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China HSR News And Information: Original Translation


Feb 23, 2015
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A New Timetable from 20 March 2015: The Number of Passenger Trains of Nanning Railway Bureau Will Increase To 168 Pairs
时间: 2015年03月09日
3月20日起再次调图 广西旅客列车增至168对_南宁铁路局

From 20 March 2015, Nanning Railway Bureau will once again renew Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region's train timetable. The total number of passenger trains (excluding trains from other railway bureau which terminate in Guangxi) will increase to 168 pairs. Among them 107.5 pairs are HSR services, which account for 64%. This timetable upgrade in HSR trains will once again provide more convenient options for passengers.

P.S. 0.5 pair means a service which only operate in one direction rather than one pair which means two opposite directions.

The total train number of Nanning Railway Bureau will increase from 152 pairs of the end of 2014 to 168 pairs by 10.5%. CRH services will rise to 107.5 pairs from 90.5 by 18.8%.

From the opening of Nanning-Guangzhou HSR on 26 Dec 2014, HSR has quickly replaced other transport and become the first choice between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guangdong Province. The average passenger load factor remains high in spite that the number of trains have been increased for several times and two separate trains have been connected as one.

Another 7 pairs of CRH trains will operate on Nanning-Guangzhou HSR Line and another 2 pairs will be on Guiyang-Guangzhou HSR Line.


Binyang Railway Station, which is the 11th opened county-level railway station in Guangxi, will witness biggest timetable change. The number of CRH trains which stop in Binyang will grow to 14.

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Guangxi's HSR Network by 2014
屏幕快照 2015-03-10 18.07.07.png

Railway Vision 2020
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

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Railway Flyover, Nanning City, capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
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Approaching Nanning
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Freight train
Karst landform
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CRH380A Brothers:-)
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380km/h-CRH380A vs Kawasaki's 250km/h-CRH2

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Old Nanning Railway Station and CRH380A
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Guangxi's railway fans. No train on this line?:o:
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nice~congratulation GuangXi, this year ,A HSR will across my hometown ZunYi ,from ChongQing to GuiYang,It will link north and south china;~~~And last year ,A HSR Construction Completion in my hometown,from GuiYang to GuangZhou;
There will have six HSR build in my hometowm GuiZhou~:-)
nice~congratulation GuangXi, this year ,A HSR will across my hometown ZunYi ,from ChongQing to GuiYang,It will link north and south china;~~~And last year ,A HSR Construction Completion in my hometown,from GuiYang to GuangZhou;
There will have six HSR build in my hometowm GuiZhou~:-)
Good for u!
which province is China's poorest province? The answer is Guizhou. | Page 2

Old News
Nanning-Guangzhou HSR's Average Utilisation Rate Reach 92.5%




  经济发展,交通先行,火车一响,黄金万两。然而2014年底前,两广省会间仍未有一条直通的铁路线。由南宁出发,必须向下绕行贵港、玉林,再经茂名、肇庆等地才能到达广州,全程800多公里,需要耗时13个多小时。单线、绕行、旅途时间长等客观因素,一定程度上制约了两省间经济社会的进一步发展融合。The original train called for 13 hours for 800km before 2014.

  南广高铁自2014年12月26日全线开通运营后,每天有19对动车组列车在两省区间往返运行,基本实现两端始发站大概1个小时就有一趟动车开行,“动车公交化”趋势逐渐显现。南广高铁由南宁横向穿过贵港、梧州、肇庆直达广州,由原来的800多公里运输距离缩短到570公里,旅途时间也由原来的13个多小时压缩到现在4个多小时,大大节约了人们出行的时间成本。南广高铁也因此受到广大旅客的欢迎,俨然成为两地人员出行的首选交通方式。From 26 Dec 2014, 19 pairs of HSR trains service between Nanning and Guangzhou, shortening the whole journey from 13 hours into 4 hours.

  南广高铁的开通运营,极大带动了两广地区的经济文化的交流和发展,形成了两广优势互补、合作共赢的局面。如旅游业增长迅速,广西北海“天下第一滩”之称的银滩、桂林“山水甲天下”等每日接待游客剧增,更有广西梧州、贺州等地开展“凭动车票景点门票打折”等优惠活动。而珠三角地区的繁华闹市、无限商机、精品美食等同样深深吸引广西民众,可以实现“早上从南宁出发,到广州喝下午茶,游珠江夜景,再返回南宁的两广一日游”。铁路客流统计数据显示,至1月7日南广高铁全线运行仅18天,已累计运送旅客69.5万人次,动车的全程客座平均利用率达到92.5%,位居全国前列。The total passenger volume was 695,000 for the first 18 days from 26 December 2014 to 7 January 2015 with average whole-distance utilisation rate of 92.5%.

