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  • No need to get rude amigo. I dont insult you personally and expect same in return.
    I'm not insulting you I'm in defense mode.

    You say Turks smell and you say there are beggars everywhere in Turkey.

    What do you expect me to thank you?

    By the way where is your Romanian cousin flamer?
    I did not say Turks smell. I said it was smelly in that one specific building. Thats a difference. That with the beggars was a fact. I did not like that at Ephesos and also Istanbul. When you went out dozens stand around you and even follow and want sell you stuff. Do you honestly say thats good behavior? Someone told me now it could be syrians, i dont know but its a problem.

    I have no romanian cousin.
    Hey Bro where have you been, I miss your arab jokes xD
    I keep getting banned for flirting with english girls and telling my views about kurds.
    Do not worry bro, we can both shit on kurds together and then take the girls home :)
    I have a question for you and its a honest one. You say we are racist. And you are not? If things turned and Italy would be in a disaster you want tell me, that Turkey would help us? Would turkish companies hire Italians? I highly doubt that.
    Sure they would, what does that have to do with anything?

    Business is business
    I find it fascinating that you can work and work out so much, how do you balance it, maybe you don't work too much?

    Add to that family, relationship and friends and you end up with no free time at all for other hobbies such as fishing.
    I'm average you could say but I think a bit skinny, can't gain weight no matter what I eat.

    A lot of guys in Turkey are like me, we need to gain weight in order to build muscle but genetics stops us from gaining weight.
    Dont blame genetics. They play a role but beside that often laziness is stronger factor. ;) I work 7h a day. Then 3h training. My girl is pretty much into fitness as well as you saw. So we train together
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