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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions


Via @央广军事 from Weibo
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Via @凰天霸 from Weibo

Good-looking aircraft.

Have they given this new model an official designation as the D model yet? It's been what, almost a year now since it first appeared with the new dorsal spine? Just wondering what its designation is.

And also, any info on whether the spine houses the similar systems as the F-16D blk 50/52? It appears to be an identical copy of the same idea, so it would make sense that it also houses the same systems such as additional countermeasures to the aft dispenser and electronic warfare, maybe even communications and passive sensors also?

If that is the case, it begs the question why it is then only a single seater and not a 2-seat for the WSO to share those specific additional duties?
Good-looking aircraft.

Have they given this new model an official designation as the D model yet? It's been what, almost a year now since it first appeared with the new dorsal spine? Just wondering what its designation is.

And also, any info on whether the spine houses the similar systems as the F-16D blk 50/52? It appears to be an identical copy of the same idea, so it would make sense that it also houses the same systems such as additional countermeasures to the aft dispenser and electronic warfare, maybe even communications and passive sensors also?

If that is the case, it begs the question why it is then only a single seater and not a 2-seat for the WSO to share those specific additional duties?

From my understanding there is still no J-10D and these are called J-10CY similar to the former J-10AY flown by the "Ba Yi"!

Chinese Air Force's Bayi Aerobatic Team to participate in Dubai Airshow​

Source: China Military Online
Editor: Li Weichao
Time: 2023-11-08 09:32:18

BEIJING, Nov. 8 -- At the invitation of the host, the Bayi Aerobatic Team of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force will fly to the United Arab Emirates to participate in the 18th Dubai Airshow, which will be held from November 13 to 17.

From my understanding there is still no J-10D and these are called J-10CY similar to the former J-10AY flown by the "Ba Yi"!

Their designations are interesting. It's good that they don't take the conventional way and do their own thing, like starting with just the model letters for the first aircraft, then the 2nd becomes the A and so on. Typical designation is the first production aircraft is the A then 2nd is B and so forth haha. Nothing wrong with that at all just confuses us laymen a little bit lol.

But I'm a bit surprised they're using the CY for the Chinese demonstration team. Again, conventional wisdom suggests those are serious, mission-specific fighters with dedicated EW and sensor warfare systems not typically used for aerobatic teams.
From my understanding there is still no J-10D and these are called J-10CY similar to the former J-10AY flown by the "Ba Yi"!

And why do you suppose they're labeling them that way? Is it because they're distancing themselves from anything US but especially NATO (or as my good friend Gary calls it HATO lol) since they had the nerve to name all Russian aircraft with all kinds of insulting code names starting with "Faggot" and if I ever got a hold of the scum-sucking jackboot hog who called the most magnificent aircraft in the world in the Mighty Veritable MiG-21 the fishebed....I would tear him a new one!

But I must admit, the worst of all is the MIGHTY SU-57 being called the '"felon"!?!?!?!
I don't even think 97% of mankind realize how insulting that is. A felo is a 1) criminal who has served a minimum of 2 sometimes 3 or more year in PRISON!!!! Not jail, but PRISON and if and when is let out, if considered a CONVICTED FELON!!!!!!!!!! How could the Russians possibly allow that to happen and not come up with a name for the aircraft before those scum-cucking hogs do so?

FINALLY, they learned their lesson when at least the smarted it up when they created the opposing winged Su-47 Berkut but even then failed to name it an ENGLISH NAME instead of just a Russian one that meant Golden Eagle! That wouldn't have stopped NATO from coming up with their own insulting code name like "Pigeon" or something stupid like that, despite being an experimental demonstrator. How idiotically complacent can they be?

FINALLY they learned their lesson when they produced the Sukhoi 47 and called it the Berkut (or Golden Eagle" to shut the hell out of NATO and it worked but just as typical as Russian complacency, the neglected to name the Su-27 anything and guess who jumped instantaneously on that with the ridiculous name of "Flanker"?! Yep, you guessed it, HATO!

But I must admit, the worst of all is the MIGHTY SU-57 being called the '"felon"!?!?!?!
I don't even think 97% of mankind realize how insulting that is. A felon is a 1) criminal who has served a minimum of 2 sometimes 3 or more year in PRISON!!!! Not jail, but PRISON and if and when is let out, if considered a CONVICTED FELON!!!!!!!!!! How could the Russians possibly allow that to happen and not come up with a name for the aircraft before those scum-cucking hogs do so?

Let's just pause for a second and think of the implications of that HATO designation. A felon is an individual who is in PRISON, not jail, in PRISON and if/when released on parole after serving a minimum of 5 years in PRISON is considered a CONVICTED FELON!!!! How on earth did the Russians even allow such a disgracefully insulting label to their ultimately best aircraft is as baffling and as disappointing to me as can be. THANK GOD they had the wherewithal to name the Su-75 the CHECKMATE even before they unveiled it, let alone named it the Su-75. Maybe they're just too slow in the engineering department IQ level to understand this vital concept which appears the Chinese are somehow grasping the idea and doing something about it! What do you think?

