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  • Poste jadidesho bekhoon. dar thread Iranian UAV. Alan dige nemige screenshot mige cache internet archive :rofl:
    I know you're disappointed with much progress in the revenge for Sardar Soleimani.

    Be consoled - work is under progress. Remember, in 1992, Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi was assassinated in Lebanon with his entire family. Was he not avenged?
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    As for Iran's nuclear program, we need to break free. As long as we cannot enrich uranium to sufficient amounts by ourselves, we'll be reliant on Russia. We are losing tens of billions of dollars each year for our nuclear program.
    If we don't try to achieve independence in the nuclear field, it's nothing short of national treason because people are suffering badly from the sanctions and it can't be all for naught.
    10 years to GEO is what they said...I place the cutoff year as 2035. And yeah, I agree but they'll mature the nuclear program at snail's pace, not otherwise. I'm sorry, but that's the strategy they've decided on. I won't say what I want to about russia because the last time I did, the entire forum took up arms against me, KEK :sniper:
    just want tell you that i have nothing personal against Iran. We share history for thousands of years. Yesterday i did actually read a bit about persian wars , i did only know what happened in Athens but now i did read about burning and destruction of Persepolis and i feel bad about that. So peace P.s. I love to travel to other countries. I visited Egypt and Italy and hope in future it will be possible to visit Iran.
    Hey. I never assumed you had anything personal against Iran. We do not consider Greeks as a nation hostile to us. Cheers :cheers:
    Cheers. 😁
    Hello brother. Do you think Saudi and Iran will improve their relationship anytime soon. It seems like saudi is trying to reach to Iran.
    Hi. I'm sorry for the late reply. I saw your message just now. Yeah, I think we're going to mend our ties soon. It will probably be a tactical decision instead of a strategic one though. I think it's better for both sides.
    Keep in mind, this table is not a linear scale between two ends of a single cline. I think distance between Saudi and French would be even bigger than that between Iranian_Fars and French.

    Let me check with the tool..


    See I was right! Saudi is indeed more distant from the French.
    Does pdf even have the private message feature anymore? I can't find it.

    Anyways, I believe Natufian-French distance would be bigger than Fars-French distance. So being more Natufian-heavy takes you further from French, not closer.
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    Yeah, I think you're right. I thought PDF would have such a function because it seems that it is based on vBulletin. Nevertheless, I think I misunderstood your post then because I thought you were saying Saudis were closer to the Europeans. Not that it matters though.
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    Anyway, I think genotypic similarities are useful for making racial bio-weapons or increasing the efficiency of drugs on a particular group of people. As far as ordinary people are concerned, they care about phenotypic similarities.
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    It does not show any distance between those other populations.

    ~0.1745 is the distance between Iranian_Fars and French.

    ~0.1738 is the distance between Iranians_Fars and Saudi.

    You cannot deduce relation between Saudi and French from this.

    (continued above)
    I know. That's my point. You said Saudis were linked to Natufians in the Levant, somehow implying that's why they are closer to Europeans. But that's wrong. If you didn't imply that, then there's nothing to discuss about it as my example on the circle showed.
    Thread is closed, but just wanted to reply to your post here:

    For example, I think at some point you interpreted that Saudis are closer to Europeans than Iranians because ...

    Not really, you are interpreting the scores I posted wrongly.

    First of all, it only shows distance between Iranian_Fars the other population in the table.

    (continued above)
    Can't you send me a private message?
    Ah yes. This looks messy. Apologies.
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    Your a good person to engage in a discussion. In the Zainiboiyun post especially. I strongly believe if the Muslim ummah engages in a honest, unbiased discussion then this will lead to unity. After all we all are Ummati of Prophet peace be upon him. We all may have own Interests and opinions but we can always learn from each other and try to work towards unity.
    I agree with you that if we discuss our issues together it will eventually lead to unity. The truth is that the Middle East is rich in natural resources, but our resources are sold cheaply to our enemies while they look down on us and slow down our progress. It's an issue of common interests in my opinion.
    The problem is here many Muslims think one side is the good side or bad side you have fools who view Erdogan as their leader others the Iranian Mullahs others the Gulf Arabs without understanding geo politics is a dirty if not complex business
    Personally I would love to see Turkey and Iran work out their differences and so far they been cordial but it can be better
    You have lot of patience to engage that long in that "Zainebiyoun" thread, respect to you friend.
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    Thanks. Some people never fail to amaze me by their super religious view of the world and regional developments.
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