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  1. N

    Diamer-Basha Dam: engineering design, tender documents of project completed

    Diamer-Basha Dam: engineering design, tender documents of project completed LAHORE (July 01 2008): Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) Chairman Shakeel Durrani has said that the detailed engineering design and tender documents of the multi-purpose Diamer-Basha Dam project had been...
  2. N

    Sir Muradk in Hospital

    I'm shocked and worried by this development, my prayers are with you and family for speedy recovery. Sir Murad is a national hero, but above that for most of us he's a father, brother, friend and we all need him. He's a tough guy, two wars and many others hazzards during his carreer couldn't...
  3. N

    Stupid and Funny from all over the world

    From Holland with Love. :smitten:
  4. N

    Stupid and Funny from all over the world

    Thanks...found it on some anti-Obama site. :lol:
  5. N

    India agrees to delink ‘Composite Dialogue’ from terror fight

    India brought back to the table SHARM EL-SHEIKH (July 17 2009): The joint communque issued at the conclusion of the prime ministerial talks between Pakistan and India reflects Pakistan's resolve to get India back on the negotiating table, something that New Delhi had stubbornly and...
  6. N

    Baluchistan included in Indo-Pak joint statement.

    Stop meddling in Balochistan, Gilani tells India's Prime Minister :tup: SHARM-EL-SHEIKH (July 17 2009): For the first time in the history of roller-coaster Indo-Pak relations, Pakistan took up the issue of insurgency in Balochistan with India at the highest level when Prime Minister Yusuf...
  7. N

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates

    Water and power sector: CDWP likely to approve 25 projects today ISLAMABAD (July 17 2009): Central Development Working Party (CDWP) of the Planning Commission is expected to recommend/approve 25 projects worth Rs 940.5 billion in water and power sector in its special meeting today (Friday)...
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