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  • sure buddy!!!! just think its ur own blog mate... There are some more people who soon gonna join us......cheers
    I thought using colored text won't blend well with the dark background. I'll do a li'l mix-n-match with colors from next time.

    Hope u liked my first post. :)
    Thanx for the Gr8 Offer Buddy I'll Think over it and inform u asap.
    btw i am myself a WebHost too.
    ya Pandora .....i do support indian team but im now not at all a supproter/fan of cricket and indian team.

    like every indian i do want the cup to come back home but fact is indian team doesnt luk from any side a deserving one as of now.but ma wishes are wid them too.
    Does th fate of snecma collaboration depend on MRCA outcome or will it be treated as a seperate entity???
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