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Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

The distance from Karachi or any of your southern coast to Mumbai is around 900km while these are the CM's in your possession. Which one will you exactly use to bring down BSE?

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You know the Ra’ad II ALCM with reportedly +600 km has been tested recently, right?


We have immense drone capabilities that we should put to use ASAP along the lawless borders with Iran & Afghanistan.

Shoot some baktar shikans up their arses. Common PA & PAF whole country is with you and awaiting the counter attack since last decade. Show the world & india that we will not continue to take attacks laying down.
Total intelligence failure. This was probably a hard target.just think about soft targets.i have never seen bla attacking Karachi before. With this type of security situation,citizens should be more afraid than ever before.
During raheel Shariff era,balochistan was mostly peaceful.now everyday our soldiers die.now enemy proxies shifted their war on our major cities.today our security forces saved many people but obviously chances of more attacks are high.balochistan is not in our control and enemy proxies are now in big cities.may God save pakistan!
We know who is providing them weapons.what is the use of air Force if it can't Target military vehicles? We aren't going to do anything against Iran and Iran keeps supporting them.obviously indian raw is with afghan nds and Irani intelligence.question is why these proxies have safe havens in balochistan? Isn't our duty to clean the area from militants and attack their hideouts in other countries?

I am very afraid because one of my friend was in a building nearby.he told me about the events that unfolded there.we should worry and take action otherwise we will be defeated in this proxy war.
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Honestly that was a weaka** terrorist attack. I can train a better team within 2 weeks. Look at those tactics. These guys were amateurs.
I have seen balochi terrorists in action. They are expert marksmen, they move with purpose and have their moves calculated atleast 3 steps ahead of the opposition.
I dont know where they found these mentally handicapped cannon fodder but something aint right here. This was a very hasty op with no planning whatsoever not like the planned ambushes you would see in Balochistan.
Unfortunately our security forces and policy makers have failed miserably and have only been reactive rather than being proactive.

Why should we continue to face attacks in our economic jewel? How many more of these attacks do we need until we say enough is enough? it took our pathetic military over a decade of daily terror attacks to wipe out this menace from waziristan...do we need another 10 years of attacks from the BLA before we finally wipe them clean????

The solution to this problem is easy... Send a few buraqs into kandahar and Iran.
This attach has only made the resolve of the people stronger, we are not the same nation a decade ago the path towards peace has been hard on our people. the Nations resolve against violent groups has only been made stronger and the respect towards LEA has been increased
You don't hit a target at 590km with a 600km ranged missile that too placing it right next to the border

you are barely clothed.

why would we waste missiles on you? nacha nacha kar marenge
Chalein Ok. I think you either mean taking out HVTs inside Afghanistan and Iran who are sponsored by R&AW and work actively against Pakistan or Covert Action at LOC.
Mine version is different.
Tit for Tat(or more) inside enemy's territory.

Dear, i'm simply saying that tit for tat always happens...you are not the only one who has these feelings that whatever is being done against us should be responded...we do respond....mostly things are not reported.....strength of ambiguity is much more than laying open your conduct of operations.
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