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Iranian Insider and British Spy: How a Double Life Ended on the Gallows


Feb 20, 2023
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Alireza Akbari, former deputy minister of defence in Iran from 1998 to 2003, and close friends with Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and Ali Shamkhani, and British citizen, was convicted of spying and executed by Iran in 2023.

At the time, the West condemned Iran for executing a British citizen. Today, the New York Times has corroborated Iran's claims and confirmed that he was the most important spy in Iran (across the UK/USA/Israel) from 2004 until his arrest in 2019.

I highlight the main parts of the New York Times' report below:

In January, Iran executed a former senior official who provided Britain with valuable intelligence on Iranian nuclear and military programs over a decade, according to Western intelligence officials

In April 2008, a senior British intelligence official flew to Tel Aviv to deliver an explosive revelation to his Israeli counterparts: Britain had a mole in Iran with high-level access to the country’s nuclear and defense secrets.

The spy had provided valuable information — and would continue to do so for years — intelligence that would prove critical in eliminating any doubt in Western capitals that Iran was pursuing nuclear weapons and in persuading the world to impose sweeping sanctions against Tehran, according to intelligence officials.

The identity of that spy has long been secret. But on Jan. 11, the execution in Iran of a former deputy defense minister named Alireza Akbari on espionage charges brought to light something that had been hidden for 15 years: Mr. Akbari was the British mole.

Mr. Akbari had long lived a double life. To the public, he was a religious zealot and political hawk, a senior military commander of the Revolutionary Guards and a deputy defense minister who later moved to London and went into the private sector but never lost the trust of Iran’s leaders. But in 2004, according to the officials, he began sharing Iran’s nuclear secrets with British intelligence.

He appeared to get away with it until 2019, when Iran discovered with the assistance of Russian intelligence officials that he had revealed the existence of a clandestine Iranian nuclear weapons program deep in the mountains near Tehran, according to two Iranian sources with links to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

In addition to accusing Mr. Akbari of revealing its nuclear and military secrets, Iran has also said he disclosed the identity and activities of over 100 officials, most significantly Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the chief nuclear scientist whom Israel assassinated in 2020.

The New York Times reported in September 2019 that the source of the intelligence on the nuclear site, called Fordo, was a British spy. The intelligence on Fordo that Mr. Akbari provided was one of the revelations that the British intelligence official passed on to Israeli counterparts and other friendly agencies in 2008, according to three Western intelligence and national security officials.


Mr. Akbari, who was born into a conservative middle-class family in the city of Shiraz, was a teenager when the Iranian revolution in 1979 toppled the monarchy and war with Iraq followed, his brother said. Inflamed with revolutionary passion, he and an older brother enlisted as soldiers, and by the time he left the front lines almost six years later, he was a decorated commander of the Revolutionary Guards.

Returning to civilian life, Mr. Akbari ascended the ranks, rising to deputy defense minister and holding advisory positions on the Supreme National Security Council and other government bodies. He forged close relationships with two powerful men: Mr. Fakhrizadeh, the nuclear scientist, and Ali Shamkhani, the head of the council, whom he served as a deputy and an adviser.


In the videos, Mr. Akbari said he was recruited in 2004 and told he and his family would be given visas for Britain. The next year, he traveled to Britain and met with an MI6 handler, he said. Over the next few years, Mr. Akbari said he created front companies in Austria, Spain and Britain to provide cover for meetings with his handlers. Iran has said that MI6 paid Mr. Akbari nearly 2 million pounds, currently about $2.4 million.

Mr. Akbari retired from his official posts in 2008, his brother said, but continued to serve as an adviser to Mr. Shamkhani and other senior officials.

Later that year, Mr. Akbari was arrested and held for four months on accusations that he was spying for Britain, according to his brother and two family friends. The interrogations did not yield a confession, and many of Mr. Akbari’s powerful friends vouched for him, they said. He was released on bail, his brother said. The case was closed and he was allowed to travel freely.

In April 2008, Britain received and shared with Israel and Western agencies the intelligence about Fordo, a uranium enrichment facility deep inside an underground military complex, that was part of Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb. Fordo’s discovery changed the world’s understanding of Iran’s nuclear program and redrew the West’s military and cyber plans for countering it.

The information about Fordo shocked us,” Yoni Koren, who was the chief of staff for Israel’s defense minister at the time, said in an interview in 2019. (Mr. Koren died in January.)

The great contribution of the British to the combined Western efforts to gather data from inside the Iranian nuclear project was always in human intelligence,” he said. “They had a foot on the ground in places where neither we nor the Americans had a presence.”

Western intelligence agencies had long been aware through satellite imagery that Iran was building a facility deep inside the mountains at Fordo. But they had thought the site was a military storage facility and were unaware of its transformation into a secret nuclear enrichment site.