Well. at least the Chinese are doing something, even though it's not much and still leaving the door open for HATO (excuse me, NATO) to come up with their own designations so COME ON CHINA, GET WITH THE PROGRAM AND LEARN FROM THOSE NOT SO BRIGHT RUSSIANS!!!!! PLEASE, because A, BY, CY is not going to cut it believe me when I tell you! Remember this post!!!
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And why do you suppose they're labeling them that way? Is it because they're distancing themselves from anything US but especially NATO (or as my good friend Gary calls it HATO lol) since they had the nerve to name all Russian aircraft with all kinds of insulting code names starting with "Faggot" and if I ever got a hold of the scum-sucking jackboot hog who called the most magnificent aircraft in the world in the Mighty Veritable MiG-21 the fishebed....I would tear him a new one!

But I must admit, the worst of all is the MIGHTY SU-57 being called the '"felon"!?!?!?!
I don't even think 97% of mankind realize how insulting that is. A felo is a 1) criminal who has served a minimum of 2 sometimes 3 or more year in PRISON!!!! Not jail, but PRISON and if and when is let out, if considered a CONVICTED FELON!!!!!!!!!! How could the Russians possibly allow that to happen and not come up with a name for the aircraft before those scum-cucking hogs do so?

FINALLY, they learned their lesson when at least the smarted it up when they created the opposing winged Su-47 Berkut but even then failed to name it an ENGLISH NAME instead of just a Russian one that meant Golden Eagle! That wouldn't have stopped NATO from coming up with their own insulting code name like "Pigeon" or something stupid like that, despite being an experimental demonstrator. How idiotically complacent can they be?

FINALLY they learned their lesson when they produced the Sukhoi 47 and called it the Berkut (or Golden Eagle" to shut the hell out of NATO and it worked but just as typical as Russian complacency, the neglected to name the Su-27 anything and guess who jumped instantaneously on that with the ridiculous name of "Flanker"?! Yep, you guessed it, HATO!

But I must admit, the worst of all is the MIGHTY SU-57 being called the '"felon"!?!?!?!
I don't even think 97% of mankind realize how insulting that is. A felon is a 1) criminal who has served a minimum of 2 sometimes 3 or more year in PRISON!!!! Not jail, but PRISON and if and when is let out, if considered a CONVICTED FELON!!!!!!!!!! How could the Russians possibly allow that to happen and not come up with a name for the aircraft before those scum-cucking hogs do so?

Let's just pause for a second and think of the implications of that HATO designation. A felon is an individual who is in PRISON, not jail, in PRISON and if/when released on parole after serving a minimum of 5 years in PRISON is considered a CONVICTED FELON!!!! How on earth did the Russians even allow such a disgracefully insulting label to their ultimately best aircraft is as baffling and as disappointing to me as can be. THANK GOD they had the wherewithal to name the Su-75 the CHECKMATE even before they unveiled it, let alone named it the Su-75. Maybe they're just too slow in the engineering department IQ level to understand this vital concept which appears the Chinese are somehow grasping the idea and doing something about it! What do you think?

Well. at least the Chinese are doing something, even though it's not much and still leaving the door open for HATO (excuse me, NATO) to come up with their own designations so COME ON CHINA, GET WITH THE PROGRAM AND LEARN FROM THOSE NOT SO BRIGHT RUSSIANS!!!!! PLEASE, because A, BY, CY is not going to cut it believe me when I tell you! Remember this post!!!

In fact - besides the political background of your most with which I do not agree but understand - I don‘t see any relation to my reply: I sed official PLAAF and CAC designations at least as far as they are known, you refer to NATO or in fact ASCC reporting names, which are totally irrelevant and independent from what CAC or the PLAAF says.
In fact - besides the political background of your most with which I do not agree but understand - I don‘t see any relation to my reply: I sed official PLAAF and CAC designations at least as far as they are known, you refer to NATO or in fact ASCC reporting names, which are totally irrelevant and independent from what CAC or the PLAAF says.

Quite the contrary. You missed my whole point even though you claimed you understood it despite not agreeing with it. Whether CAC or PLAAF is besides the point, I was referring to an actual NAME of an aircraft and used the Russian ones as an example(s). Many examples as a matter of fact and since Russia has been the US' and NATO's greatest threat and foe, it's slowly but SURELY being replaced by China and it's only a matter of time before they start designating their own silly codenames for Chinese aircraft. When a J-16 is intercepting a Poseidon and coming within 10ft (like the US claimed), it won't be long before they call it the "J-loong" or something along those lines, just like they did with the Russians who finally smarted up and named their latest creation the Checkmate because now that forces any enemy of Russia to use it by its own name and not some made up piece of rubbish that could even be perceived ON PURPOSE as an insult such as the Felon. You see my point?

Or was it that my point expanded on yours regarding the designations of just J-10D then J-10CY similar to the former J-10AY flown by the "Ba Yi and like I mentioned the same thing was discussed regarding the J-20, so there is a correlation. My only hope is the US & NATO don't start pulling off their purposeful shenanigans even insults on Chinese aircraft.

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