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  • Hi, it does not allow me to send pm. However, i agree with you. Thank you for pointing it out.
    Please dont participate in off topic posts or reply to the trolls. I didn't want to give you the infraction as it would have led to your ban.

    I haven't joined that forum for the specific reason that it is filled with haters.
    Although in their defence, most chinese forums abuse the shite out of Indians too. I'll link you if you need.
    edit and report instead please.. I have already reported his posts.

    Guys, don't argue with a person if that's not going to change anything. He'll still be the way he is.

    Don't lower your status to his level by arguing with him. There's no point.
    You feel a racist comment.. report it.. opening a new thread just for the sake of personal attacks will get you banned.
    My advice. Drop it. Listen to him when he give technical information (he is very reliable for that) Ignore him on political views/his nuttiness.
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