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Featured US starts dismantling 400 bases across Afghanistan

400 bases!!!! Yet, they failed against the "dudes in bedsheet"......

And, some folk still don't believe in and submit to Allah-u Azimushshan....

Only YOU are worthy of Worship and Praise! To YOU we belong, and To YOU we shall return! YOU are the ONE and the ONLY ONE....

These dudes in rag tags, have not only made the lone super power of recent years to eat humble pie, but also the liberals and far left of Pakistan are left to eat their own sh**. You should have seen and heard the noise these loud mouths in Pakistan have been making since 9/11.
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ISLAMABAD: It has been revealed by the highly placed diplomatic sources that United States (US) has started demolishing its medium and smaller size basis throughout Afghanistan and dismantling of almost four hundred such basis will be completed by the end of this month.

Most of the facilities have already been demolished. The Pentagon hasn’t made up its mind about the future of its five major bases, viewed the biggest in the region outside the Gulf. Washington had hinted earlier that it would consider vacating the major basis as well but now the strategists are confused about the decision.

The US has spent billions of dollars on each five bases and it would be extremely difficult for Afghan forces to man and control the complex basis. The systems fit in the basis are sensitive and the most modern, the US would never allow any other country to have access to these systems since it could jeopardise US security system.

Increasing influence of China in Afghanistan as great source of concern for the United States while Iran’s presence in Afghanistan equally worrisome for Washington. Pentagon would never allow the two countries to come near to its systems put in place in Afghanistan.

Especially Faraha base close to Iran’s border, would be retained by the United States through any method in long run, the sources hinted. The major airbases like Bagram, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Faraha could be retained by the United States through an arrangement that would be discussed by the authorities with the United States. Interestingly US has already assured its Taliban interlocutors that it wouldn’t retain any of the bases and the US forces destroyed its basis before withdrawing its troops in many areas in accordance the desire of the Taliban leadership.

The sources told The News here on Thursday that the visit of Abdullah Abdulla has helped in streamlining the affairs in Afghanistan. The last soldier of the United States will be leaving Afghanistan in eight months; May next year.

The US will be leaving 4000 troops in Afghanistan behind by end of this month as rest have started leaving war torn Afghanistan where the US and other foreign troops devastated the poor country for twenty long years by using most sophisticated weapons and ammunition.

With the visit of Dr Abdullah Abdullah Chairman Afghanistan High Council for National Reconciliation (NHCNR) to Pakistan, first in ten years, now all stakeholders of Afghan situation are on board with Pakistan. Of course, with the active assistance of the United States and facilitation by Pakistan, Doha process for Afghan talks would continue.

Pakistan has told the relevant people that Islamabad will be never provide on its land a rendezvous to hold intra-Afghan dialogue. The sources said that Abdullah Abdullah, a disciple of late Northern leader Ahmad Shah Masood when praising Pakistan’s role in Afghan conflict, experienced the authorities as music to their ears since Abdullah Abdullah had been stalwart of anti-Pakistan lobby in Afghanistan.

New Delhi used to treat him as an asset due to its heavy investment on his companions in North of Afghanistan.

The sources pointed out that Abdullah Abdullah who came to Pakistan by special plan of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, has reported to the president what transpired in his interactions in Pakistan.

The Prime Minister Special Representative for Afghanistan who made the visit a success through his diplomatic skill, has expressed his satisfaction about the outcome of the visit of the second important person in Kabul Administration after President Ashraf Ghani, the sources added.


a lot of heavy usa /nato mil equipment is passing throw torkham...........to pakistan,

headed where?

did we recieve some of it?
These dudes in rag tags, have not only made the lone super power of recent years to eat humble pie, but also the liberals and far left of Pakistan are left to eat their own sh**. You should have seen and heard the noise these loud mouths in Pakistan have been making since 9/11.
Yeah! hopefully liberals will be cleansed!
These dudes in rag tags, have not only made the lone super power of recent years to eat humble pie, but also the liberals and far left of Pakistan are left to eat their own sh**. You should have seen and heard the noise these loud mouths in Pakistan have been making since 9/11.
The message of humbleness is applicable to all stakeholders in this WAR because nobody could WIN in clear terms.

This WAR was necessary to address the menace of terrorism in the region. The original Al-Qaeda Network was out of control and killing people all over the world and when it was on the receiving end of ISAF and Pakistani security forces across Afghanistan and Pakistan respectively, the TTP reared its ugly head to complicate this mission. These chaotic developments paved way for India to malign/harm Pakistan yet further.

As a Pakistani, I am thankful to Allah Almighty that Pakistan managed to hold itself together in these trying times and is in the position to rebuild (CPEC) and reform itself (FATF among others). However it remains to be seen what becomes of the Intra-Afghan Dialogue because this is the point of convergence between key stakeholders in Afghanistan including Pakistan and USA lately. This is the NEW CONDITION and FOCUS.

