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China leads high-tech research in 80% of critical fields, Aggressive investment puts country far ahead of U.S., Europe, Japan: report


Nov 4, 2011
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China leads high-tech research in 80% of critical fields: report

Aggressive investment puts country far ahead of U.S., Europe, Japan

Military vehicles during a parade in Beijing carry hypersonic missiles, one of many high-tech fields where China leads the world. © Reuters
KAORU TAKATSUKI, Nikkei staff writerSeptember 15, 2023 02:28 JST

TOKYO -- China leads advanced technological research in 80% of critical fields including hypersonics and underwater drones, a report from an Australian think tank shows, as the country pulls ahead of the U.S., Europe and Japan through state-led investment.

Out of 23 technologies analyzed by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), China leads research in 19. The rankings are based on the 10% most cited academic papers among 2.2 million published between 2018 and 2022, with a focus on fields considered key to the trilateral security partnership among the U.S., the U.K. and Australia, or AUKUS.

The U.S. leads in the remaining four technologies.

China accounts for 73.3% of high-impact research output for hypersonic detection, tracking and characterization, far ahead of the U.S., U.K. and Germany.

Hypersonic missiles, which fly at more than five times the speed of sound, are seen as a potentially game-changing weapon. China is developing hypersonic missiles that are faster and have less predictable trajectories in order to penetrate enemies' missile defense networks.

The ASPI report says there is a high risk of China dominating in the technology, considering how far it is ahead of its competitors and the concentration of institutions producing high-impact research in the country.

In autonomous underwater vehicles, China accounts for 56.9% of important research. Second-ranked U.S. accounts for just 9.5%.

Underwater drones incorporate a variety of cutting-edge technology, including pressure-resistant shells, unmanned navigation technology and communications systems. Based on the ASPI report, China also leads in advanced underwater wireless communications and in sonar.

Competition between the U.S. and China is closer in areas like artificial intelligence and quantum technology. Of the six AI-related fields, China has the lead in four, including drones, while the U.S. ranks first in advanced integrated circuit design and fabrication.

The countries each leads two of the four quantum technology fields. The U.S. has a narrow lead in highly sensitive quantum sensors, which are expected to have applications for quantum computing and medicine, while China has the advantage in post-quantum cryptography.

Beijing is showing that it is interested in gaining an advantage in critical technologies relevant to national security, according to ASPI Executive Director Justin Bassi.

The race between China and the West in critical technology is only intensifying.

China is promoting domestic high-tech industries through the Made in China 2025 initiative, unveiled under President Xi Jinping in 2015. It aims to become one of the world's leading manufacturing powerhouses by 2049, which marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The initiative focuses on 10 fields in particular, such as new information technology including semiconductors, high-tech ships and numerical control tools for advanced robots.

Concerned by China's technological advancements, the U.S. under former President Donald Trump moved to cut Beijing off in fields like high-speed 5G communications.

Restrictions have strengthened further under current President Joe Biden. In August, Biden signed an executive order to restrict U.S. investment in China in fields like cutting-edge semiconductors, AI and quantum technology.

According to the ASPI report, Japan placed in the top 10 countries in just seven fields, including quantum computing and post-quantum cryptography.

Bassi stressed the importance of global cooperation to counter China's dominance, such as through frameworks like the Group of Seven, the Quad dialogue and AUKUS.

The G7 leaders' communique from the Hiroshima summit in May called for the circulation of talent in cutting-edge technology. Leaders of the Quad, which is comprised of the U.S., Japan, Australia and India, have also agreed to promote investment in critical areas such as quantum technology.

Morons in PDF still consistently claim that China only know copy and paste.

China leads US in global competition for key emerging technology, Year-long study finds China leads in 37 of 44 areas it tracked​

March 2, 20231:14 PM GMT+8


SYDNEY, March 2 (Reuters) - China has a "stunning lead" in 37 out of 44 critical and emerging technologies as Western democracies lose a global competition for research output, a security think tank said on Thursday after tracking defence, space, energy and biotechnology.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) said its study showed that, in some fields, all of the world's top 10 research institutions are based in China.

The study, funded by the United States State Department, found the United States was often second-ranked, although it led global research in high-performance computing, quantum computing, small satellites and vaccines.

"Western democracies are losing the global technological competition, including the race for scientific and research breakthroughs," the report said, urging greater research investment by governments.

China had established a "stunning lead in high-impact research" under government programs.

The report called for democratic nations to collaborate more often to create secure supply chains and "rapidly pursue a strategic critical technology step-up".

ASPI tracked the most-cited scientific papers, which it said are the most likely to result in patents. China's surprise breakthrough in hypersonic missiles in 2021 would have been identified earlier if China's strong research had been detected, it said.

"Over the past five years, China generated 48.49% of the world's high-impact research papers into advanced aircraft engines, including hypersonics, and it hosts seven of the world's top 10 research institutions," it said.

In the fields of photonic sensors and quantum communication, China's research strength could result in it "going dark" to the surveillance of western intelligence, including the "Five Eyes" of Britain, United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, it said.

National talent flows of researchers were also tracked and monopoly risks were identified.

China was likely to emerge with a monopoly in 10 fields including synthetic biology, where it produces one-third of all research, as well as electric batteries, 5G, and nano manufacturing.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, a government research body, ranked first or second in most of the 44 technologies tracked, which spanned defence, space, robotics, energy, the environment, biotechnology, artificial intelligence (AI), advanced materials and quantum technology.

China was bolstering its research with knowledge gained overseas, and the data showed one-fifth of the top Chinese researchers were trained in a Five Eyes country, it said.

The study recommended visa screening programs to limit illegal technology transfers and instead favour international collaboration with security allies.

Australia's universities have said they are complying with foreign influence laws designed to stop the illegal transfer of technology to China, but also noted international collaboration is an integral part of university research.


China; a world leader in technology​

Beijing surpasses the US and other Western countries by leading the world in 37 out of 44 technology fields.









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