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  1. S

    China's massive navy is only getting bigger, and the US is looking overseas for help keeping its warships in action

    The US navy is spread out thin across the world. China needs another 5-10 years to be ready for decisively defeat the US navy in the APAC region. From there China can simply out-build the US for new ships. Taiwan is coming home in the next few years.
  2. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Heavy hits in Ashkelon.
  3. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Many friendly fire incidents in israel. the occupying forces are in total disarray.
  4. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    1 occupier terrorist killed when a Merkava tank fell off a trailer :D
  5. S

    Iranian Space program

    I think the lack of support plays a larger role than sanctions. Surely, Iran is a tech powerhouse in the middle east. If they had wanted, they would have a far more capable SLV. Space is not cheap and require significant investments. For now Iran seems to be more interested in investing in...
  6. S

    Iranian Space program

    But haven't we been hearing this for years now? What vehicle and when? Obviously, a lot of things can go wrong. However, they've had multiple successes with validating the launch vehicles technologies. Last month they tested the vehicle itself in a sub-orbital flight. They are moving quickly...
  7. S

    Iranian Space program

    Is it true that after all these years, Iran has not been able to put more than 52kg in orbit? The industry seems to really be neglected. Meanwhile, Turkiye is expected to put 100kg at a 300km orbit later this year. Turkiye is a newcomer to SLVs and they are moving quickly. At this point, I had...
  8. S

    TTP fighters infiltrate into Chitral and attempt to seize villages/posts 6/9/23

    Is this video authentic? Claimed to be captured Pakistani soldiers.
  9. S

    TTP fighters infiltrate into Chitral and attempt to seize villages/posts 6/9/23

    Tbh, I think Pakistan would be much better off with a TTP government. Many of you who are crying now, wanted Sharia for Afghanistan a few years ago. So Sharia for Afghanistan but not Pakistan? Are you a mushrik or what?
  10. S

    Turkey seeks partners for TF-X fighter program amid fiscal uncertainty

    No. this is the only article equating finding partners for a 5th generation fighter development with financial difficulties. Turkiye will develop and induct KAAN even if there is no other partners to the program. Having partners on the other hand will help reduce the cost per unit and make a...
  11. S

    Turkey seeks partners for TF-X fighter program amid fiscal uncertainty

    The author of the article is known to write bs about Turkiye. In one of his articles he wanted Turkiye to be kicked out of NATO so that the US could attack Turkiye. Basically everything he writes is from his imagination without substance.
  12. S

    Taliban issues Travel Advisory to citizens about travel to Pakistan

    Not to mention, this week we signed contract for mining amounting to a record 6.56 billion USD in FDI Pakistan needs stability and an end to corruption . We can prosper a lot together!
  13. S

    FREE Afghanistan , building 280 KM artificial Canal by own resources

    I've been saying this before. A slightly more moderate Taliban government that allows women to go to school and work (which will happen soon as vast majority of the younger leaders are moderate) is the perfect government for a united Aghanistan and Pakistan. Our mineral wealth and no...
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