Afghan Taliban made a come back in recent years (an accomplishment no doubt) but could not oust US-backed Afghan government by force - Afghan Taliban are under pressure to reject the likes of Al-Qaeda Network and commit to the Intra-Afghan dialogue to ensure lasting peace in the region instead. Otherwise what exactly do you see happening in Afghanistan? Muslims killing each other on a daily basis and distant observers picking sides in this never-ending chapter of TRAGEDY? And what happens in Afghanistan affects Pakistan one way or the other. Pakistan's international standing is also linked to developments in Afghanistan - one must not forget this. WHY and HOW Pakistan landed in the FATF Grey List? What comes next if the Intra-Afghan Dialogue fails?

All need to be HUMBLE and seek forgiveness and guidance of Allah Almighty.

Pakistani Liberals have a strong representation in the POLITICAL PARTIES of Pakistan by the way. It is only the Middle Class which talks about morals.
Yeah! hopefully liberals will be cleansed!

because there leaders wernt living in 300 kanals mansion, and practiced wht they preach

the humble to ground mullah umar.. a living legend,

who never went to oxford
The spirit of Islam is like the fragrance of a rose , the blossoms of spring and the mighty sword of justice , ever lasting.

really? but the lands of nations that have Islam as the dominant religion are dead. Only Indonesia breaks trend and is full of vibrant life. That is likely because 50-70 million are indigenous people and a huge number actually Chinese all of which cannot be actual Muslims.
really? but the lands of nations that have Islam as the dominant religion are dead. Only Indonesia breaks trend and is full of vibrant life. That is likely because 50-70 million are indigenous people and a huge number actually Chinese all of which cannot be actual Muslims.
Have you been to those countries you call dead?
Have you been to those countries you call dead?

I have been to no Muslim nation except a few hour layover in Dubai airport. I only see photos of Muslim nations.

Do you dispute my claim?
Are there huge forests, thick rich black soil, mighty rivers or huge lakes like found in Canada, the USA, Brazil, Europe, Russia?

I am not talking about a few scrub trees clinging to life. Or those trees in the mountains that exist beside those neighbors that Pakistan, India and China all want to claim.
Have you been to those countries you call dead?

yeah a Pakistani shop keeper in HK also laughed when I said a similar thing. But the photos he showed me were not of what I call forest and the soil was dust.
View attachment 675420

ISLAMABAD: It has been revealed by the highly placed diplomatic sources that United States (US) has started demolishing its medium and smaller size basis throughout Afghanistan and dismantling of almost four hundred such basis will be completed by the end of this month.

Most of the facilities have already been demolished. The Pentagon hasn’t made up its mind about the future of its five major bases, viewed the biggest in the region outside the Gulf. Washington had hinted earlier that it would consider vacating the major basis as well but now the strategists are confused about the decision.

The US has spent billions of dollars on each five bases and it would be extremely difficult for Afghan forces to man and control the complex basis. The systems fit in the basis are sensitive and the most modern, the US would never allow any other country to have access to these systems since it could jeopardise US security system.

Increasing influence of China in Afghanistan as great source of concern for the United States while Iran’s presence in Afghanistan equally worrisome for Washington. Pentagon would never allow the two countries to come near to its systems put in place in Afghanistan.

Especially Faraha base close to Iran’s border, would be retained by the United States through any method in long run, the sources hinted. The major airbases like Bagram, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Faraha could be retained by the United States through an arrangement that would be discussed by the authorities with the United States. Interestingly US has already assured its Taliban interlocutors that it wouldn’t retain any of the bases and the US forces destroyed its basis before withdrawing its troops in many areas in accordance the desire of the Taliban leadership.

The sources told The News here on Thursday that the visit of Abdullah Abdulla has helped in streamlining the affairs in Afghanistan. The last soldier of the United States will be leaving Afghanistan in eight months; May next year.

The US will be leaving 4000 troops in Afghanistan behind by end of this month as rest have started leaving war torn Afghanistan where the US and other foreign troops devastated the poor country for twenty long years by using most sophisticated weapons and ammunition.

With the visit of Dr Abdullah Abdullah Chairman Afghanistan High Council for National Reconciliation (NHCNR) to Pakistan, first in ten years, now all stakeholders of Afghan situation are on board with Pakistan. Of course, with the active assistance of the United States and facilitation by Pakistan, Doha process for Afghan talks would continue.

Pakistan has told the relevant people that Islamabad will be never provide on its land a rendezvous to hold intra-Afghan dialogue. The sources said that Abdullah Abdullah, a disciple of late Northern leader Ahmad Shah Masood when praising Pakistan’s role in Afghan conflict, experienced the authorities as music to their ears since Abdullah Abdullah had been stalwart of anti-Pakistan lobby in Afghanistan.

New Delhi used to treat him as an asset due to its heavy investment on his companions in North of Afghanistan.

The sources pointed out that Abdullah Abdullah who came to Pakistan by special plan of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, has reported to the president what transpired in his interactions in Pakistan.

The Prime Minister Special Representative for Afghanistan who made the visit a success through his diplomatic skill, has expressed his satisfaction about the outcome of the visit of the second important person in Kabul Administration after President Ashraf Ghani, the sources added.

Kuch EDA stuff mil jaye Ga Hum ko???

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