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North Korea’s nexus with Pakistan exposed

Indian Panga


New Recruit

Sep 19, 2006
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Pakistan has emerged as the joker in the pack of the North Korean nuclear programme that culminated in a nuclear test Monday.

For the past decade and more the two countries have been close collaborators with Islamabad gaining missile technology from North Korea in exchange for supplying Pyongyang with nuclear knowhow.

In the past Pakistani officials have denied giving warhead data to the North Koreans, claiming that the co-operation was limited to giving Pyongyang centrifuges for its clandestine uranium enrichment programme.

In 2005 President Pervez Musharraf admitted that “probably a dozen centrifuges” were exported to North Korea, but said there was no evidence that the deal included the transfer of weapons design.

But there have been persistent reports that North Korean scientists were present during at least one of the Pakistani nuclear tests in 1998 and there has been speculation that the sixth Pakistani test which had traces of plutonium, was actually a joint test for a North Korean-made device.

The history of the two countries’ collaboration goes back to the early 1990s when Pakistan’s infamous Dr A Q Khan negotiated the purchase of North Korea's Nodong missile components and blueprints, which Pyongyang’s scientists had reverse engineered from Soviet-origin Scud B missiles bought from Egypt.

The Nodong was later rechristened the Ghauri and makes up the main nuclear missile strike force of the Pakistani military. Former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto has confirmed how after a state visit to North Korea in 1993, she personally carried back to Islamabad the Nodong’s blueprints held on computer discs.

Bhutto and others claim that the North Koreans were only given cold cash in return for the blueprints.

In a 2004 interview Bhutto said, “When I went to North Korea A Q Khan told me we can get their missile technology so that we can compare it to our own. So I took it up with Kim Il Sung... and he agreed... it was cash they needed and so it was done for cash.”

Between 1997 and April 1998, when Khan first tested the Ghauri, the North Koreans are believed to have exported the components of 12 Nodong missiles to Islamabad. Khan himself is thought to have visited North Korea at least 13 times after 1997.

When former Kim Il Sung aide Hwang Jang-yop defected to the West in 1997 he testified there had been an agreement to exchange long range missiles for enrichment technology from Pakistan.

Why North Korea felt the need to acquire enrichment technology has never been explained. The bomb it tested on Sunday is believed to have been based on plutonium and American experts say they believe Pyongyang has enough plutonium for at least another five tests.

Open options

But, as with Saddam Hussein in the past, the North Koreans, interest in enrichment may simply have been a way of keeping open all their options.

It was the South Korean intelligence service that first alerted the West to North Korea’s attempt to purchase equipment for uranium centrifuges based on designs that Dr Khan had stolen from the URENCO consortium in Europe.

When a French cargo ship was intercepted in the Suez Canal in 2002 its cargo revealed 200 metric tons of German-made aluminium tubing secretly intended for North Korea.

Subsequent investigations established that the tubings were enough for 4,000 centrifuges and matched the exact casings for a URENCO centrifuge.

In 2002 a CIA report declared, “The United States has remained suspicious that North Korea has been working on uranium enrichment for several years. However we did not obtain clear evidence indicating that North Korea had begun investigating a centrifuge facility until recently.

North Korea’s goal appears to be a plant that could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for two or more nuclear weapons per year when fully operational.”

Thank you, Pakistan for making this world a little more dangerous. If your scientists cannot compete with India on their own perhaps you should just quit than giving nuclear weapons into the hands of crazy governments.
wow an indian news paper writing against pakistan hmmmmmmmmmmmmm .i wonder.

pakistani scientist cant compete with indian scientist funny some of indian missile programmes being cancelled as damm things wont fly.indian build jet fighter already absolete and its not even build yet:rofl:
indians are being helped by americans for nuclear techs
or russians being helping the indians for a long time u still so **** cant make it own your own.
we give tech for tech i wonder what indians give for tech cant be money or tech.:google:
wow an indian news paper writing against pakistan hmmmmmmmmmmmmm .i wonder.

pakistani scientist cant compete with indian scientist funny some of indian missile programmes being cancelled as damm things wont fly.indian build jet fighter already absolete and its not even build yet:rofl:
indians are being helped by americans for nuclear techs
or russians being helping the indians for a long time u still so **** cant make it own your own.
we give tech for tech i wonder what indians give for tech cant be money or tech.:google:

Withoput NK and China your scientists would have been flying kites!!!
without Russian scientists Indians would have been living on trees
Alright guys, everybody should learn the tact of not hurling insults once in a while.
without Russian scientists Indians would have been living on trees

But then we buy them and the whole world comes to know abt it,right.
We dont have scientists who takes a AF plane and go on a shopping spree.
pls guys dont fight.

but Its pity He shared it, GOP has nothing to do with this.

and dont compare Pscientists with Indian Scientists...
i wont have anough space to write starting from Vinod Dham "creator of x86 architecture in intel/ then K8 in AMD" to Nasas topguns to Mani choudhury "9 laser patents" to balbir bhachu "heading US solid state laser program , he also heads indian laser system ;)" ...these r all living ppls i'm not even looking at past.
our very own Abdul Kalam...developement of remote sensing sattellites...india is one of worlds best in it. check nasa articles and from fas.org all neutral.

to me Each IITian has a diff class of merit. only u'll know if u meet a IItian.
this is tech i'm not goin in details bout doctors or economist or writer or painting or music or anything.

my late granddad is worlds FRCS 8th ranked in world in 60's.. :) a scholar of royal college of england..
Thing is that goverment needs to come up with effective way to hunt down talents... there r many talents in pakistan/india who never gets a chance to perform.
india has been doin tht extremely well the Talent Hunt.
u gotta pick ur horses.
Very mature reply Joey. Sorry for my foolish remarks. Sorry, no offence intended.

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