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Recent content by Energon

  1. Energon

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    I'm not the one who brought up this ridiculous pairing of India and Israel; it is inherently illogical for you to blame this canard on me. The foundation of the US- Israel relationship has nothing in common with it's foreign policy toward India. All you're doing is dressing up and recycling...
  2. Energon

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    Conducting a standard intelligence practice (HUMINT) that is not synonymous with the orchestration of an armed insurgency. Other than the Iranians nobody had access to this region, but now they do, and everyone who has a vested interest is bound to invest heavily into the cultivation of assets...
  3. Energon

    Of Pakistan, Terrorism, and Confusion

    Excellent post The Patriot. My two bits... The notion that "before the 9/11 inspired American intervention there was no problem because we lived peacefully with the extremist groups" is inherently flawed. This status quo was heavily pathological and unfeasible in the long term. In exchange...
  4. Energon

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    AM, I'm not sure I understand your argument; rather, I'm not sure there is one to be made. You are speculating about the 'true meaning' of an open ended statement made by someone else (an inherently dubious undertaking). Except now she has gone ahead and actually expounded upon the meaning of...
  5. Energon

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    Agno, this isn't what she's saying. She's primarily referring to HUMINT, which isn't synonymous with promotion of terrorism or armed subversive conflict. HUMINT of course is the most basic and standard approach by any government's intelligence agency. In the greater scheme of things, the...
  6. Energon

    Suicide Blast In Muzaffarabad

    Taliban bomber kills 2 troops in Pakistani Kashmir By RYAN LUCAS Associated Press Writer ISLAMABAD (AP) -- The Taliban claimed responsibility for a suicide attack Friday on security forces in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, calling it a sign that recent military strikes targeting the...
  7. Energon

    Pakistan must not be used for terror, Singh tells Zardari

    No it doesn't, dissimilar comparisons. And there's nothing going on in Afghanistan. The evidence suggests just that.. lower LoC crossings and infiltrations. I am unable to come to the same conclusion as you at this point.
  8. Energon

    Pakistan must not be used for terror, Singh tells Zardari

    At the same time he can genuinely reach out to Pakistan only because of the paradigm shift the government has taken in regards to accosting militancy and radicalism. The credit goes both ways IMHO
  9. Energon

    Pakistan must not be used for terror, Singh tells Zardari

    Pakistan split primarily on account of its inability to govern itself adequately; and India's involvement which led to the formalization of the split came through official military channels and an open declaration of war. The preamble to the war was a byproduct of what Pakistan itself started...
  10. Energon

    Pakistan must not be used for terror, Singh tells Zardari

    I have to disagree with Agnostic Muslim on this point again. Despite all the counterarguments there is nothing palpable that suggests that when it comes to the employment of terrorism as a frontline state policy that India and Pakistan have been equals. Pakistan is very much unique in...
  11. Energon

    Pakistan must not be used for terror, Singh tells Zardari

    There are no "good guys" and "bad guys" here. Zardari wasn't directly responsible for creating the terrorism institutions that all the violence in question has been traced back to. He is nonetheless the current leader of a state that has over time accumulated all of these virulent entities...
  12. Energon

    Pakistan crackdown to backfire: Imran

    Although having rightly addressed the brutal and depressive nature of this conflict, Mr. Khan has entirely missed the central point. By taking the radicalized militias head on, Pakistan has for the first time instituted a paradigm shift in its outlook and policy which has up until now done the...
  13. Energon

    State of Taliban aggression

    The problem is that their skill sets are acquired and refined through institutions created by the state for a specific purpose, which is what makes them responsible despite current public proclamations of disownment (which for the current government are probably genuine). The point however is...
  14. Energon

    State of Taliban aggression

    That analogy even if facetious does not work in the case of Frankenstein creations.
  15. Energon

    Blast in Pearl Continental Hotel

    In developing nations with poor infrastructures, luxury hotels usually double up as social and economic centers and hence feature as prominent landmarks (generally associated with modernity) in their respective cities or vicinities. I'm not saying that they are targets for this specific...
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