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  • bwahahahha haahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    there's 'theory of a dead man' song in back ground, bwahahahhaaa

    WTF!!! This one is EPIC FAIL!!!
    I don't know much about the Pakistani judicial system since I was not born there, but I think Pakistan should restructure the supreme court and get rid of the Federal Shariat Court. I remember reading a few months ago, i think it was in express tribune, that the FSC declared some parts of the women's protection bill to be unislamic, as they wanted to bring back the "4 witnesses to prove rape" rule. Their thinking seems to be barbaric and does not do any good for Pakistan's women.
    I met your profile pic =p

    And let me guess history or science ? or are we talking about something completly diffrent =o?
    I know the term. You shouldn't go labeling it to people you don't know anything about however.
    Congrats FreekiN for becoming Elite :P

    Now change your avatar to something good yaar
    why you like too many scary peoples?

    Put some hot Kuri Shuri hehehe
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