The discovery of Fordo radically altered the attitude of the international community toward Iran,” said Norman Roule, the former national intelligence manager for Iran at the C.I.A. He added that it helped convince China and Russia that Iran had not been transparent about its nuclear program and drove the push for more sanctions.

Even after his brief arrest and retirement from official jobs, Foreign Ministry officials continued to seek advice from Mr. Akbari, and informed him about closed-door meetings about policies and nuclear negotiations, according to a senior Iranian diplomat.


In 2019, Mr. Akbari flew to Iran for a final time after Mr. Shamkhani, the Supreme National Security Council head, told him the country needed him on an urgent nuclear and defense matter, his brother said.

A few days after his return to Tehran, he was summoned to the Intelligence Ministry. Worried, he called Mr. Shamkhani, who told him that the authorities had heard he was in contact with MI6 and urged him to cooperate to prove his innocence, his brother said. After several interrogations, he was arrested.

At some point, Iran discovered that Mr. Akbari was the source of the Fordo leak, according to the two Iranians with connections to the Revolutionary Guards, information that was confirmed by Russian intelligence. It is unclear how Russia, a close ally of Iran, discovered the information.

In 2020, a year after Mr. Akbari’s arrest, Israel assassinated Mr. Fakhrizadeh, the nuclear scientist, with a remote-controlled robot as he was driving to his weekend home in a mountain village near Tehran.

Mr. Akbari was detained by the Intelligence Ministry and held in solitary confinement for months in an underground detention and then in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison, his brother said. The family was told to keep the arrest under wraps. Iranian officials said on state media after his execution that they had him regularly log in to a computer provided by the British and communicate with his handlers to mislead them.

In January, a little over three years after Mr. Akbari’s arrest, as Iran was reeling from months of anti-government protests, a crackdown by the authorities and a new round of international sanctions, the Iranian authorities announced that he was a spy.

Execution of senior officials is extremely rare in Iran. The last time a senior technocrat was executed was in 1982. But just days after Mr. Akbari’s arrest became public, prison guards escorted him at sunrise to a walled outdoor space, according to Iranian sources and diplomats. A rope was placed around his neck and, within minutes, his lifeless body was dangling from a gallows.

Mr. Akbari’s family was allowed to hold a memorial service in Tehran 40 days after his death. They rented a hall in a mosque, arranged white flower baskets and served trays of halvah, the traditional sweet served at funerals. They sat on chairs that lined the walls, ready to greet a procession of his friends, colleagues and associates from his various roles serving the Islamic Republic for 40 years.

But nobody came, they said. Only his family attended.

The key takeaway points: he was the most important foreign intelligence asset inside Iran from 2004-2019, he fed MI6 crucial information about the Fordow site and the names and details of every major individual working in the nuclear field inside Iran (and this information was shared with other intelligence agencies), he was arrested and suspected of spying in 2008, but his high-profile friends inside Iran (including possibly Ali Shamkhani, which is purely speculation but would be very embarrassing) were fooled and managed to get the case against him closed. Finally in 2019 Russia told Iran he was a spy and he was arrested again, and finally executed in 2023.
So fascinating, not only did he betray his country, but also his close friends, his intel led to the assassination of Mr. Fakhrizadeh. I bet it wasn't worth it. All those who vouched for him in 2008 should be investigated.
This paints Ali Shamkhani in a very bad light. Something about that man doesn’t sit right with me from the start.

Ali Akbari is the first nor the last high ranking traitor within the Republic fractured power factions.

The issue is factions provided this man cover to be released because of classic boy who cried wolf. It is no secret that IRGC intelligence and Ministry of Intelligence have a rivalry and frivolous arrests or questioning happen in a jockey of power type game. This makes people skeptics of arrests within the own factions.

Compare this to China which has been very effective and quickly rooting out traitors and acting as one homogenous party.
So fascinating, not only did he betray his country, but also his close friends, his intel led to the assassination of Mr. Fakhrizadeh. I bet it wasn't worth it. All those who vouched for him in 2008 should be investigated.
I still don’t know why a guy who got away with it at the time was living abroad safely would think it was a smart idea to come back to a country he betrayed, not for nationalist beliefs which I could respect that if one believed he was doing something for benefit for his countrymen, relax to anyone who thin ks im singling out iran just a generalization ,but he was just some greedy individual who was doing it for money.
This paints Ali Shamkhani in a very bad light. Something about that man doesn’t sit right with me from the start.

Ali Akbari is the first nor the last high ranking traitor within the Republic fractured power factions.