The first CRH train of Nanning-Guangzhou HSR Line
26 Dec 2014
Train number D201(non-stop, 563km/3h19min, 169/202.5 yuan for 2nd/1st class)

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New Nanning East Railway Station
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Which stations in China are the busiest Top21?
Figures by Feb 2015

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Red Top1-10 Blue Top11-21

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The second busiest station in China
Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station
464 trains daily by Feb. 2015
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The seventeenth busiest station in China

Hankou Railway Station (located in Wuhan City)
224 trains daily by Feb. 2015

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The Longest 50 HSR Intervals in China
Which 50 HSR services are of the longest intervals in China?
1, Datas by the end of 2014.
2, Ranking is calculated based on different internals, i.e. If Wuhan-Harbin interval has three trains daily, they are calculated as one.

3, One service may operate on different connected lines, in other words, Through-Service.
4, Only part of the chart is translated.

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Some intervals are demonstrated by different colours as below.
No.1 Red Harbin West - Wuhan (Train No.G1278, 14h9min/2446km, 879.5yuan/2nd Class)
No.10 Green Beijing South - Xiamen North (Train No.G2229, 12h45min/2239km, 829.5yuan/2nd Class)
No.30 Yellow Chengdu East - Hangzhou East (Train No.D2224 & D2264, 14h10min/1927km, 589yuan/2nd Class)
No.32 Pink Shijiazhuang - Shenzhen North (Train No.G531, 9h7min/1921km, 860yuan/2nd Class) @Yizhi
No.33 Blue Xi'an North - Guangzhou South (9 trains daily, Train No.G846,828,842,834,820,824,838,828,98, 7.5-9.5h/1910km, 813.5yuan/2nd Class) @Nihonjin1051
No.44 Pink Lanzhou West - Urumqi South (Train No.D2704 & D2701, 11h54min/1777km, 548.5yuan/2nd Class)
屏幕快照 2015-03-11 13.16.20.png
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just saw the taggings....
they look nice, i hope my Guangzhou East to Shenzhen line can apply these new ones soon.:)
what's the test speed? the current CRH1 is kind of slow...
just saw the taggings....

they look nice, i hope my Guangzhou East to Shenzhen line can apply these new ones soon.:)
Yep. These cuties are designer for intercity serves like Guangzhou-Shenzhen and Wuhan-Huangshi. Their performance is similar to metro cars, easily speeding up and down. In that case, they are the most appropriate types for short-distance service with stops every 5-20km.

Technically and financially, these giants CRH380A are too "capable" for intercity services.
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@Rajaraja Chola This Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is the most convenient one in Shanghai since the old Shanghai Station provides less intercity services although it is located in the very centre.
Seasonal Discounts of CRH Sleepers!!!
Let’s go to Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou!!!


  北京西 ~广州南(深圳北):动卧 上铺700元、下铺800元。

To meet passengers’ requirement, a part of HSR sleepers which leave at night and arrive in the morning will provide discounts from 10 April 2015.

1,Shanghai Hongqiao - Shenzhen North (Guangzhou South)
530yuan/upper berth; 630yuan/lower berth.
Twice daily, D931 & D935, about 11 hours/1725km
2,Beijing West - Guangzhou South (Shenzhen North)
700yuan/upper berth; 800yuan/lower berth.
Twice daily, D923 & D903, about 11 hours/2200km

p.s. These super cosy sleepers with a dinner are even cheaper than second class of daytime HSR trains. Let’s go to Beijing and Guangzhou for Beijing Duck and Cantonese Dim Sum!!!
@Yizhi @Nihonjin1051 @Shotgunner51 @Chinese Bamboo @hulk_lou @TaiShang @yusheng @cirr @cnleio @sweetgrape and all other Beijing Roast Duck Lovers and Dim Sum Maniacs!!!
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Beijing Roast Duck!!
This set meal for 3-4 persons costs only 388yuan($60) at Tiananmen Square Branch of Quanjude Roast Duck
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