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Sudesh Lahri
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  • Well if i had been emotional or had wanted to ban 99% of Indian members, you would not have been online right now. But as you are still online and not banned, it speaks a lot :)

    Have a nice day Sir.
    Its very simple to do, hope that i won't have to educate you about.

    Instead of what you wrote, you should have countered with an argument as he was right in naming others terrorists who have killed innocent people at different times, thus generalizing one thing about jut Muslims is not what sane people do.
    I read one before the mod deleted it - the one where you stated your empirical observations. The very fact it was deleted is the reason why the thread was necessary: Pakistanis will accept nasty statistics when they won't accept subjective generalizations they find distasteful.
    You can reword it, but you need to talk to TK about restoring your post after you clarify what you intend to do.
    Your post, on the basis of a quick read, appears to make derogatory generalizations about Pakistani Muslims. I don't see what the point of such a post would be other than to flame.
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