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  1. lawxx

    The Pakistan pilots in chengdu

  2. lawxx

    China today formally approved the establishment of Shashi, jurisdiction Xis

    China today formally approved the establishment of Shashi, jurisdiction Xisha in Spratly Islands The State Council approved the revocation of Hainan province today, Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, the Zhongsha Islands offices, the establishment of prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction...
  3. lawxx

    The clearest J-20 pictures.

    ?????????20???? ?????????_??_???
  4. lawxx

    Chinese secret three-body test ship exposure

    Global network of international military center on February 16, 2012: Recently, the network appeared in the latest trimaran pictures from a picture point of view, the ship is still relatively simple, it should be a pilot boat, but has also beenthat our Navy's shipbuilding industry has begun to...
  5. lawxx

    China plans five years to the Middle East and Africa exported 300 JF-17

    ???????????????300?????_????_??? Reference News February 18 According to the report of the United Kingdom, "Jane's Defense Weekly" website, the person in charge of the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation, Ma Zhiping, 14 journal reporter in the 2012 Singapore Airshow...
  6. lawxx

    Indian diplomats syncope truth: By carrying debt traders fled to the toilet

    Indian diplomats syncope truth: By carrying debt traders fled to the toilet ????????????????????????_????_??? PS:The event is not the first time, over the same period there has been fraud Indians 16 million. In Yiwu, China, India is the most unpopular, bad faith, fraud often fled after the...
  7. lawxx

    J-20 assembly ASEA radar

    ÄòѪÁË¡«¡«¡« Google can not understand the next translation. This is China's official press release. AESA radar development is China Electronics Technology Group fourteen. From the official reports, J-20 AESA radar has been assembled, the performance reached the world advanced level.
  8. lawxx

    Indian Navy with "JF-17" doing publicity design lead uproar

    ?????????????? ?????(?)_????_??? Global Network reporter Shen election Dec. 6 report: China and Pakistan jointly developed Xiaolong fighter (Pakistan called the JF-17 "Lightning") and the growing influence of large, recently, the Indian Navy into a dispute with the annoying confusion...
  9. lawxx

    China's latest "Feng Ren," UAV

  10. lawxx

    Pakistan developed Khalid II tanks

    ?????????II?? ????????99?_????_???
  11. lawxx

    Temple One China successfully launched successfully

    Just get the message " Temple One China successfully launched successfully :china::china: http://english.cntv.cn/special/tiangong1/homepage/index.shtml http://news.ifeng.com/mainland/special/tiangongyihao/
  12. lawxx

    Chinese Temple One launch live - 20 minutes

    Tiangong I - China?s first space rendezvous and docking task -- CNTV English
  13. lawxx

    China successfully launches satellite 1A satellite

    China successfully launches satellite 1A satellite Xinhua Xichang September 19 (Reporter Zhang collar, Li Qinghua) at 0:33 on September 19, 2011, China's Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the "Long March III B" carrier rocket, the success of "Star in the 1A" transfer orbit satellites into...
  14. lawxx

    F-22 fighter was shot down by two j-10

    Core Tip: September 2007, Reuters quoted an official speech, the United States Central Intelligence Agency, said a U.S. F-22 fighters in the September 1, lost contact after taking off from Guam, Reuters quoted the official as saying , in the CIA intercepted military communications in China...
  15. lawxx

    The Chinese government provided 30 million yuan to Pakistan aid to

    http://world.people.com.cn/h/2011/0912/c226638-3109124682.html ISLAMABAD, September 11 (Reporter Guhan Long Zhang Qi) Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Mrs 11 in Pakistan held talks with Foreign Minister said Hina, the Chinese government decided to provide to the Pakistani government 30 million...
  16. lawxx

    Global public opinion survey center survey: China's great power mentality i

    Global public opinion survey center survey: China's great power mentality is maturing According to the September 7 issue of "Global Times" reported that China enter the nations of the world, is increasingly recognized as a national phenomenon. Recent years suffered humiliation and backwardness...
  17. lawxx

    The most mysterious Chinese J-18 fighters

    PS:Recently, China's VTOL aircraft J-18 become the focus of attention. Phoenix's military observation program focused on 31 August resolve the J-18. Some people think that J-20 high-profile appearance for the J-18 to do a cover, is said J-18 is better than J-20. The West is disturbed not only...
  18. lawxx

    Russia for the Indian Navy ships once again delayed delivery of constructio

    ???????????????????(?)_????_??? Russia for the Indian Navy ships once again delayed delivery of construction Russian Navy website August 26, 2011 reported that India's defense minister said that Russia is the second batch of Indian Navy built three "Taer Wa" (Talwar) class frigate of the...
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