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  1. Raphael

    Indian troops at LAC to get clothes for extreme cold weather from US

    https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/indian-troops-at-lac-to-get-clothes-for-extreme-cold-weather-from-us/story-rHezRl33J7soIV7sPRkeGK.html In a major boost to India’s preparedness to take on the Chinese on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Indian Army has received the initial...
  2. Raphael

    Japan is 'shocked' and furious with US after major coronavirus outbreak at 2 Marine bases in Okinawa

    https://www.businessinsider.com.au/coronavirus-outbreaks-us-marine-bases-in-japan-anger-authorities-2020-7 Japanese authorities are demanding answers from the US after a large scale coronavirus outbreak among Marines stationed in the country’s southern prefecture of Okinawa. 61 Marines have...
  3. Raphael

    In Silicon Valley, Cisco civil rights lawsuit could expose rampant caste prejudice against Dalits

    https://thewire.in/caste/cisco-caste-discrimination-silicon-valley-dalit-prejudice Networks of upper caste professionals work in tandem to keep out those they see as inferior. San Francisco: Over 20 years ago, a student at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay figured that a classmate was...
  4. Raphael

    How US restrictions drove Huawei and Deutsche Telekom closer together

    https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/07/deutsche-telekom-huawei-us-restrictions-350252 Global telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom strengthened its strategic partnership with Huawei last year despite growing defiance toward the dominant Chinese 5G vendor, documents reviewed by POLITICO show. The...
  5. Raphael

    US visa move will hurt Indian students

    https://asiatimes.com/2020/07/us-visa-move-will-hurt-indian-students/ Close on the heels of curbs on H1B US visas, the Trump administration has now imposed restrictions on foreign students enrolled in American universities. This move is expected to adversely affect Indians studying in the US...
  6. Raphael

    Featured Ericsson, Nokia are more Chinese than meets the eye

    https://asiatimes.com/2020/07/ericsson-nokia-are-more-chinese-than-meets-the-eye/ Australia is shocked – shocked – to discover that its main supplier of telecom equipment, Ericsson, depends on Chinese equipment from Panda Electronics, a Nanjing-based manufacturer that appears on the Pentagon’s...
  7. Raphael

    Filipino children abandoned to internet sex abusers during coronavirus

    https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3091997/filipino-children-abandoned-internet-sex-abusers The boy is 16 years old, and law enforcement officers believe he’s being sexually exploited by foreigners over the internet – abuse that seems to have been going on for years. He...
  8. Raphael

    Indian journalist sparks outrage after claiming that Lord Hanuman had a “gay crush” on Lord Rama

    https://www.opindia.com/2020/07/the-wire-hindu-national-herald-journalists-hinduphobia-lord-hanuman-gay-lord-ram/ It appears that the only prerequisite to having gainful employment with the notorious leftist websites such as ‘The Wire’ and ‘The Hindu’ is to harbour and manifest Hinduphobic...
  9. Raphael

    Second Taiwan soldier dies after anti-landing drill accident in island's south

    https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3960688 A solider who fell overboard during a military anti-landing drill last week died in hospital Sunday, bringing the death toll to two in the boat accident that occurred off the coast of Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan. Staff Sergeant Chen Chih-jung...
  10. Raphael

    Indonesia wants firms relocating from China. Why are so few coming?

    https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/economics/article/3091697/indonesia-wants-firms-relocating-china-why-are-so-few-coming Indonesia has set up a task force to attract businesses leaving China and is in talks with the US government to help American firms make the move – but there have been few...
  11. Raphael

    Indi-Chini bhow bhow: A strategy that will prove our country’s superiority once and for all

    https://www.thehindu.com/life-and-style/strategies-to-prove-our-countrys-superiority/article31981150.ece I feel a tremendous sense of relief knowing that we have given a befitting reply to those who eyed our territory in Ladakh. I have immediately discontinued my Ayurvedic antidepressants. If...
  12. Raphael

    UK PM's wife calls for ban on Thai coconut products made with monkey labour

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-retail-monkey-labour/stop-selling-products-that-use-monkey-labour-uk-pms-fiancee-tells-retailers-idUSKBN2440TU LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s fiancée Carrie Symonds on Friday welcomed pledges by four British retailers to stop selling...
  13. Raphael

    Hong Kong domestic helper jailed for spiking employer’s meals, hospitalizing mother and young son

    https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3090410/hong-kong-domestic-helper-jailed-spiking-employers ... Kowloon City Court heard 39-year-old maid Rinda had a poor relationship with Chan Yi-kiu, after she started working for the Wong Tai Sin household in July 2018. ...
  14. Raphael

    U.S. warns Russia, China of U.N. isolation if Iran arms ban extension blocked

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-usa-un-exclusive-idUSKBN23V2HF NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia and China will be isolated at the United Nations if they continue down the “road to dystopia” by blocking a U.S. bid to extend a weapons ban on Iran, U.S. Iran envoy Brian Hook told...
  15. Raphael

    IMF June forecast: China only major economy to have positive growth in 2020

    https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2020/06/24/WEOUpdateJune2020 Covid-19 pandemic has truly separated the wheat from the chaff, the competent from the incompetent :coffee:
  16. Raphael

    China to Overtake U.S. as World’s Largest Retail Market in 2020

    https://wwd.com/business-news/retail/china-to-overtake-u-s-as-worlds-largest-retail-market-in-1203659621/ LONDON — China’s retail market is expected to overtake the U.S. and become the world’s largest one as early as this year, eMarketer finds. One recording-breaking sales figure after...
  17. Raphael

    Pompeo demands China adopt Western Values and Rule-Set

    Wow whites haven't changed at all from imperialist times, they still have the same white supremacist mindset of dictating to nonwhites and ordering them to give up their culture and traditions.
  18. Raphael

    Border Conflict Does Little to Damp Chinese Phone Sales in India

    https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/border-conflict-does-little-to-damp-chinese-phone-sales-in-india (Bloomberg) -- OnePlus, a China-based smartphone maker, saw its latest model sold off within minutes in India on Thursday, despite growing calls for boycott of Chinese goods following a...
  19. Raphael

    Modi punishes Xi: No ‘Happy Birthday’ this year

    https://www.telegraphindia.com/india/narendra-modi-punishes-xi-jinping-no-happy-birthday-this-year/cid/1781445 Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave Chinese President Xi Jinping’s birthday a miss on Monday, in the only hint from him till late on Tuesday night that Sino-Indo relations are at their...
  20. Raphael

    US bitcoin fugitive Russ Medlin arrested on child sex charges in Indonesia

    https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3089307/us-bitcoin-fugitive-russ-medlin-arrested-sex-charges A US fugitive wanted in his home country in connection with a US$700 million cryptocurrency scam has been arrested in Jakarta on sex charges, authorities in Indonesia said on...
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