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  1. Irfan Baloch

    So which leg is Injured?

    IMRAN KHANS INJURIED LEG OR LEGS . WHICH ONE IS IT? RIGHT LEFT OR BOTH? Its not clear where he actually got hit? Patwaris are sharing the following video showing the plaster has shifted to the left leg now after remaining on right in the recent photos. the ex rays shared by PTI media...
  2. Irfan Baloch

    Imran Khan WTF Happened?

    PTI had no chance of winning the elections to form a government. despite bringing in electable, spending untold amount of money it couldn't form simple majority. so establishment had to convince regional parties to favor PTI. right from the word go I knew that Imran Khan's social media...
  3. Irfan Baloch

    Drunk US Military Instructor Says Ukrainians are War Criminals

    West is funding War criminals Killing POW's shooting them in the knees and watching them bleed and then urinating on their corpses. Torturing civilians Azov Battalion is a Extreme white Supremacist party that tortures and kills own unarmed civilians
  4. Irfan Baloch

    Banu CTD Siege ends with 2 SSG personnel martyred along with all Terrorists

    Khawaja Asif made a statement that the oerpation has ended. all terrorists are killed while about 10 or more commands are injured and 2 SSG commandos also died.
  5. Irfan Baloch

    It all Started with a Tweet by Wajahat Saeed Khan which was a flame bait... and then...Shit got real!!!

    Waj S Khan Trolls with a style so he makes a flame bait rhetorical question demanding to know the meaning and reason for this procession. for background. Gen Mirza is being seen off from 10 Corps HQ by the people at the Corps HQ. as is a tradition in the army the out going command is seen...
  6. Irfan Baloch

    what's the big deal? Retired UK Pilots took jobs in China

    Britain's Ministry of Defence sent serving Royal Air Force pilots to China to teach a course to their Chinese counterparts and allowed Chinese nationals to study at UK military colleges, Sky News can reveal. Up to four frontline pilots took part in the 'Aviation English Course' in Beijing that...
  7. Irfan Baloch

    Analysis on Dual Attacks on FC Camps.

    ============== Commentary by Gen Shoaib on recent surge in BLA attacks leading to the 2 coordinated attacks,. India is operating from Afghanistan and Iran with or without support of the 2 governments. the tactical gear including weapons and equipment used was all NATO grade high end. the...
  8. Irfan Baloch

    Jews under Muslims

    interesting video. please remain respectful and considerate.don't be a hateful troll.
  9. Irfan Baloch

    Police Officer Legend. Bomb Disposal Vetern

    interesting video about a Pakistan Police officer who has built his repute through bomb disposals during Pakistan's war on terror facing the terror attacks from TTP.
  10. Irfan Baloch

    Start of Hybrid War against Pakistan to Industrial Scale

    European Union Disinformation Lab Funding TTP, BLA, BLM, MQM Airline hijack plot Propaganda to prevent international cricket in Pakistan
  11. Irfan Baloch

    Stop Explaining yourself Imran

    Imran Khan and his team has gone overboard advocating Afghan Taliban, He must take a back seat now and let them take care of building their image and establish their international relations. they have the experience of over a decade dealing with Americans, Russians, Chinese, Arabs and Iranians...
  12. Irfan Baloch

    Muslim Cleric, In Defense of Hindus

    the speaker narrates the tragic story that led to a desecration of a Hindu Temple.
  13. Irfan Baloch

    ANA vs Taliban comparison

    the video is funny. now that a tweet is claiming that Amr Ullah saleh is hiding in a drain pipe somewhere in Afghanistan to lead anti Taliban forces then this video becomes relevant or needs an update.
  14. Irfan Baloch

    British Army Veteran video about Arjun Tank

    Matsimus is from Artillery of British Army and has a big youtube channel with reviews on different military equipment. this video is about his review on a debate involving Arjun Tank., he has been on the receiving end from the Indian trolls for commenting on Arjun tank. insults and even death...
  15. Irfan Baloch

    US latest MASS shooting

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56492541 A gunman has killed 10 people, including a police officer, following an hours-long stand-off at a grocery market in the US state of Colorado. The attack in Boulder ended with police detaining an injured suspect at the King Soopers market...
  16. Irfan Baloch

    Featured Who is Killing TTP Commanders in Afghanistan

    Kill List since Last Year to Date Sheikh Khalid Haqqani 31 Jan 20- 2 Feb 20 Sheikh Khalid Haqqani, the former deputy chief of TTP and member of the group's central committee, along with another commander Qari Saif Peshawari were killed during a fight with forces in Afghanistan on Jan. 31...
  17. Irfan Baloch

    General Asad Durrani speaks out about the current controversy

    In my view Genreal Asad Durani is being blamed/ punished for unfounded and ridiculous reasons by some people in military leadership. his books and his interviews have not divulged any national secrets that can put national security in danger. the accusers have stopped at just accusations have...
  18. Irfan Baloch

    SD card detection issue after encryption

    Anyone come across the Issue I am facing? so I decided to use the encryption feature provided in my Samsung Galaxy a5 to encryption for the external SD card. it started the process and continued overnight, next day the phone stopped detecting the SD card. I tried all methods except factory reset...
  19. Irfan Baloch

    Amazon Investment Adverts

    I am sure many of you have come across the Amazon investment adverts with paid actors claiming they have made huge profits from their modest investments and they will be millionaires within weeks. I tried digging up for independent and honest reviews but most of them take me either to the...
  20. Irfan Baloch

    Noon league 5th Generation Politics. Ayaz sadiq first now smear video whats next?

    After Ayaz Sadiq's vague statement on sweating forehead and trembling legs during lat year 27 Feb 19 battle with India a new smear video is out where Pakistan army is being accused of violence against the sand thief at the river Ravi bed. what is next? a Noon league leader will claim on...
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