The issue is factions provided this man cover to be released because of classic boy who cried wolf. It is no secret that IRGC intelligence and Ministry of Intelligence have a rivalry and frivolous arrests or questioning happen in a jockey of power type game. This makes people skeptics of arrests within the own factions.

Compare this to China which has been very effective and quickly rooting out traitors and acting as one homogenous party.
Unless Shamkhani is the one who got the initial case against him closed in 2008 (which we don't know), that seems harsh. Ultimately he was the one who tricked Akbari to return to Iran for his final arrest/execution.

I agree with the rest. I think history will remember Akbari as the most damaging spy in Iran's modern history (at least since the revolution).
I still don’t know why a guy who got away with it at the time was living abroad safely would think it was a smart idea to come back to a country he betrayed, not for nationalist beliefs which I could respect that if one believed he was doing something for benefit for his countrymen, relax to anyone who thin ks im singling out iran just a generalization ,but he was just some greedy individual who was doing it for money.
Imagine going from defending your country (Iran/Iraq war), to helping Mossad and MI6 sabotage your country and assassinate your countrymen. How low can one go, I wonder what his family thinks/feels. This individual should be a case study.

Unless Shamkhani is the one who got the initial case against him closed in 2008 (which we don't know), that seems harsh. Ultimately he was the one who tricked Akbari to return to Iran for his final arrest/execution.

I agree with the rest. I think history will remember Akbari as the most damaging spy in Iran's modern history (at least since the revolution).
Shamkhani was probably just unfortunate in that he was fooled by the traitor. After all one would think that anyone associated with Akbari would be properly vetted and investigated.
Unless Shamkhani is the one who got the initial case against him closed in 2008 (which we don't know), that seems harsh. Ultimately he was the one who tricked Akbari to return to Iran for his final arrest/execution.

I agree with the rest. I think history will remember Akbari as the most damaging spy in Iran's modern history (at least since the revolution).

Shamkhani has a lot of power in Iran along with his faction. If I was Rahbar I would do a through vetting of the top 10-25 most powerful people in Iran’s republic structure.

The traitors are laying quiet till he passes than they will make their move because what is at stake is tens of billions of dollars that western countries will hand out to any faction that turns on the others and delivers Iran back to western sphere of influence.
Shamkhani has a lot of power in Iran along with his faction. If I was Rahbar I would do a through vetting of the top 10-25 most powerful people in Iran’s republic structure.

The traitors are laying quiet till he passes than they will make their move because what is at stake is tens of billions of dollars that western countries will hand out to any faction that turns on the others and delivers Iran back to western sphere of influence.
I don’t think that’s necessarily true Revolutionary guard are intertwined in many parts of the Iranian economy, if you were looking for a traitor in your midst look for those who are badly in debt in the past decade or 2 all of suddenly living a very upper middle class lifestyle, people who come into money with little or nothing tend to be stupid. It’s like an idiot who wins the lottery he blows it on cars and houses right away and nothing left and tries to win the lottery all over again.
I don’t think that’s necessarily true Revolutionary guard are intertwined in many parts of the Iranian economy, if you were looking for a traitor in your midst look for those who are badly in debt in the past decade or 2 all of suddenly living a very upper middle class lifestyle, people who come into money with little or nothing tend to be stupid. It’s like an idiot who wins the lottery he blows it on cars and houses right away and nothing left and tries to win the lottery all over again.

This is not true at all. Look at histories greatest traitors for example the Cold War. It’s not about money sometimes people truly want to bring down the their country.

And the people who have access to the level of highly classified intelligence across broad areas are at the top. Your lowly IRGC officer doesn’t know Fakhrizadeh’s whereabouts night and day.
I still don’t know why a guy who got away with it at the time was living abroad safely would think it was a smart idea to come back to a country he betrayed, not for nationalist beliefs which I could respect that if one believed he was doing something for benefit for his countrymen, relax to anyone who thin ks im singling out iran just a generalization ,but he was just some greedy individual who was doing it for money.
As intelligence ministry said, it was necessary to feed him with false information first, now MI6 doesn't know which part of his information are false.

In fact, even Shamkhani may have had the key role in this false-info scheme and all the news against him being part of that scenario.
This is not true at all. Look at histories greatest traitors for example the Cold War. It’s not about money sometimes people truly want to bring down the their country.

And the people who have access to the level of highly classified intelligence across broad areas are at the top. Your lowly IRGC officer doesn’t know Fakhrizadeh’s whereabouts night and day.
Well your stating there might be a conspiracy by a few in Iranian hierarchy not improbable it’s happened numerous times but so have people who are desperate and see the fast way with monetary rewards or coerced to do so the Mossad has done that many times over the years, why should they pay when the can drug people take photos of them in compromising positions ie homosexual activities it’s happened in Palestine many times, either way a death sentence for a Muslim man.

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