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  • sir will you plz delete the post in my thread which contained my personal details. i already asked some mods over here but i think they are busy . will you plz look into it . thanks
    I have requested for my username to be changed. This is for personal and security reasons. I have contacted the Webmaster to do this but your intervention would help. This is really a matter of safety for me and is important to me. Could you kindly do the needful. Thanks.
    My words definitely will offend someone here badly. Please forgive me, my friends here.

    I believe an outsider of Pakistan politics as PM won't work. The former PM is emotional, sometimes irrational.
    Visiting Russia during the Ukraine War is brave, but not necessarily in the interest of Pakistan. After all, he needs the IMF, but not vice versa. It's not hard to find an excuse for delaying that trip.
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    Reactions: blain2
    It's in China's interest that Pakistan should maintain good relationship with both side. China never expected Pakistan to choose side between U.S. and China.
    It's too hard for Pakistan to choose side, while a true friend can understand the counterpart's concerns.
    A strong Pakistan is in China's interest, a good relationship with both China and U.S. helps.
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    Reactions: blain2
    Please correct me or just ignore me if my comments don't make sense.
    Dual Wielder
    Dual Wielder
    • Haha
    Reactions: vi-va
    Assalam o Alaikum
    Do you know something about why PERSEC is not practiced in SSG? Why they don't hide their identities?
    There is no need for it unless you are in a specialized unit such as Al-Zarrar which is used in anti-terror role. For CI roles, the SSG units are deployed like, alongside infantry units. Also, because the SSG is relatively large now, it serves little purpose to hide the faces of each and every member of the SOF.
    Hello !
    Could you explain why, suddenly, I can't answer to some subject? " You have insufficient privileges to reply here."
    I'm french, and my opinions differ from the main forum people. But isn't it the interest in a forum to have several opinions?

    With my best regards.
    I think you would have to talk to one of the Admins. Even I don't have all the access to all the spaces.
    Salaam brother,

    Wanted to ask you live in the US or Pakistan? In one of your posts you mentioned talking to US Military members but both flags show Pakistan hence I was wondering.
    Have courage to reply on open thread rather than a closed thread---. People will find out how fake you were---.
    nice to read your unbiased opinion on the posts , i always respect people who are rational and free of perceptions which are biased .
    Sir can you please tell me why i am unable to post or reply ???? When i try to post it says "your search could not be completed"
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