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  • Bro, Turkey was ruled by kelamists who are as extreme as BAL and they ruled turkey for 60 years and still
    couldn't turn turks athiests. Its only in cities like istanbul and Izmir that westerniaztion and anti-islamization has taken a major shape but majority turks are still very religious otherwise AKP couldn't have
    gotten a overwhelming majority support. What I am saying is that , it takes lots of time to wipe out
    60 years of ***** and it can not be done overnight. We shouldn't judge turks by the actions of Kelamists
    the same way the world should not judge BD by the action of Awami league.
    I would like to see more posts of you about history in sticky thread if those can be easily found. It also would help in research and share efficiently.
    I read it in a book, Bangla originated from Nepal. Eons ago, Nepalese monks came up with the Bengali language. When the Aryans started invading, the monks hid the scrolls so that they aren't destroyed. Someone found the scrolls, and from there, Bangla evolved.
    WRT Gen. Arora ---

    their ''national hero'' would later go to publicly disown the anti-Sikh genocide committed against his peoples....in fact, he became quite vocal against indian policies much to the dismay of the incumbent govt.
    I need to know something.

    Bangla language we speak today is not same language spoken by our Muslim forefather. Our Bangla was loaded with Persian yet it has been gradually replaced with Sanskrit. So I think we are abandoning our own identity as Muslim and gradually becoming Hindu mental Muslim due to influence of Hindu writer like Tagore.

    We should have adopt Arabic scripture to counter Hindu influence form Bangla language. It would have made Bangla language more closer to greater Islamic world as well.
    Salam Akmal Bhai

    Love your posts. Please keep it up.

    I am a practical person and my answer about Urdu was to shot off the Bharati who always try to exploit over sentimental Bangladeshi with emotion. I want no sympathy from them malaun.

    I personally think and stand by till today that Urdu was right language for us because it would have enrich us with Islamic literature. You may defer though.
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