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Top One Percent: Are Hindus the New Jews in America?

OK sure. Good for you and your new masters!!
what kinda stupid answer is that? are you telling me that once a streetshitter becomes a pajeet he comes back to india and helps build it? if that is so why does it still look like a giant open-air shitting venue with the exception of a few select areas (even there the stench is the same as every place else in the pooper power).

and why oh why is china 5 times richer than you with less wealth disparity?

you have had independence longer than them and have similar numbers of population so what is it that is keeping you down?
might have been a true caricature 20-30 years ago, but most Americans view Indians as successful. Well that is the case in the westerm world. and yes most westerners dont differentiate between chaste.

You will be amazed how well informed many westerners are as to indian poverty, destitution and desperation.
What are the occupation of Indians in US? I believe more Indians are into business, medical and IT. All of these professions pay more than other occupations.
In meritocratic Singapore ,Indians are even behind Malay minority.

The rich Indians flee India to the US just like the rich Filipinos flee philippines for the US,that's been the trajectory since 1965,and both the natives hail from some of the most backward nation in Asia and some of the most unproductive ones,if one doesn't see the pattern here ,than that's willfully ignorance. Indian family in US generally includes 2 generation and more,and US counts total income by income in the whole household as median income of the house hole,so no surprise that an Indian family with 2-3 part time workers will surpass a japanese family with one civil servant as breadwinner.

And there's H1B VISA programme were all the best of educated from 1.4b Indians are hand picked through 3 tier selection process to provide workforce in US .,those come with jobs and guaranteed,meanhwile,in case of other nations , mostly piss poor people fleeing political persecution migrate,and the rich return to their nations when they finally makes it in US.The grand achievement of indian is serving the US corporate,they don't return to India,keeping the Indian community relatively wealthy preventing wealth drain back to India

And please stop the bs,Indians aren't even close to the real top 1% of power /wealth controlled by few fat white men.


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I live in a western country, I think I know what im talking about

so do i. You are delusional like so many indians tend to. I dont hate you though - you are just a victim of that colonial venture experiment called india.
There's potential. Jews had been at it for many years.

They're progressing in IT and other technology swiftly, including space tech. This is pretty evident.

That's all you need. Israel is a state with few million and yet exercises influence over the entire Middle East.

This is a good report for Pakistan, the country needs to make long term plans for education of its youth and drive up literacy to 90%+, anything less is a national emergency, and it's seriously sad to see that no Government takes this seriously.

Even if you can't provide sufficient jobs, an educated, ambitious population will find a foothold abroad. Money coming back in the form of remittances helps, they may invest back into the country in different sectors, and drive purchasing power of families still in the country, it also contributes to the global perception of the nation and helps forward their narratives.

Jews have a much higher average IQ compared to indians. What inventions have indians made in the fields of IT and Space Technogy?
How is it happening? Any evidence? What advanced sciences and technologies have indians invented? Here is a list of the average IQ scores for each nation. Compare those of india and Israel:

PS What you stated above, indians have been saying since 1985. Possibly earlier.
Many of them are simply returning back to Indian and starting their own business. There was a TV program about Indians returning from Silicon Valley and starting their own bussiness. I personally know, people with Doctorate degrees with Successful practices in the US, who have established their business in Dehli.

During the Obama govt (Democrats), the Indian (work visa I think) visa quota limit was 80,000+ annually. That is not for all the categories. That's a lot of Indians coming in for work visas, many of them get permanent residence. Many technology Companies hire them and offer them 20% to 30% less salary than what they have to pay to a local graduate.
I think recently govt did legislation to force tech companies to pay foreign hires similarly pay, so to what is fair market value for local hires, This is to discourage them from hiring people from outside when local are jobless.
Many of them are simply returning back to Indian and starting their own business. There was a TV program about Indians returning from Silicon Valley and starting their own bussiness. I personally know, people with Doctorate degrees with Successful practices in the US, who have established their business in Dehli.

During the Obama govt (Democrats), the Indian (work visa I think) visa quota limit was 80,000+ annually. That is not for all the categories. That's a lot of Indians coming in for work visas, many of them get permanent residence. Many technology Companies hire them and offer them 20% to 30% less salary than what they have to pay to a local graduate.
I think recently govt did legislation to force tech companies to pay foreign hires similarly pay, so to what is fair market value for local hires, This is to discourage them from hiring people from outside when local are jobless.

What business did they start that has made india a developed nation with a high standard of living?

What you said above applies to immigrants of over 50 countries. There are at least 130 nations more developed and with a higher standard of living than india.
What business did they start that has made india a developed nation with a high standard of living?

