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How long would the US military last in a war against the rest of the world?


Aug 29, 2014
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How long would the US military last in a war against the rest of the world?

What would happen if the US found itself facing off against the rest of the world?

Not just its traditional rivals, but what if it had to fight off its allies like the UK, France, and South Korea as well?

In short, America would stomp them.

Especially if it pulled back to the continental US and made its stand there.

First, the US has the world’s largest Navy, by a lot. With ships displacing 3,415,893 tons, the mass of the US Navy is larger than the next eight largest navies combined.

And the American ships, as a whole, are more technologically advanced than those of other countries. For instance, America fields nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, and it has 10 with an 11th on the way.

And that’s before the US Coast Guard gets into the mix. While the Coast Guard isn’t an expeditionary force, it could use its C-130s and other sensor platforms to give the Navy more eyes across the battle space. Its counterterrorism operators could protect government leaders and secure American ports.

So attacking America across the water is a horrible idea. (Got that, North Korea and China?)

Second, America’s air power is the strongest in the world. Currently, it has about 14,000 planes and helicopters spread across the five services. That’s more aircraft than the next seven countries combined.

The world’s only operational fifth-generation fighter, the F-22, would conduct constant air patrols across the land borders of the US to prevent any incursion by enemy bombers. The Army’s Patriot missile launchers would help stop enemy jets or missiles and Stinger/Avenger missile crews would shoot down any low-flying planes or helicopters.

So the rest of the world’s militaries have to fight their way across a land border with the US while their air support is falling in flames around them.

Guess what happens next?

The Army and Marine Corps’ almost 9,000 tanks would team up with thousands of Stryker Anti-Tank Guided Missile vehicles, Apache and Cobra helicopters, and antitank missile teams carrying Javelins and TOW missiles to annihilate enemy armor.

The world’s most advanced tanks, like the Leopard or the Merkava, would be tough nuts to crack. Artillery, aircraft, and antitank infantry would have to work together to bring these down. But most tanks worldwide are older US and Soviet tanks like the Patton or the T-72 that would fall quickly to missile teams or Abrams firing from behind cover.

The other combat troops trying to make their way through the shattered remains of their air support and the burning hulks that were once their tanks would find themselves facing the most technologically advanced troops in the world.

American soldiers are getting weapon sights that let them pick out enemies obscured by dust and smoke. Their armor and other protective gear are top notch and getting better.

Chances are, even infantry from France, Britain, or Russia would have trouble pushing through the lines in these conditions. But even if they did, the Marines and 101st Airborne Division would be able to swoop in on helicopters and Ospreys while the 82nd Airborne Division could drop thousands of reinforcements from planes to close any openings.

And all of this is before America becomes desperate enough to launch any nuclear weapons. If the enemy actually did make it through, they’d face nuclear strikes every time they massed outside of a city. And their forces still trying to reach the border would be easy pickings.

Minuteman III missiles are designed to strike targets far from American shores, but they could annihilate an advancing army moving from Houston to Dallas just as easily.

Navy Trident missiles could be fired from submarines in the Gulf of Mexico to destroy units waiting for their turn to attack at the border. Northern Mexico and southern Canada would become irradiated zones.

So don’t worry, America. You are already behind one hell of an impenetrable wall.

Is this article encouraging Americans to be pro-immigration(at the south)? If so, that's pretty pathetic. There is collective effort to actively and rapidly alter the demographics in the US, which is what the white majority is concerned about. Whether one likes all white people or not. If it was a natural rate of immigration, there wouldn't be controversy.

It likely will succeed, since white people have a misconception that this is a 'liberal vs. conservative' issue. All 'conservatives' opposed Trump and most of his policies and are currently doing so. Liberals and conservatives are no different when it comes to serving their masters. American people need to take this up with the big guys. Otherwise their white majority is going to dissipate.
USA would beat the rest of the world easily
the delta in air power is terrifying
Maybe hours, entire america will be roasted by nukes.
A few years ago, I don't know if anyone remember the game "World in Conflict". That is the closest scenario as anyone can get with respect to America being invaded.

To invade America, you will need a land route (via either Mexico or Canada) however, to established a land route, you will need to clear the whole Pacific and or Atlantic Ocean. Which the gigantic US Navy fleet would be a problem for any invasion.

Even if the invasion force can by chance break thru the US Naval Defences. They are still looking at a Might of USAF providing CAP on and over the American Continent, USAF/USCAP flew sortie against any amphibious landing would create big headache on any invasion force.

Then it come down to US Army, US National Guard, US militia. those are the final line of defence. Some 4 millions strong, the invasion force would need to supply a large force over a long distant and able to support such force in order to overcome the Combine US Army, NG and Local militia.

And finally the geography. US is cut across between East and West with a few river and one giant mountain range, with different climate between America North and South. That would proven to be one of the most challenging aspect to whoever want to invade America.

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