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AgNoStiC MuSliM
AgNoStiC MuSliM
The World Wide Web is vast. Pick some other place, but this forum will continue to act against individuals that dredge up sect. We will not crack down on Shia or allow anti-Shia posts just because some people can't get over their sectarian biases, and the same applies to anti-Sunni posts.
That is indeed true, World Web is Vast, and there are many neutral forum with better moderation teams, Look mate, take my advice if you are pretending to be neutral you need to do a better job, you can not be neutral while literally using one particular sect in a derogatory way, You getting mad on me for merely pointing it out or asking you not be sectarian speaks its volume.
And dude, you are literally the one who said Sunnis are the biggest threat to Pakistan, that is in every definition in every book is a Sectarian comment, you guys are hilarious as one moderator issue warning for breaking rule, while no rule is being broke, and others are saying don't be sectarians while being Sectarian. Are you guys real or this is some sort of joke?
AgNoStiC MuSliM
AgNoStiC MuSliM
Nope - that is a complete mischaracterization of my post. I would encourage you to go back and read it again, along with the post I responded to. Pay special attention to the vocabulary used instead of just focusing on the word 'Sunni'. Additionally, I already explained my post to you in said thread.
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