What you said above applies to immigrants of over 50 countries. There are at least 130 nations more developed and with a higher standard of living than india.
There is a difference between a few thousand and 80,0000 from a single nation. There is a difference b/w coming on a general visa working on a gas station and or hire by a tech firm and working with a company that is developing cutting-edge technolgy. China was the first country for years, with such a quota, but now they are restricting Chinese visas. Indians are new Chinese for the workforce, and it is a matter of time Indians will start catching on as the Chinese did. It May be slower than them but there will be a change.

Since 2004 when US open up to India, their GPA started skyrocketing, Now even new civilian companies are building rockets and weapons technology in India.
There is a difference between a few thousand and 80,0000 from a single nation. There is a difference b/w coming on a general visa working on a gas station and or hire by a tech firm and working with a company that is developing cutting-edge technolgy. China was the first country for years, with such a quota, but now they are restricting Chinese visas. Indians are new Chinese for the workforce, and it is a matter of time Indians will start catching on as the Chinese did. It May be slower than them but there will be a change.

Since 2004 when US open up to India, their GPA started skyrocketing, Now even new civilian companies are building rockets and weapons technology in India.

What rockets and technologies have been invented by india?
Do you mean to say that US gives issues based on who is Brahmin and who isn't?
The triple selection thing the Indian professor pointed in above article

First upper caste urban Hindus get more chances of higher education then lower

Second due to English education system they have more chances to get into USA then non English system such as China etc

Third selection USA selects the best candidate among the applicant's most of whom are upper caste due to first selection

That's why there's been article reports of racism and casteism among Hindu it professionals in silicon valley
There is a difference between a few thousand and 80,0000 from a single nation. There is a difference b/w coming on a general visa working on a gas station and or hire by a tech firm and working with a company that is developing cutting-edge technolgy. China was the first country for years, with such a quota, but now they are restricting Chinese visas. Indians are new Chinese for the workforce, and it is a matter of time Indians will start catching on as the Chinese did. It May be slower than them but there will be a change.

Since 2004 when US open up to India, their GPA started skyrocketing, Now even new civilian companies are building rockets and weapons technology in India.
" Indians are new Chinese for the workforce"
Yeah, ,but that will be the end of US's innovation edge,as the higher IQ , culturally and genetically more effective Chinese that carrying bulwark of American research and innovation will fade out,Indians are nowhere a replacement in quality- quantity factor to make up for those from China, especially those comming from the likes of Tsinghua and Peking , which are like the backbone of silicon valley R&Dwith 150k chinese in the research programme.Otherwise, India would have been an innovation powerhouse.Indian education system ,universities,culture and genetic makeup- overall produces very inferior Human capital compared to China.

This reminds me of Kishore mahbubani claim: "There is now global data that confirms that Indians are among the most naturally competitive animals in the economic realm, if not the most competitive. In the most competitive human laboratory in the world, the US, Indians are the ethnic group with the highest median household income (roughly $100,000). If Indians in India could achieve half the median household income of Indians in the US (say, $50,000), India would have a $20 trillion economy, about the size of the US today."

Meanwhile in his own meritocratic nation Singapore ,Indians are behind Malays-

Indians suck in meritocratic nations where flattery & bigtalk doesn't work .

These " Indian diaspora in x xy z"are never an accurate factor for measurement of the success of any ethnicity,those are shitty excuse for losers when their own nations gives the unrefutable image of their real color.
Mr.Mahbubani just wanted to hype his Indians brethrens with any shoddy excuse he can conjure on the face of absolute failure & inability of India in developmental path compared to other Asian nations.

Economic migrant group will always do considerably well like in Australia,rich Irish and South African comprises the highest income group in Australia.A small group of migrants with deep pockets and desired skill sets ( like in mining in case of Australia)will always thrive where there's a demand for such skill, resource and manpower.
The simple fact that you don't know english enough ,can make a phd holder Chinese or Korean jobless and poor in Australia.

Chinese,Europeans ,Japanese owns huge swath of business all across the globe ,so it's pointless to nit pick few income stats determined by various social factors like english skills and westernization.

We see many stats like the one below ,but it doesn't really matter in grand scheme;



Indians fk up their nation,but when few wealthy and the most educated Indians does albeit well in foreign nations in selective stream based on demand for them, they act like they have beaten the world.No wonder India is so backward.
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so do i. You are delusional like so many indians tend to. I dont hate you though - you are just a victim of that colonial venture experiment called india.
you are an idiot of you think most westerners think Indians are all poor.
You will be amazed how well informed many westerners are as to indian poverty, destitution and desperation.
duh, people have seen slumdog millionare, people know that alot of Indians are poor, but they also see how successful most Indians are.
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