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  1. Comrade

    I need the video of Mr Arnab Goswami breaking the news of su30mki being shot down by f16s

    After an extensive search i cannot find this video where Mr Arnab Goswami breaks the news of su30mki being shot down by PAF f16s. Now Indian infestation on youtube is at a level that they delete such videos. its not available anywhere. please help me find it.
  2. Comrade

    Nostalgia of old good days, i am here after a decade. Any one from PDF here?

    May be after a decade of hibernation i finally woke up after a blast at the LOC that brought down a Mig-21, life got busy i lost interest in military and left PDF and defence.pk was not well known back then, its amazing to see defence.pk to be this successful while PDF died. I was an active...
  3. Comrade

    For the first time Indian officials were invited in 23rd day parade.

    For the first time, Indian military officials and diplomats posted in Islamabad attended the military parade held in the federal capital to mark the Pakistan Day parade. What is the message here?
  4. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    Oxford study. London: Nepal and Bangladesh are reducing poverty faster compared to India, according to a new study based on the multidimensional poverty index developed at the University of Oxford and used by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in its Human Development Reports. India also made...
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