in hand. We’ll see. Sundar Pichai is probably right and this is the best option for everyone.

China needs to make sure the ai is uncensored and do uncensored image generation etc. Otherwise it lowers potential.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai believes China will lead AI, US needs to work with the Chinese companies​

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, anticipates that China will lead the way in artificial intelligence. He also said that the US and Chine need to work together to regulate and innovate within the field

FP Staff November 17, 2023 13:44:45 IST

In a candid revelation at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference in San Francisco, Alphabet Inc.’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, expressed his anticipation for China to take the lead in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). Pichai emphasized the necessity for the United States to engage in collaborative efforts with China, not only in terms of AI regulation but also in fostering innovation.

Speaking in an on-stage interview with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang, Pichai lauded the remarkable scale of AI developments in China, stating, “In some ways, China is going to be at the forefront of AI, and that’s a given.” He stressed the importance of a robust working relationship between the two nations, asserting that sustained progress in AI requires deep dialogue between China and the United States.

Pichai drew parallels between the collaboration needed for AI and the global cooperation on climate change. He highlighted the interconnected nature of the internet, explaining that if something goes awry with AI technology in one country, it affects everyone online. The CEO argued that all countries have an incentive to ensure the safety of artificial intelligence.

As executives from major corporations engage with leaders at the APEC CEO Summit, Pichai’s remarks underscore the significance of fostering international cooperation in the AI landscape. The CEO noted that discussions between China and the US on AI are integral to the long-term advancement of the technology.

On another note, Pichai shed light on Google’s upcoming project, Gemini, a substantial language model trained on extensive datasets designed to compete with cutting-edge models in providing natural language responses. Pichai expressed his excitement for the innovation on the horizon and emphasized the company’s focus on releasing the initial version of Gemini promptly, with more technically advanced versions to follow.

“I am extraordinarily excited for innovation coming ahead. We built the company for this moment,” Pichai stated, emphasizing Google’s preparedness for the evolving landscape of AI technology.


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