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    Chess grandmaster demands ‘ban all Chinese,’ gets banned himself for racist rant

    https://nextshark.com/chess-grandmaster-demands-ban-all-chinese-gets-banned-himself-for-racist-rant @Hamartia Antidote @F-22Raptor @Foinikas @etylo @FairAndUnbiased @ You see this perfectly sums up the situation between USA and China. When the white supremacist loses to Far East Asian. In...
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    Yellen WARNING? - China DUMPED 210.8 billion of U.S. DEBT - liquidating and may be emptied

    Take note. This meeting by Yellen is initial by USA and not China. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-18/yellen-hints-at-beijing-visit-after-meeting-liu-in-zurich https://www.cbsnews.com/video/treasury-secretary-janet-yellen-chinese-economic-officials-meet-in-switzerland/ Looks...
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    Vietnam president resigns after Communist Party blames him for "violations and wrongdoings"

    This guy is a pro western and american. VCP sack him to path way for full embrace of r/s with China. The anti-China party in Vietnam are slowly being rooted out.
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    UK minister rules out permanent return of Parthenon Marbles to Greece

    https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230111-uk-minister-rules-out-permanent-return-of-parthenon-marbles-to-greece @Foinikas All countries with items looted by UK shall united to set up a military alliance to retrieve back those stolen items by talk or by force.
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    When the West visits Africa, they talk about China

    I know some troll will soon come in and claim these 2 talkers are Chinese paid and claim Chinese only exploit Africa and abuse African. The white West is the best friend of African... LOL.
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    Disappointing end to UK space mission as satellites fail to reach orbit

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    Taiwan proves to be unwelcoming for many Hong Kong activists

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    Wells Fargo VP Shankar Mishra fired for ‘urinating on passenger’ on plane

    https://nypost.com/2023/01/06/wells-fargo-vp-shankar-mishra-urinated-on-passenger-on-plane/ Why let some animal onboard a human ferry passenger airplane? Air India? Are you serious?
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    China special forces small arm drone

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    China's EV exports surge to record on European demand

    https://europe.autonews.com/automakers/chinas-ev-exports-surge-record-european-demand December 29, 2022 12:00 AM China's EV exports surge to record on European demand European countries such as Belgium and England were the biggest importers, taking up nearly 70 percent of the shipments...
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    Marine Corps F-35B Ends Up Nose-Down In Japan

    https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/marine-corps-f-35b-ends-up-nose-down-in-japan The stealth fighter’s nose gear collapsed while being towed after a precautionary landing at an Okinawa base. BYTHOMAS NEWDICK|PUBLISHED DEC 1, 2022 12:59 PM LOL... The video is so hilarious. Looks like some...
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    Russia mulls early return of space station crew after Soyuz capsule leak

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    Saudi Arabia, China, and Z-10 attack helicopters

    https://www.tacticalreport.com/news/article/61153-saudi-arabia-china-and-z-10-attack-helicopters Saudi Arabia is reported to be in talks with China for the procurement of Z-10 helicopters.Negotiations are said to be progressing smoothly.Tactical Report has prepared a 217-word report to shed...
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    Malaysian youths in Dublin assaulted by group of teens in ‘racist attack

    https://www.todayonline.com/world/malaysians-dublin-racist-attack-2072426 That is why western freedom and democracy are a big joke! The system idolised criminal and empower criminals only. China human right system works better. Those young punk will surely be re educated to better system in...
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    The Strange Missed Opportunities In The USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Deployment

    https://www.forbes.com/sites/craighooper/2022/12/02/the-strange-missed-opportunities-in-the-uss-gerald-r-ford-cvn-78-deployment/?sh=7b12fd6e6b26 America’s newest aircraft carrier, the first-in-class USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) finished a 53-day shakedown cruise, creeping back into port on a...
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    South Korean streamer harassed in Mumbai | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

    I think such thing happened only in India.
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    Why Japan geography position lack many natural resources?

    Japan sits on a chain of volcano but yet lack plenty of natural resources. While Indonesia also is in a similar position like Japan and yet Indonesia is blessed with many natural resources which help Indonesia economy. Why is it so contrasting?
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    Football: Former China coach Li Tie under investigation

    https://www.straitstimes.com/sport/football/football-former-china-coach-li-tie-under-investigation BEIJING – Chinese authorities said on Saturday they have launched an investigation into former national men’s football coach Li Tie, with the ex-English Premier League player suspected of “serious...
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