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  1. DoTell

    How did Covid REALLY spread around the world?

    As damning test results show antibodies were in US in December - WEEKS before China raised the alarm - growing global evidence points to a cover-up Indians, your turn to spin it again :azn:
  2. DoTell

    [getpocket.com] Why 40% of Vietnamese People Have the Same Last Name

    https://getpocket.com/explore/item/why-40-of-vietnamese-people-have-the-same-last-name?utm_source=pocket-newtab In the United States, the most popular last name is Smith. As per the 2010 census, about 0.8 percent of Americans have it. In Vietnam, the most popular last name is Nguyen. The...
  3. DoTell

    [Reuters]India set to miss key target for Japan-backed bullet train project

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-india-train/india-set-to-miss-key-target-for-japan-backed-bullet-train-project-sources-idUSKBN1J72QG PALGHAR, India/TOKYO (Reuters) - India is set to miss a December deadline to acquire land for a Japan-backed $17 billion bullet train project following...
  4. DoTell

    Philippines will not join TPP, another domino to fall?

    Philippines and TPP: Aquino government won't seek to join, trade chief says- Nikkei Asian Review Aquino government won't seek to join, trade chief says NAOYUKI TOYAMA, Nikkei staff writer TOKYO -- The Philippines will not take part in negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership under its...
  5. DoTell

    [BusinessInsider]Chinese Submarines Just Reached Another Alarming Milestone

    Chinese Reached Into The Indian Ocean - Business Insider KRIS OSBORN, MILITARY.COM October 30, 2014 China’s submarine fleet made its first known trip into the Indian Ocean, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. A Chinese attack submarine passed through the Straits of Malacca...
  6. DoTell

    [Examiner]Chinese Yuan use in global payments rises 13% from previous month to new record

    Chinese Yuan use in global payments rises 13% from previous month to new record - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com October 30, 2014 For more than 40 years the dollar has served as the primary reserve currency and largest singular medium for trade in the global economy. But as the...
  7. DoTell

    [Examiner]China puts a new nail in dollar coffin as it begins direct trade with Singapore

    China puts a new nail in dollar coffin as it begins direct trade with Singapore - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com
  8. DoTell

    [WSJ]Major Volcanic Eruption Could Make Japan ‘Extinct,’ Study Warns

    Major Volcanic Eruption Could Make Japan ‘Extinct,’ Study Warns - Japan Real Time - WSJ If this happens leaving the islands is the only choice. There are a few places that could accommodate Japanese immigrants in massive scale: Siberia of Russia, Australia, Canada, U.S., and western part of...
  9. DoTell

    The aftermath of Sino-Vietnam war

    The 1979 Sino-Vietnam war has been discussed over and over on this forum. Most of the discussions have been focused on the war itself in terms of causes, casualties etc. But few have talked about the aftermath of that war. However the impact of a war is not always measured by the winning or...
  10. DoTell

    A tale of two political systems

    Are Chinese too dumb to appreciate democracy? If you really want to know, spend a little bit time and listen to what he has to say.
  11. DoTell

    [The Atlantic]Another China's myth busted - Ghost Town that isn't

    Ordos: A Ghost Town That Isn't - Eli Bildner - The Atlantic In this interview, two documentary filmmakers profile the surprising liveliness of Ordos, a Chinese city famous for its emptiness. Eli BildnerApr 8 2013, 11:06 AM ET Over the past decade, the city of Ordos -- a sprawling desert...
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