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Recent content by SvenSvensonov

  1. SvenSvensonov

    US Space Program - a thread

    Pluto and Charon, from New Horizons - from a NASA feature on the mission.
  2. SvenSvensonov

    US Space Program - a thread

    Seems like just yesterday that Curiosity touched down on Mars, and we're already planning for the next rover:usflag:. ... NASA's Next Mars Rover Progresses Toward 2020 Launch This image is from computer-assisted-design work on the Mars 2020 rover. The design leverages many successful...
  3. SvenSvensonov

    US's top drone manufacturer General Atomics to open office in India

    Serious? No. Mocking. If you didn't laugh while reading my post, you were reading the tone wrong:partay:. As honest as I can be, I find PDF comedic for the misrepresentation of the defense relationships of nations. So laugh, laugh hard while reading it... then realize why and somber. Apart...
  4. SvenSvensonov

    Swords Axes Spears

    Several spear head types arose too. A woodcutting head called a höggspjót with a large, heavier head. Once again, they weren't two handed and were wielded with a shield. And a smaller, hooked or winged head or cutting and ripping, this being the krókspjót. These would be used as throwing...
  5. SvenSvensonov

    Swords Axes Spears

    I'm no expert on LOTR lore (or that interested in it to be honest), but a red haired dwarf? Hard to get much more Scandinavian then that. It's where the Berserker came from: Whether based on the Jews or not, he is one of our kin. ... Anywho, back on topic. @+4vsgorillas-Apebane makes a...
  6. SvenSvensonov

    Swords Axes Spears

    He's Welsh, which the Viking raiders brought back to Scandinavia during raids... it's how red hair began to show up in Scandinavian populations. Besides, he's a f*cking Dwarf!!! That's as Scandinavian as Folklore gets. Despite being adorable, this isn't native to the Nordic nations: It only...
  7. SvenSvensonov

    Swords Axes Spears

    Nonsense, he is one of us. Besides, how'd he beat our "tree"? Cross the North Sea:lol:? The Draug will eat him first:D.
  8. SvenSvensonov

    Swords Axes Spears

    You're right, that broken link is scaaaaary:D. *Try a different source, or take a screenshot of the pic.
  9. SvenSvensonov

    Swords Axes Spears

    Especially if a man the size of a large tree is swinging it at your face:butcher:. It's kind of gross:D, but a neat video from Cold Steel on the damage a Viking Dane Axe can do: The pigs, chickens and the cow skulls in our video are real. They are sourced from our local butcher, and the meat...
  10. SvenSvensonov

    Swords Axes Spears

    Swords, the bigger the better. No toothpick is going to slay a Frost Giant, now is it? The Dane Axe was a trusty staple of the Viking too. Double sided axes are pure fantasy BS:angry:. Peasant classes had access to woodcutting axes and spears, so they too weren't uncommon. So I guess...
  11. SvenSvensonov

    10 Top Medical Breakthroughs

    That's my job:happy:. While I also work on military programs relating to biomechatronics, I spend a great deal of my time developing newer prosthetics for wounded soldiers, which will trickle down to the general population. Originally these were functional, but not responsive devices: Now...
  12. SvenSvensonov

    US Space Program - a thread

    First color image from Juno. Up close images will begin to come in around August. ... The JunoCam camera aboard NASA's Juno mission is operational and sending down data after the spacecraft’s July 4 arrival at Jupiter. Juno’s visible-light camera was turned on six days after Juno fired its...
  13. SvenSvensonov

    US Space Program - a thread

    Time lapse of James Webb Telescope
  14. SvenSvensonov

    Pokemon GO

  15. SvenSvensonov

    Video Gamers report in!

    Looks like Pokémon Go is good for something else too:bunny:. http://gizmodo.com/did-you-get-laid-playing-pokemon-go-1783444839 Social interaction, who knew it was good for you:o:? My wife and I are into it, so read into that what you want:partay:. But really squishy:(. Too easy to kill...
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