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  • I have no clue! I sent an angry message to the admin but never got a reply.

    Thanks for asking. Hope you are doing well...
    You r not just a knowledgeable person but your analytical skills are some of the sharpest i've ever seen....:) how I wish we could have these discussions face to face ...u seem like a frighteningly interesting person ....:)

    good to know your views and best regards .....
    Thanks for your views , bro .....

    I would like to raise one more point though ....the OP ( to whom i was replying ) seems to think that --- Moving away from religion i.e turning atheist is a sign of progress and advancement -- I disagree .... what are your views on this ? Do you think religion in life is beneficial and brings solace to the mind or religion is just another hinderance to rationality and progress . and I'm curious -- are you an atheist ?

    P.S :Please ignore the questions and pardon my curiosity if the questions are too personal for your taste .....
    They dont just go to "my" country ...and certainly don't go to join "my" particular faith ( Hinduism )-- they go to many far eastern countries like Japan , etc ...even your country China --- because of their urge towards spiritualism , to seek out gurus for guidance . They are much more than a handful of people and they are equally likely to be inclined towards say Tibetan Buddhism or the spirituality of Shaolin as they are to several places here.

    Plus your point about thousands people converting to Islam in the west kind of validates my point about people seeking spirituality and solace in religion rather than turn atheistic ----vis a vis the original poster .

    You misinterpreted my post almost in entirety.

    please feel free to comment if you concur/disagree ....
    regards U.G....
    This is delusional. Just because a handful of people go to India to join the Hindu faith, doesn't mean your way of living or religion is superior. Going by that metric, Islam and Christianity is a far 'superior' religion having been spread to all corners of the world while Hinduism is still confined to the sub-continent.
    Original Post By CardSharp
    Hi ....didn't know if you noticed my response to your post in the Tallboy started thread - People pls stop dreaming of.... That thread is closed now so
    so I'll post it here if its all right ...
    lol. A mod deleted the message you sent me after that weird infraction. I can see that my message to you from then hasn't shown up either. Just saying hello and hope you are well.
    If you recall in the 1st of the 3 CIA declassified ,its mentioned that when limited offensives were conducted within Tibet,China gave assurances to India,they'd be limited ,India bought it and opposed a UN resolution on it,later China ended taking over Tibet.

    Its in the page -1 itself.

    Here i took a screenshot of that part,since unable to copy that text

    "I divide my officers into four groups. There are clever, diligent, stupid, and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and diligent -- their place is the General Staff. The next lot are stupid and lazy -- they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties. Anyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the intellectual clarity and the composure necessary for difficult decisions. One must beware of anyone who is stupid and diligent -- he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always cause only mischief."

    — Field Marshal Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord
    Thanks. Neither did I, till Desiguy msged me. The last few days have seen a flurry of events and posts. Interesting times
    No need to take that Tiki seriously, he is a very old man and too stubborn to accept the fact about China.
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